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1、本学期第一单元非常有意思,是关于未来的。同学们,你对未来有什么憧憬?未来会是什么样子的呢?对比你的过去,现在,你想在未来变成什么样?你希望家里以后有个机器人吗?你想乘坐火箭飞到外太空吗?本单元跟随我们的课堂一起到未来遨游吧Section A Period1读词:robot, wont=will not, theyll=they will, everything, paper, use, less, fewer, pollution, tree, in peoples homes, be free, live to be, in 100 years(从现在算起100年后), more/less,

2、 pollution, free time读句:1.陈述句 There will be more pollution. Kids will study at home computers. 2.一般疑问句 Will there be less pollution? Yes, there will./ No, there wont. 3.否定句 Kids wont go to school.能力目标:1.能掌握will引导的一般将来时肯定与否定形式对将来发生的事情进行预测,并准确表达。记住:will /wont+动词原型 2.正确区别fewer& less的用法,less修饰不可数名词,fewe

3、r修饰可数名词。(提前预习)一找出下列单词表达:(温馨提示:翻到单词表并结合课文P2的1a内容)1.机器人( ) 2.每件事物().纸().树().污染().活到。().be free( ) 8.in 100 years ( ) 9.in peoples homes ( )(课中练习)二结合上述单词,用所给词的适当形式填空:(温馨提示:结合1a,2a的内容)1. 我试着用更少的时间记住更多的单词I try to use _(little)time to remember_(many)words.2.株洲的水污染有点严重The water _ (pollute) in Zhuzhou is a

4、little bit serious.3. 100年后,人们都将活到200岁People will live _ (be) 200 years old in 100 years.4. 我希望在未来,所有的东西都会是免费的。I hope everything_(be)free in the future.(课中练习)三请根据句意,用more/less/fewer填空语法提示:many可数/much不可数“许多”的比较级为more,最高级为most few”少”修饰可数名词,比较级fewer,最高级fewest little”少”修饰不可数名词,比较级less,最高级least 1. We can

5、 use cars _ and plant _ trees to fight pollution.2. Kim likes reading, so he spends _ money on books than the other things.3. If we have robots, we can finish the work with _ people and _ time.4. I have _ apples than you.You should give me some.5. Our city will become more beautiful. I think there w

6、ill be _ tall buidings and _ pollution in it._我们来挑战一下吧,看大家是不是已经自学会用了本单元最重要的will表达将来的用法检测题:请用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空(注意加粗的时间标志词)语法提示:will+动词原形表达将来,“将。”,否定will not=wont1. There_ ( be) a sports meeting in our school next week.2. Mary is unhappy because she _ (not have) any day off next week.3. The Greens _ (go)

7、 to France two years ago.They _ (come) back in a month.4. Maria often _ (walk) to school. But she _ (ride)her bicycle to school next week.5. Tony _ (wan) to be a boss of a big company in three years. I dont think his dream _ (come) true.Section A Period 2读词:building, shell=she will, be free, in high

8、 school, in college, five years ago, in five years读句:What do you think Sally will be in five years ? I think there will be more tall buidings. 理解:作插入语时,意为“你认为”,放在特殊疑问句词后,疑问句的其他部分应用陈述句语序。能力目标:1.运用上述句型,能够准确表述将要发生的事情 2.正确运用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时温馨提示:本课时涉及到的过去式变形: is/am-was ,play-played, have/has-had(提前预习)一在

9、单词表中找到这些词语,试着翻译句子1. There will be no money one day. Everything will be _ .(免费的)2. She is writing something on a piece of _ .(纸)3. She will study in _ (大学) in two years.4. There are two tall _ (建筑物) over there .5. One day people will _(飞行) to the _(月球) for a vacation.(课中练习)二单项选择1.What do you think _

10、?(插入语放在特殊疑问词后,疑问句用陈述句语序) A. Tom like best B.does Tom like best C.Tom likes best2.There _ more people in the future A. will have B.will be C.is going to have3.- _ will you finish doing the dishes ? - In ten minutes A.How long B.How often C.How soon (多快)4.There will be _ pollution this year than last

11、year. A.fewer B.much C.less5.I think people here are friendly. Do you agree _ me? A.with B.to C. on选做题(课中练习)用所给单词的适当形式填空:1.I wont _ (be) free next Monday.2.They are _ (visit) New York for their vacation.3.Maria _ (stay) with me this afternoon.4.We all _ (enjoy) the party last Sunday.5.Look! What _ t

12、hey _ (do) now._我们来挑战一下吧,根据下方的导言和首字母,补全短文内的空格导言:2050年会是什么样子?家里的电器会越来越袖珍,比如电脑,电视。我们会在海底生活工作,机器取代了人类,人们会有更多的假期。你想去月球度假吗?想想,这该多有趣呀!In the year 2050, everyone will have a pocket(袖珍) c _1_ . The computer will give people the a_2_ to many problems. We will also have pocket t_3_ .When we call people, we wi

13、ll be able to see them at the s_4_ time. Maybe a lot of people will l_5_ and work under the sea. Machines will do most o_6_ the work, and people will h_7_ more vacations. They may w_8_ only two or three a week. They will be able to f_9_ to the moon and spend their holidays there. How interesting it

14、w_10_ be!你想成为宇航员吗?航天员是开拓太空之路的先锋,作为一名航天员需要具有崇高的献身精神、高深的学识水平、非凡的工作能力、优秀的环境耐力、良好的心理素质和健康的身体条件。宇航员年龄一般在2535岁,因机舱大小决定了宇航员要求的身高是1.6米到1.72米,55公斤到70公斤。Section B Period 3读词:astronaut, rocket, space, space station, fly, took, moon, in an apartment, fly rocket to the moon 读句:Where do you live? I live in an apartment.能力目标:1.正确理解上述短


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