高中英语人教版必修四学案设计:Unit 3 A taste of English humour 3.1 Word版含答案

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1、 精品资料Unit 3A taste of English humourPeriod 1新知预习课学习目标1.Memorize the spelling and meaning of the important words in this part:entertain,astonish,overcome,convince,direct,particular,etc.2.Use the following phrases to make simple sentences:badly off,up to now,pick out,cut off,star in,etc.识记词汇1.Fill in

2、the chart below and note the connection between the nouns,verbs,adjectives and adverbs.NounVerbAdjectiveAdverbfortunecontentmentperformhumourastonishmentborecharmentertainment精讲词汇1.astonish vt.使惊诧【完成句子】(1)We were that he turned up at the party.我们都很惊奇他会在聚会上出现。(2)He stood there,looking.他站在那儿,看起来很惊诧。(3

3、)There was an look on her face.她的脸上充满惊奇。(4)His success was really .他的成功令人惊奇。astonish有两个形容词形式:和。一般情况下,用来修饰物,用来修饰人。但当用于修饰人的表情、眼神等时,应用。2.entertain v.使欢乐;款待(1)He will entertain his friends dinner this evening.今晚,他将会宴请他的朋友。(2)I entertained the guests strawberries.我用草莓招待客人。(3)He entertained us his stories

4、 and jokes.他讲故事和笑话让我们高兴。宴请某人用招待某人;使某人快乐3.failure n.失败(1) is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。(2)He was as a scientist.他是一个不成功的科学家。(3)His business ended .他的生意以失败告终。failure 当表示抽象意义的失败的时候为不可数名词,短语意为“以失败告终”;当表示具体意义的失败的人或事时,为。同样的词语还有beauty,difficulty,success,honour,danger,knowledge,surprise等。4.convince vt.使

5、信服【完成句子】(1)That explanation didnt me.那种解释无法使我信服。(2)I tried to them his honesty.我设法使他们相信他的诚实。(3)Her smile she was happy.她的微笑使我确信,她很快乐。(4)We him go there by car.我们说服他开车去那儿。convince5.particular adj.特别的,特殊的,特有的;讲究的(1)The teacher showed concern for the disabled child.老师特别关心那个残疾儿童。(2)She her clothes.她对衣着很

6、讲究。(3)I like one of the magazines .我特别喜欢其中的一本杂志。对挑剔;讲究特别地;特殊地运用词汇.根据首字母或括号内的汉语提示完成句子1.His daughter was p about her clothes,which made him upset.2.I was (惊讶的)to see that the road was crowded with so many people.3.You dont have to c me of the fact that you are the right person for the job.4.The little

7、 boy (使愉快)himself by drawing pictures on the ground.5.His plan was a total f because of his carelessness.单项填空1.They were for not paying their phone call.A.cut downB.cut upC.cut offD.cut out2.How do you to her unkind behaviour?Only silence.Which of the following is wrong?A.answerB.reactC.replyD.respo

8、nd3.Thanks to the Partys opening and reform policy,people in China are than they were thirty years ago.A.well-offB.much better offC.more better offD.quite better off4.The people are running to see the accident.A.astonishing;astonishedB.astonished;astonishingC.astonishing;astonishingD.astonished;asto

9、nished5.The actors and actresses to the troops are preparing for programs.A.entertainB.treatC.attendD.celebrate6.It is said that the famous film star is to the new film.A.starB.be starredC.star inD.starring in7.Can you lend me some money?I am than you.You know I live from hand to mouth.A.better offB

10、.worse offC.more badlyD.much poor8.The road is so icy.Take care not to down.A.slideB.passC.cutD.hand9.,I have never seen a better film than the film Avatar.A.ThereforeB.Up to nowC.Thanks toD.These days10.The little boy talked about the thing as if he himself had experienced it.Thats why most of us w

11、ere that he was right.A.believedB.confirmedC.convincedD.doubted.翻译句子1.听到他去世的消息我很吃惊。2.你对你的工作满意吗?3.这出戏不受观众的欢迎。4.整个计划完全失败了。5.我相信他一定会在比赛中取得成功。参考答案识记词汇NounVerbAdjectiveAdverbfortunefortunatefortunatelycontentmentcontentcontented/contentcontentedlyperformanceperformperforminghumourhumourhumoroushumorously


13、2)with(3)with【归纳总结】entertain sb to sth;entertain sb with sth3.【完成句子】(1)Failure(2)a failure(3)in failure【归纳总结】end in failure;可数名词4.【完成句子】(1)convince(2)convince;of(3)convinced me that(4)convinced;to【归纳总结】sb;sb of;sb that;sb to5.【完成句子】(1)particular(2)is particular about(3)in particular【归纳总结】be particul

14、ar about;in particular/particularly运用词汇.1.particular2.astonished3.convince4.entertained5.failure.15 CABBA610 CBABC.1.I was astonished at the news of his death.2.Are you content/satisfied with your work?3.This play failed to entertain its audience.4.The whole plan was a complete/total failure.5.I am convinced that he will succeed in the compet


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