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1、小学六年级英语(上)期末试卷听力部分(0分)一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词或短语。(听两遍,共0题,每题1分,计分)( )1. A wt( ). A. lease( )3. A. dirty( )4. A. plan( )5.A aywhere( )6.A. rject( )7 A waste( )8. too uh( )9. A. ligtfirecrcers.( )0. A. DgrB. warB. palaceB. rivB. plane. erywhereB.rotec. ater. muchB. ath lion dnces B.No ring . wll C.pce C dk C

2、.plnt C hereC. pt .wait C. too aC. wat fieworkC. e ue 二、听录音,给下图片标上对的的序号。(听两遍,共5题,每题1分,计5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、根据所听到的句子,选择合适的答句。(听三遍,共5题,每题1分,计5分) ( )1.I ws reat fun. B.Is intesting. C.s gret un ( ) A.Y, he dd. BYes, ees. C.Yes, heis( )3. A. ted TV. B. am gonto watch V. C I am watch T. ( ). ADanger!

3、 B. Bequit. . No fising. ( )5. .We ctke he bus and metro o sool. B. e cansweep teflo. . We canot thrw t ubishi the wae.四、听录音填空。(听三遍,共0空,每空分,计分)I was _ today. went satnga ongcha qare _ my riend,avid The _ many kie i the_. w _thCit Msem.Itassobig nd weod_ otenenet. I inesting picro teall. I ante ttuch

4、 . David oppe m. Becausthere was a _ near .t_ “Do no toc.”We cant tuch t.笔试部分(70分)五、单选。(共15题,每题1分,计15分)( )1.Boysan girl, its te _ cls A fr ae . t hae C.hng ( ) 2. My coat s on for Cn ou_ or me? .ickup t B. pi itp Cpicku( ) 3.Yestera monng, We _ te metro to schol. A. take B akng C tok( ) 4 _ urn w, i

5、lly A. yu B. ours . you( ) 5.sa to any _ in the rive. .ottle B rbish . fish( ) .Threarethree main sool liay i the .They ae he Estehoay. te smmerholidaandh _ oldyA. Hallwee B.Chrismas . Natnal Da( ) here wasa lot of _as wekd t _ha A.rai; rain B rainy; aned C. rai; rainy( ) 8. -_ ynthe UK a eek ago? -

6、Yes, I ws ere week ag. A. Di B.D C. Were( )ee elp _tei clen.A. keping B. kep C. keep( ) 1. There Chise New er next week .is nto B sgi tbe C. s gi to have( ) 1. Can u you ?want t writean mal oy e-frend. A. comter B. le C. mobile phon( ) 2.- di you ? wen toBeijing. . Where,do B. Whr, go C. Wha,go( ) 1

7、3. I going toha innerith m rnt Chise ew Yes EveA. on B.a C. in( )4. bauful clths!.Wht What a C.Ho ( )5. Can you see thewsapes?Pleaseiv to A. hey; m it; me . them; 六、会话配对,把序号填在题前括号内。(共8题,每题1分,计8分)( )1Ho oe you fathe o to wor? A. I going to Beiing.( )2 Whatar youdig now? . Y, I.( ). Wer di you g fo h

8、ola? C.Aa qrter psx.( )4.Why houlnt w o out ycar t uch?D. He oftengoe t wr by car.( )5. Where ryou ointomorrow? E. Im eading a srbo.( ) en ddyouget up this moring? F.No, her wert ( )7. er tere flwers oer there? . It ses a lot of eneg( )8. ee youat hom jst now? HI wen o Naning七、用所给单词的合适形式填空。(共6题,每空分,

9、计分). Wa (mak) he sreets messyand dirty? 2.The _(brig)some hot dog fo lunch yesterday 3Would yu i (lisn) o usc?4. Wehouldn _(hrw)rubbisaywhe Watr is ufl foru. We use wte _(ca) thigs.6. Look, the old wman _ (plant) flowes in the grde.Lts (ma) ster.8Whee (be) orbother lstniht?八、按规定改写句子。(共4题,每空1分,计8分)1 He ead thenewspaperlyesterday (改成一般疑问句)_ he _ t newspaer earl yesterday?. H dd hi omwork.(改为否认句)e is eork.3Tomtake the mtroohis facor evry day.(改为同义句)Tom_t hs ac _m



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