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1、新学期英语词汇记忆第十二天新学期到来,同学们都已经返校,考研大军已经开始了备战,太奇考研小编提早为同学们准备了如何轻松记忆词汇的葵花宝典,希望能帮助研友们复习顺利成功步入自己理想的院校。核心词汇powerful a.强大的,有力的,有权的;强壮(健)的单词记忆:power (权力,力量)+ful (形容词后缀)audience n.听众,观众,读者单词记忆:aud (听)+i(连接字母,无意义)+ence (名词后缀)excitement n.刺激,激动;令人兴奋的事,刺激的因素单词记忆:excite (激动,兴奋) + ment (名词后缀)expense n.价钱,花费,费; pl.开支,

2、业务费用单词记忆:ex (出去) +pens (花费)accord v.依照单词记忆:ac (to 方向)+ cord (核心) 靠近核心psychoanalyst n.精神分析专家单词记忆:psycho (精神) + analyze (分析)+ ist (名词后缀,表示人)wisdom n.明智,正确的判断;智慧,学问单词记忆:wise (智慧) + dom (领域,状态)maturity n.成熟单词记忆:mature (成熟的) + ity (名词后缀,表状态性质)fulfillment n.履行,实现,完成单词记忆:fufill (履行,实现) + ment (名词后缀)achieve

3、ment n.成就,成绩;达到,完成,实现单词记忆:achieve (获得,得到) + ment (名词后缀)establishment n.建立,确立,确定;企业,机构;当权人物单词记忆:establish (建立) + ment (名词后缀)accomplishment n.完成;成就;才艺单词记忆:accomplish (完成) + ment (名词后缀)deduce vt.推论,推断,演绎单词记忆:de-(=down 向下)+ducere(=to lead 引导)survey n./ vt.调查;测勘;全面审视,概括论述单词记忆:sur (超过) + vey (观看,看见)reveal

4、 vt.揭露,泄露;展现,显示单词记忆:re (反)+veal=veil (盖上)反盖上不让盖上揭露.illiteracy n. 一窍不通单词记忆:il (否定前缀) + liter (letter) +a (过渡音节)+cy (名词后缀)harbor n.海港,港口 vt.庇护,藏匿;心怀(怨恨等)generalizev.概括,归纳,推断单词记忆:general (整体的) + ize (动词后缀)resentment n.忿恨单词记忆:resent (憎恨) +ment (名词后缀)privilege n.特权,优惠单词记忆:privi (私人的) + leg (法律)deprive vt

5、.(of)剥夺,使丧失单词记忆:de (away)+priv (私人的)restrict vt.限制,约束,限定单词记忆:re (一再,重新) + srict (拉紧)reject vt.拒绝;退回,摈弃 n.不合格产品单词记忆:re(回)+ject (扔,抛)扔回来拒绝deny vt.否认,不承认;拒绝给予,拒绝要求incidentally ad.顺便说及地,顺便提一句单词记忆:in(进入)+cid(落入)+ent(事情)落入我们生活中的事情accidentally ad.偶然地单词记忆:ac +cid (切) + ent (名词后缀)=去切occasionally ad.偶然地;非经常地单

6、词记忆:oc(使)+cas(落下)+ion使落下事情发生subsequently a.其次,接着单词记忆:sub 后+sequ跟随+ent-随在后面的vitamin n.维生素单词记忆:vit (生命)+a+min (素)生命要素维生素prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿cultivate vt.耕作,栽培,养殖;培养,陶冶,发展单词记忆:cult (耕种,培养)+ivate表动词manufacture vt./ n.(大量)制造,制造业 pl.产品单词记忆:man手+fact制造=大批量制造pack v.捆扎,打包;塞满 n.包,(一)群,(一)副inconvenient a.不方便的furna

7、ce n.熔炉,火炉proficiency n.熟练,精通单词记忆:pro 前+fic (做)+iencyachieve vt.完成,实现,达到 vi.成功mysterious a.神秘的,难以理解的;诡秘的单词记忆:myst (雾,模糊)+ rious (形容词后缀)sweep v.扫,拂(去);掠过 n.打扫;挥动scarcity n.缺乏;不足;稀少invalidity n.不正确单词记忆:in 不+val (强壮)+idity (名词后缀)variety n.品种,种类;变化,多样化opportunity n.机会,时机obtain vt.获得,得到 vi.通用,流行,存在单词记忆:o

8、b(toward)+ tain(抓住)intelligent ad.聪明地;理智地语法知识点1.情态动词can 的用法 表示能力:Let me have a try. I think I can fix it. 让我来试试看,我想我能修理它。 表示可能性:Whats the worst thing that can happen? 可能发生的最糟糕的事情是什么? 表示允许:Can I park my car here? 我能把车停在这儿吗?2. which引导的非限定性定从:which 引导的非限定性定语从句不仅可以修饰单个名词,还可以修饰整个主句。例句:They said they were

9、 French, which wasnt true. 他们自称是法国人,可实际上是在撒谎。3. before引导的时间状语从句:表示“在之前”。例句:We had to sign a yellow-dog contract before theyd hire us.在他们雇用我们之前,我们不得不签署了一份“黄犬协约”。4. By the time引导的时间状语从句,表示“到.时候为止”。例句:By the time I finished my article, a new day had dawned. 到我写完文章的时候,新的一天已经破晓。5.介词+which引导的定语从句。例句:This

10、is the factory in which we once worked. 这是我们曾经工作过的工厂。练习题221. A really powerful speaker can _ the feelings of the audience to the fever of excitement.A work out B work over C work at D work up222. Before the students set off, they spent much time setting a limit _ the expenses of the trip.A to B abou

11、t C in D for223. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _ of maturity.A fulfillment B achievement C establishment D accomplishment224. From the tears in Nedras eyes we can deduce that something sad _. A must have occurred B would have occurred C might be occurring D shou

12、ld occur225. You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting _ you dont mind taking the night train.A provided B unless C though D until226. Hardly a month goes by without _ of another survey revealing new depths of scientific illiteracy among U.S. citizens.A words B a word C the word D word227. I

13、f you _ Jerry Brown until recently, youd think the photograph on the right was strange.A shouldnt contact B didnt contact C werent to contact D hadnt contacted228. Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which _ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.A deprives B restricts C rejects D denies229. I must go now. _, if you want that book Ill bring it next time.A Incidentally B Accidentally C Occasionally D Subsequently230. There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, _


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