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1、 八(上) Unit 4 Do it yourself 期中复习 如皋市丁堰初中 2013-10-10 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself 背诵讲义Class_ Name_I. 词形变化(标出词性,说出区别,强化记忆) brush-brushes exactly-exact terrible-terribly shelf-shelves cut-cutmix-mixedleave-left-leftproper-improper correct-correctly-incorrect finish-finished certain- uncertain active-inacti

2、ve possible-impossibletidy-untidy spell spelling comfortable- uncomfortable- comfortablystick-stuck paint-painting important-unimportant interesting-uninteresting patient-impatient able-unable fair-unfair friendly-unfriendly happy-unhappy healthy-unhealthy kind-unkind lucky-unlucky pleasant-unpleasa

3、nt usual-unusual complete-incompletedirect-indirect polite-impolite II. 动词短语1. had better get some tools 最好拿一些工具had better not paint it blue 最好别将它涂成蓝色2. pay some money for something 为某物付钱 pay someone to do something 付钱给某人做某事3. advise him to take a course in DIY 建议他上自己动手做方面的课程4. fail to do sth 做某事失败

4、fail to pass the exam = fail in the exam 考试失败5. try to do sth. 尝试做某事6. cut out剪出7. tidy up收拾妥,整理好8. keep it secret保密9. go wrong弄错,犯错,(机器)出故障10. make my mum a card = make a card for my mum给妈妈做一张卡片11. make a mistake / make mistakes 犯错12. spell the words wrong 拼错单词13. make things from old clothes 用旧衣服做

5、东西14. stick it on the cover把它贴在封面上15. put up 张贴 put on 穿(衣服等) 上演(戏剧等) put off 推迟16. give up doing 放弃做某事17. keep doing 持续不断做某事 有时也用 keep on doing 18. take time 费时19. cut sth.into 把某物切成20. make sure 确保,保证21. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做另外的事儿III. 其它重要短语和句子1. do it yourself 自己动手做2. Here a

6、re clear instructions 这里是清晰的说明3. Whats next ? 下一步是什么?4. No problem. 没问题。5. instead of doing sth 代替 而不是6. What do you need for that ? 做那个你需要什么 ?7. a pair of scissors 一把剪刀8. stand for 代表9. be crazy about 对着迷10. look terrible 看上去可怕11. put in a brighter light 安装一个更亮的灯12. fill with 用填充be filled with = be

7、 full of 充满,装满13. a shelf above my bed 我床上方的架子14. know everything about it 知道关于它的一切15. know much more about DIY 关于自己动手做,知道多得多16. how to do it 如何做what to do 做什么17. He spent five hours putting up the shelf on the wall. 他花费5个小时在墙上竖起架子。 = It took him five hours to put up the shelf on the wall.18. One en

8、d of the shelf was much higher than the other. 架子的一端比另一端高得多。19. So instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturday. 所以取而代之的是,我自己在读所有的书并且每周六去上课。20. all day = the whole day 整天21. next door 隔壁22. with some roses on it 有一些玫瑰在上面 23. on the other side of 在的另一边 / 另一面 帮你归纳:指一

9、共只有两边或两面的事物时才能这样用 24. youd better buy a new one帮你归纳:d = had. Had better + 动词原形 表示建议“最好做某事”25. for example 例如26. Do you spend a lot of time doing outdoor sports? = Does it take you a lot of time to do outdoor sports? 你花很多时间进行室外体育运动吗?27. Im certain that I can fix it myself. 我确信我能自己把它修好。相当于 Im sure (th

10、at) I can fix it myself.28. right now = at once 立刻,马上 just now 刚才29. we had fun working together. 我们一起工作和有趣。帮你归纳: have fun / a good time / difficulty + 动词的 ing 形式。30. I coloured the room red. 我把房间涂成红色。类似结构的句子:Paint the wall blue. 把墙漆成蓝色、31. final = at last = in the end 最后,终于IV. 重要语法语法一:祈使句对他人发出命令,提出

11、要求或建议时,常使用祈使句。1祈使句的主语一般不明确表示出来。2祈使句的肯定形式以动词原形开头,一般有三种:Do型、Be型、Let型。否定形式是在动词原形前加dont。3祈使句的反义疑问句的简略疑问句,一般用will you?但是Lets.句型后加shall we?语法二:用should和had better表示建议当给他人提建议时,可以用should和had better,表示“最好”或“应该”做某事,后者比前者语气强一些。1should和had better是情态动词,后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。2 should和had better否定形式是:had better not和should not/shouldnt.3 had better 的had 常缩写为d。V. 交际1. - Youd better - - No problem. 2. - Are they quick and easy to make? Sure. 3. - Is that all right? 4. - Are you able to fix your bicycle? Yes/No. 1


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