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1、. .专科毕业设计论文会计电算化的现状及开展趋势燕山大学毕业设计论文任务书学院:继续教育学院 系级教学单位: 学号学生专 业班 级题目题目名称会计电算化的现状及开展趋势题目性质1.理工类:工程设计 ;工程技术实验研究型 ;理论研究型 ;计算机软件型 ;综合型 2.文管理类 ;3.外语类 ;4.艺术类 题目类型1.毕业设计 2.论文 题目来源科研课题 生产实际 自选题目 主要容会计电算化是知识经济和信息技术下的产物,由于会计电算化在解放劳动力,提高单位工作效率,节省单位人力物力和财力方面有着重要的作用,面对我国会计电算化存在的问题,我们应该努力地解决问题,我们可以通过加深我国会计电算化的普及程度

2、;培训适合的人才,提高会计人员的素质;杜绝平安隐患等措施。阻碍我国会计电算化开展的因素有很多,有些是可以防止的,也有些是不可防止的,需要我们去面对去研究,令其得以开展壮大。基本要求增加会计电算化对企业的经济效益,引起越来越多的人的关注。会计电算化得到更多的重视。参考资料1 薛云奎.电算化会计的局限:仿真手工N. 中国财经报, 2000-02-24。2 付丽华.对会计电算化中亟待解决的几个问题的探讨J. 中国会计电算化, 1999(10)。3 王储.会计电算化与会计工作M.:财会,2003。4 谢建平,?中国会计电算化?,国防科技大学,2004.1。5 邱保印,?从电算化会计信息处理特点看电算化

3、会计开展趋势?,XX会计,2006.4。6 黄晓明.对我国会计电算化开展的理性思考J. 当代经济科学, 2001(3):23。7 王荣耀:会计电算化对内部控制的影响。中国会计电算化,2004年11期。8 秦少卿:会计电算化开展中的问题及建议。XX商业高等专科学校学报,2004年3期。9 X春玉:浅谈会计电算化存在的问题及对策。农业与技术,2004年3期。周次第 周第 周第 周第 周第 周应完成的容指导教师:职称: 年 月 日系级教学单位审批: 年 月 日. .word. .摘要50年代开场,国外会计电算化便在全球X围迅速开展。20世纪70年代末我国开场开展会计电算化工作后,越来越多的人认识并开


5、化、会计电算化系统的ERP集成化以及会计电算化系统的管理化。在会计电算化这个领域中,我们是初学者,不过我认为也正是因为我们还是初学者,所以我们还拥有很多的开展时机和空间。我们也有很多让会计电算化可以开展壮大的时间。而且随着近年,人们对于会计电算化的关注越来越多,得到的重视也相应增多,参与的人也越来越多了,研究队伍也在逐日壮大中。纵观会计电算化的文献而言,已经有很多的学者与专家涉及会计电算化的现状以及开展趋势的研究,本人认为对于会计电算化的现状及开展趋势还是有很大的可议性,因此,本人将对会计电算化的现状以及开展趋势进展更深层次的探讨与研究。关键词会计电算化 平安隐患 解决 问题 开展趋势. .w

6、ord. .AbstractStarting in the 50s, foreign accounting puterization has developed rapidly in the world. At the end of the seventies of the 20th century in China began to carry out accounting puterization work, more and more people met and began to study accounting electrical calculation, especially a

7、fter Chinas accession to the WTO, to further deepen the reform and opening up, full liberalization of the market is the accounting puterization to promote the new process. But because of the realistic obstacles of accounting puterization in Chinas popularity is not high, lack of talents and the exis

8、ting security risks and other issues, leading to the accounting puterization in our country accept degree is not very high, some local or industry still exist contradiction, is not willing to accept the accounting puterization. Now we believe that the problem should be mitted to solve the problem to

9、 promote its development, such as accelerating the popularization of puterized accounting, training pound talent, as well as to eliminate the existence of security problems and so on. Our country accounting calculation of how development is always the focus of peoples attention, scholars have some t

10、hink accounting puterization development should conform to the trend of the times; also some people proposed their point of view, prehensively elaborated the our country accountant electricity calculates the development trend of - Accounting Electric calculation system of network, accounting calcula

11、tion system of integrated ERP and accounting electrical calculate management system.In the field of accounting puterization, we are beginners, but I think it is because we are still beginners, so we have a lot of development opportunities and space. We also have a lot of time to make the accounting

12、puterization can develop and grow. And as in recent years, people pay more and more attention to the accounting puterization, more attention has been paid to the corresponding increase, more and more people are involved, the research team is also strong and large. Throughout the accounting literatur

13、e is concerned, there have been many scholars and experts involved in the accounting puterization present situation and development trend of research, I think for accounting electrical calculate the status quo and development trend of or great debates, so I will to accounting count status quo and development trend for the dee



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