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1、Oxford Englih 3B xrcise1 姓名_ 一、对的抄写句子 what ayu see alcei cant ee_ 二、翻译词组 一架飞机_ 几辆公共汽车_ 几种孩子_ 窗边_ 落下_ 一艘玩具轮船_ 三、用所给的词对的形式填空 1. Ths isy _( rlers) . Lok _( I ) bag. Is nice. 3. ee tw_(bus) 4. I an hears om dog.Cnyuar _(they)5. I can har _(a)aeropane. 四、根据规定回答问题 . Wha canou se?一种苹果_ 2. hat color itedoor

2、? 灰色_ 3. Wtcoour ae the books?绿色_ . re he rubbers? 是的_ . s his an orange? 不是_ 五、根据规定变化句子 1. Wat it? Its aus. (复数)_ 2. Mya isbron.watcolour _ . Ian seen app.否认句_4. I antsee a ag. 肯定句_ 5 I se aird. (用ha提问) _ Oxfr English 3B Exercise 2一、任意填空每格一词。 1. - _ _ is the ds? - _ back.2. - Wa _ yhear? -Ica hea _

3、 aeroplae. 3. - _ youlik bananas? - _, Idont.4. -oc e ar. _ ds t_? - Its _ nd _.5. -Tou te pnples. How _ _ fel? - _ rough andhar. 二、按规定改写下列句子。 1. he cake s soft ndough.(用how提问)_ 2. w does te a eel?(又软又粗糙) _ 3. They a oth lasse.(对划线部分提问) _ 4. How do the glasses fel?.(硬的和光滑的) _5. can draw a cire.(否认句)

4、 6. MisWng canea moky.(对划线部分提问并做否认回答)_四、 用所给词填空每词限用一次 in at to on for with 1.hee resshi _ the shop.2. There ae ma appls _ he t.Lisen_ heteacher an look _ e blcbor, ples 4 n ch andfeel_ y ans. 5. Donbe lae _ shoolaain.Oxford Engish Excse3 一 对的抄写句子 hwoesitfl s itot ye tis _二 用所给词的合适形式填空 1. Lookthat _(

5、aroplae). Its bg. 2 Mng can hear _(dog) ut _(ca) herca. . I n see to paper _(b).4. My _(a) isblack. My_(eye)r b. 5 ow _(do) th desk el? Hard d mooth.6. There is ome _(salt) inte wl. It vry _(st). 三 用所给的词对的形式完毕对话 what, colour, can, it, how, touch, feel, smooth, see, hard A:Wha _ youfel? B: can _ a oy

6、 car A: _ _s it? B: _is redan back. A:_ teycar. _des it_?B: It _ d _五变化句子1They ar iecream. (改为单数句) _ 2. He my fatr.(对划线部分提问) _ 3. I cansee e and bak.(对划线部分提问) _ 4. Mys arbig.(改为一般疑问句,并做否认回答) _ 5 T apl s smoh.(对划线部分提问) _ 6. It a red apl.(对划线部分提问) _ 六、阅读回答 Helo! I Sam. m dog. y er aelong tai isshortIm

7、thin I sall. black and whie. ok! Thisis my fn, May.y s at.tseas small. Its tail long. We lie tplaywit thebll.Were py. 1. s Sam a cat? _ . e Samsars ong? _ . Wat colours Sam? _ I as i hor?_ 5.Ae Sa and May hpp?_ Oxford Eglish3B Exercise4 一对的抄写下列句子。cse your esste this is ily _二任意填空 1. Hr _two cae. They_nice. 2.Taste is. _it ? Yes,it_ .M W_a toy rabbits til_rt.4. ase the apple.ow_t tste? 5._te sat.t sat 6I an_wit se 7.I can_wth my hads.I an_and _with m ees ad ars.Fethe gss



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