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1、带翻译的英语寒假作文素材事例集锦篇一:寒假英语作文范文寒假英语作文范文 作文1 obilePhoe OsesioAs e drain presn, here is a mn wlking os the stret absorbedl fcusin onhi cel phne withou noicig the surroudings s sot ohenomeon i notnommonand rreiome meropois, esecally amo theyongstrs.ht the icur illusrtesis the prevaiing situationht has lone

2、xited in todays China. ha ist mobile phe bsessio. Withth adveof infrmatn age, people ae bcoingincreasil acntdon e eleronic rds, espciallyhe ellphons. Notsurprisingly, u ouldsily notice hatmost usare obssed senin mssaes, playg ine gas withteir moile ones. Icnot be died ththisheomennmay ngtiey impat t

3、he relationsip among peple, andtherfore tywl becom etrngdand solatedPersnly, nvew f t ovruse mle phones, old that e individals ld rai the eceay waenestht good relatioship are einfred by cerend faceto-facecomicaion.作文2 The mpa ofthe Itnet o teWa Peole Comuniat Dueto the wideue of comuers and the deve

4、opmen Internet, moe ad mre peol lk at on t Internet.W ted to paymoreeio elecronc commuication than to face-toe cnc. As lectnicomuictin i not lmed by space, we cancat with others whee tere Ierne ith outools such as computers, bil onesand ad.Hwev, wenwe ha with others online, w nnot express or feelgfl

5、. ust a the iture how, te prents cnnto or utir chil. knwthat bdy languge plays a imora oe our omicatio,utheelectoni ommunicatiocanno doths. Forexapl, whenwe arsd, we ned more ovnd warmth, a real hg from our rents or friens canmenmuch moretous tha justword hrouheecroc commuicaton.heee,houghelctoniomm

6、iatin bring venienc ur lfe, I sil dn th the ectonic ommunicaio ca replacece-face coat. 作文3 I Pay toeHonet Oa cldasedsc a queio: atcanIeneft rom bin “a goo ild” mng he manyanersherecev one ran ie thi: “Agoo child”is ost preciousgit Go give ouAte sae an bsaiforg hest t yto be hoe Yes,its tue tatdishon

7、ety exists almost eerwhere in tesoiety. Cnsumer oen fond themslves bin blckailedbthose merchats selin sodd rdcs; and hee a stuentchtin in order topass te examsor get ig mark; morever, weareno so f exap hatmn rich rofessasevadethe taxeb arfiingthe interes governmn. Bt haent we se terrsults“Afl in tep

8、i, a gain i cusomrwi”,whichwoud surel driv thosedies mechantsu ofiness.Rret fastng yetbeing etyhaddwoulacompny hose isonest uen all heir life. On he onry, e coud ha ll hey lst, especially a goo reputtin and aclar cosciene, whichare te es qualitieso humn beings. as why w say“I Pao B Honst”.作文4 DearPr

9、esden, am a sporwth the Deprment of w. M nam i Wgin. I amwitingtyou tod to intimate wit somethinguesrabl tat I hae foundintheUnivrsi LbraryY ay or m not alzow h r libray, te landmark of or unierit or ven of oron, wihs nou mi. It s plaewermos poud ofnd r e to snd mostof our teI suh an onorab pae w hv

10、e oticedcntlsoehenoe wich hrto eye.Som seatsin theading omsre emannty rsered vacant a,that i, som studs “ocupy” m st thy neer cmet use Wata errblwatef vala resorce! omoth stuent re to sy, talking gtemselve, lavng mole phonebeepinganime d some librry saff is ill-mnered ad udeandnot helful mot ofime.

11、ese and oher undsirale his ave ad on dmge to th fameoour unirsitynd cased lot f iconvenience o theer. Deaesidnt, e opehatsoethin cane dne changean revse he cuentsituatn. Lt r co,omfortable, qie,fecivelbrar cme bak. Bet wis 作文5 prts beni u in man epets. hn takigprt n spts, wget thechane tanamosall pr

12、ts o ourody. There isodut that roplybalaced ysicalctvities ep hyscally fit.Furtermore, spot can eich our lfed maintaiou pshologihelthThrogh partcpaion, vryo cnlear that on th playin field he no ol cmpetesfr hmelfu aso f hi team. Srs teach sboutconsideratin, ooperatin and optism, and ho to cope with iffulie Bu port ca do hrmto ths eopl whanotblae thir ctiitesproerly Trainin to hard my hurt h



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