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1、山西省大同市天镇县实验中学2020-2021学年高一英语下学期阶段性检测试题(时量:90分钟 满分:150分 ) 第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ALocated between the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Australia is the worlds largest island and the smallest continent. With so many sights to discover and enjoy, there are s

2、ome great places to visit.SydneySydney is a modern city with a long history. The regions first people lived along the harbors bank for thousands of years. With lots of museums, theaters and cinemas, there is always something to see and do. The beautiful Bondi Beach is a must-see when visiting Sydney

3、. Outdoor activities play a large role in Australian culture. There are a number of national parks for visitors as well as some interesting historical sites.Great Barrier ReefThe largest coral reef system on the face of the earth, the Great Barrier Reef can be seen from space, which is actually made

4、 up of 2, 900 individual reefs. Visiting the Great Barrier Reef is a great experience; every year around two million visitors enjoy all that this natural wonder offers. Diving is the best way to experience the joys of the rich underwater world, while boat trips, and evenhelicopter rides offer anothe

5、r view of the reefKakadu National ParkOccupied by Aboriginal people for over 40, 000 years, Kakadu National Park has over five thousand ancient rock art sites which are fascinating to visit. The park is huge and has some natural sights which make it well worth a visit; the Arnhem Land Escarpment is

6、particularly breathtaking. You can be hiking through deserts and bathing in waterfalls and pools the next, before later onlearning about some of the ancient rock paintings.1. Where did ancient people in Sydney live at first?A. Along the Bondi Beach. B. Along the harbors bank. C. In the western deser

7、t of Australia. D. In the caves made of rocks.2. How can travelers enjoy the Great Barrier Reef best?A. By seeing films B. By boating.C. By riding helicopters. D By diving.3. What can people enjoy in the Kakadu National Park?A. Driving through the desert. B. Fishing in pools.C Learning about ancient

8、 rock art. D. Skydiving from the mountain.BThe aim to study abroad is a simple one: visit another country, experience another culture. One popular location to study abroad is India. Junior Barton studied abroad in New Delhi during the spring of 2015 as part of the IES abroad program.“This program wa

9、s very good at connecting us to Delhi life and teaching us how to be independent yet safe within the huge crowded city, she said about the passim Because the IES program in New Delhi does not offer classes in Bartons major, public health, she instead decided to take classes that absorbed herself in

10、Indian culture.She noticed that one of her favorite classes was Classic Kathak- one form of Indian classical dance. She also wanted to take advantage of the class assignments to sink in Indian culture.Regarding the impact that learning Kathak had on her as a dancer and as a person, Barton said thati

11、t definitely opened her to new ideas and techniques to dance, to give expression with the face and the fine symbols, for example a flower, that our hands can make”.Concerning daily life, Barton finds that there were quite a few differences in expected behavior. For one, she had to speak in Hindi whe

12、never she went outto be taken seriously and not be taken in like a foreigner.She also admitted that she was stared at a lot by men and women because she stood out. She needed a lot of patience and inner strength to get over the staring every time she stepped outside”.For her, studying in India was a

13、n experience that changed her as a person. “1 became more patient with people and circumstances. I became more tolerant(宽容的) and unable to be affected by things I cant control.”4.Why was Barton interested in dancing classes?A. Dancing was her major. B. She hoped to star in a film in India.C. She wan

14、ted to become a dancing actress. D. She expected to experience Indian culture.5. What does the underlined wordimpactin paragraph 4 mean?A. Expression. B. Communication. C. Method. D. Effect.6. How did the experience in India influence Barton?A.She became braver and more tolerant. B. She can better b

15、alance life and study.C. She can control her feelings well. D. She wanted to learn more dances.7. What is the text mainly about?A. The importance of studying abroad. B. Various dancing stylesC. A study experience in Indian. D. A program connected with India cultureCWherever you are when an earthquake starts, take cover immediately. Move a few steps to a nearby safe place if necessary. Stay there until the shaking stops.If you are indoors, drop under heavy furniture such as a table, desk, bed and cover your head to prevent being hit by falling objects or hold onto


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