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1、Unit 7Art Lesson 1词汇知识自主学习. 根据语境写出正确单词1. show a thin figure with an expression of fear 显出一个瘦弱的身影, 脸上带着恐惧的表情2. make people see yellow spots 让人们看到黄点3. let out a powerful scream 发出一声有力的尖叫4. staying at a home for the mentally ill 待在一家精神病院里5. paint the massive circles 画大圆圈 6. beneath this amazing sky 在这片

2、神奇的天空下7. affect his sense of sight 影响他的视觉8. hear the scream of nature 倾听大自然的呐喊9. paint the same scene 27 times 同一个场景画了27次10. seem like quite a mysterious scene 看起来很神秘11. produce different reactions in viewers在观众中产生了不同的反应. 根据语境写出短语的含义1. When she saw him, she let out (发出)a cry of horror. 2. Lets set o

3、n(开始)by reviewing what we did last week. 3. A typical training programme takes the form of a series of (一系列)workshops. 4. They should be given access to the computer it is connected to (与连接的). 5. As for(关于) the problem, I think it is a wise choice for you to buy an e-dictionary. 6. Moreover, you may

4、 have chance to play with (同一起玩)outstanding players. 7. Similarly, Amazon is full of (充满)free e-books, with a list of the top 100 free e-books. 8. Always remember to love your mother, because only have one mother in your lifetime(在你的一生中)! 9. Our country is developing at an amazing speed (以惊人的速度), wh

5、ich is what makes me feel so proud. . 补全句子1. What is strange is that above the house and the tree, we see a daytime sky full of brightness and soft white clouds. 奇怪的是, 在房子和树木之上, 我们看到明亮的天空和柔软的白云。2. It shows a beautiful house lit by lights from inside, surrounded by the darkness of night. 它展示了一座美丽的房子,

6、 房子里充满了灯光, 外面被夜晚的黑暗包围。3. He also took a drug that can make people see yellow spots, just like the stars in The Starry Night. 他还服用了一种能让人看到黄色斑点的药物, 就像星月夜中的星星一样。4. Many experts say that The Scream is connected to Munchs mental heath problems, which caused him a lot of pain. 许多专家说, 呐喊与蒙克的心理健康问题有关, 这给他带来

7、了很多痛苦。5. Magritte was a painter inspired by his thoughts and ideas. 马格利特是一位受到自己思想和想法启发的画家。6. His view was that art should shock the viewers and challenge their sense of reality. 他的观点是艺术应该震撼观众, 挑战他们的现实感。阅读精析合作学习Task 1框架宏观建构: 整体理解1. Skim the passage and fill in the blanks. Paras. 1-3: Introduce the au

8、thor and _ process of The Starry Night. Paras. 4-6: Introduce the author and creation _of The Scream. Paras. 7-9: Introduce the _and creation process of The Empire of Light. 答案: creationprocessauthor2. What is the text type of the passage? A. Narration (记叙文). B. Argumentative Essay (议论文). C. Exposit

9、ory Writing (说明文). D. Practical Writing (应用文). 答案: C3. Whats the main idea of this passage? The passage is mainly about the creation process of the masterpieces of the three painters and peoples comments on their paintings. 【寻技巧提能力】1. Skim (略读) Skim指“略读”, 又称浏览, 指的是跳过文章的具体细节不看, 只看文章的图片、标题或者各段的主旨句等, 在

10、短时间内迅速掌握文章的主旨和大意的阅读方法。它属于理解性技能。 2. 如何用 Skim 策略找主题句? (1)段落首句是主题句的规律 给予例证、解释或说明的段落; 下定义的段落; 对两个或两个以上的事物作比较或对比的段落; 表明原因和结果(往往结果交代在前)的段落。 (2)段落中间句是主题句的规律 段落特征: 描述细节提出主题解释或提问。 (3)段落尾句是主题句的规律 段落特征: 描述细节或交代论据做出概括。 3. 什么是自述式说明文? 自述式说明文就是作者以自己的口吻对某个事物或现象的产生、发展特性、性质、状态功能等进行阐述、介绍、解释或说明的文章。它常用举例、比较、分类或叙述等方法说明事物

11、。Task 2文本微观剖析: 细节探究1. Choose the best answer. (1)Who is the painter of The Empire of Light? A. Edvard Munch. B. Vincent van Gogh. C. Leonardo da Vinci. D. Ren Magritte. (2)What can we learn from the text? A. Van Gogh was a famous artist when he was alive. B. The Starry Night is a successful work of

12、Van Gogh. C. Van Gogh painted The Starry Night using a common method. D. The Starry Night sold well before Van Gogh died. (3)When did Munch paint The Scream? A. In 1893. B. In 1889. C. In 1953. D. In 1954. (4)Why did Magritte paint his works? A. He was encouraged by Van Gogh. B. He loved Edvard Munc

13、hs works. C. He was influenced by his own thoughts and ideas. D. He loved the nature and got inspirations from it. 答案: (1)(4)DBAC2. Reread the passage and fill in the blanks. The Starry NightThe ScreamThe Empire of Lightwriters(1)Vincent van Gogh Edvard MunchRen MagritteWhat may have inspired the pa

14、inter? Van Goghs (2)mental illness may have affected his sense of sight. He also took a drug that can make people see yellow spots. He was walking down the road with two friends when the sun set; suddenly the sky turned as red as blood. . . He stood there shaking. Then he heard the (3)scream of natu

15、re. He was inspired by his (4)thoughts and ideas. Opinions about the paintingHe also thought it was a (5)failure. It is connected to Munchs mental health problems, which caused him a lot of (6)pain. He thought that the change between day and night in the paintings was (7)surprising. 3. Long sentence analysis. (1)In his diary(状语), Munch (主语)talked about(谓语) what inspired him(宾语从句). 译文: 蒙克在他的日记中谈到了灵感的来源



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