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1、翻译三级笔译实务 - 工业发展 (Industry)( 总分: 140.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、B I /B(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1. We are soberly aware that China remains the worlds largest developing country, with a large population, weak economic foundation, uneven development, and challenges of unparalleled magnitude and complexity.(分数: 2.00 ) 正

2、确答案: () 解析:我们清醒地认识到,中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。中国人口多、底子薄、发展很不平衡, 在发展中遇到的矛盾和问题,无论是规模还是复杂性,都是世所罕见的。2. Britains largest manufacturing industry is the iron and steel industry and Britain remains one of the worlds major steel-producing nations.(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: () 解析:英国最大的制造业是钢铁工业,而且英国一直是世界重要钢铁生产国之一。3. The unprece

3、dented high-level exchanges between the two sides have given a strong boost to the strategic mutual trust and the overall improvement and growth of the China-US relations. (分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: () 解析:双方高层接触之多前所未有,大大增加了两国战略互信,推进了中美关系的改善和发展。4. The automobile industry is one of the most important industrie

4、s in the world, affecting not only the economy but also the cultures of the world.(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: () 解析:汽车工业是世界上最重要的工业,它不仅影响世界经济,也影响世界文化。5. Being the worlds fourth largest exporter of medicines, Britains pharmaceutical industry has some of the worlds largest multinational research-intensive manufa

5、cturers.(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: () 解析:作为世界第四大药品出口国,英国制药业拥有一些世界上最大的跨国研究型生产商。6. Ranked as one of the most important industries in Britain, the motor components industry consists of over 2,000 companies.(分数: 2.00 )8. Bio-medicine production, well-knows as a Golden Industry and remaining stagnant for years, w

6、as showing vigor of growth.(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: () 解析:生物制药,作为“金色产业”多年来一直处于停滞状态,开始显示出勃勃生机。9. A sound China-U. S. relationship serves the fundamental interest of the two countries and their people, and the peace, stabilityand development of the Asia-Pacific region and the world as well.(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案:

7、()解析:一个良好的中美关系符合两国和两国人民的根本利益, 也有利于亚太乃至世界的和平、 稳定与发展。10. Chinas WTO entry makes it imperative for enterprises to increase their competitive power, and for industries to establish their comparative advantages.(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析:中国加入 WTO迫切要求企业加强竞争力,确立产业竞争优势。二、B n /B(总题数:10,分数:20.00)11. 中国是个大国,百分之八十的

8、人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的十分之一,其余为山脉、森林、城 镇和其他用地。(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture, but only one tenth of the land is farmland, the rest being mountains, forests and places for urban and other uses.12. 此时此刻,通过现代通信手段的奇迹,看到和听到我们讲话的人比整个世界历

9、史上任何时刻都要多 (分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: At this moment, through the wonder of telecommunications, more people are seeing and hearing what we say than on any other occasions in the whole history of the world.13. 从她的文字看来,她是一个亲切而慷慨的朋友,又不失敏锐的头脑和绝佳的幽默感。(分数: 2.00 )正确答案: ()解析: Her writing revealed her to be a ki

10、nd and generous friend with a sharp wit and marvellous sense of humour.14. 我是1929年8月17日在阿巴拉契山脉煤矿区中心的肯塔基州出生的,父亲叫奥利弗鲍尔斯,母亲叫埃达鲍尔斯,我在他们的六个子女中排行老二。(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: Born on August 17,1929 in Kentucky, in the heart of the Appalachian coal-mining country, I was the second of six children of Oliver an

11、d Ida Powers.15. 他的眼睛格外大,却少了原本该有的那份天真无邪,看着陌生人时尤其显得老成。 (分数: 2.00 )正确答案: ()解析: His eyes are too wide yet not as innocent as they should have been, especially when catching sight of strangers.16. 每个人都有各自的长处与缺点,应该互相学习,才能取人之长,补己之短。(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: Everyone has his own strong points as well as his

12、shortcomings. They should learn from each other, so that each can adopt the others strong points, offset his own weaknesses.17. 他点点头,喉头发紧,一句话也说不出来。(分数: 2.00 )正确答案: ()解析: He nodded, unable to say anything through the tightness of his throat.18. 中国执行改革开放政策,争取在五十到七十年间发展起来。(分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: By pur

13、suing a policy of reform and opening to the outside world, China is striving to become developed within a 50-70 years.19. 另外一些人可以在工厂农村住几个月,在那里做调查,交朋友。 (分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: Others can stay for a few months in the factories or villages, conducting investigations and making friends.20. 胡先生背着手,似乎在很有兴

14、趣地“欣赏”这幅作品。 (分数: 2.00 ) 正确答案: ()解析: Mr. Hu, with his hands resting behind his back, seemed to be appreciating the picture with great interest.三、B川/B(总题数:1,分数:60.00)21. Bobal Industrialization/B Industrialization changed the world. Few places on earth have escaped its impact. However, the nature of t

15、he impact varies from place to place. Understanding the global consequences of industrialization requires an understanding of how industrialization differed in each place. Industrialization is always initially a regional, not a national, phenomenon as demonstrated by the long industrial lag of the A

16、merican South. Many other parts of Western Europe plus the United States followed Britain in the early 19th century. A few other European regions - Sweden, Holland, northern Italy - began serious industrialization only at mid-century. The next big wave of new industrialization, beginning around the 1880s, embraced Russia and Japan. A final


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