English Literature of the 18th__ century-handouts

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《English Literature of the 18th__ century-handouts》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《English Literature of the 18th__ century-handouts(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、English Literature of the 18th century I. Sketch: 1. Historical background 1). Political: Glorious Revolution, Industrial Revolution, War of Independence, French Revolution, 2). ideological: Enlightenment Movement 2. literature 1. Neoclassicism 2. Periodical 3. novels (Sentimental Movement) 4. drama

2、 II. Enlightenment 1. A philosophical movement of the 18th century that emphasized the use of reason to scrutinize previously accepted doctrines and traditions and that brought about many humanitarian reforms. 2. A progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe (England, Germany and Fra

3、nce) in the 18th century and in Russia in the 19th century (Lenin: bourgeois movement)3. Nature and Effect 1) A movement preaching bourgeois political system. 2). The continuation of the anti-feudalism, anti-asceticism and anti-church movement of the Renaissance. 3). Set up the base for French Revol

4、ution in 1789.4. Enlighteners in English Literature: 2 groups 1). moderate group: Pope, Defoe, Addison and Steele, and Richardson They supported the rules of the existing social order and considered partial reforms would be sufficient. 2). Radical group: Swift, Fielding, Smollett, Goldsmith and Sher

5、idan They insisted on more resolute democratization in the management of the government and even partly defended the interests of working people, peasants and laboring classIII. The 18th Century Literature I Neo-ClassicismII Periodical LiteratureIII Realistic NovelsIV SentimentalismV Gothic Novels V

6、I Prose an DramaNeo-ClassicismA revival in the 17th and 18th centuries of classical standards of order, balance, and harmony in literature. John Dryden and Alexander Pope were major exponents of the neoclassical school.Alexander Pope (1688-1744) Comments on Pope 1). Pope was one of the first to intr

7、oduce rationalism to England. He was the greatest poet of his time. 2). His lines are smooth, balanced and concise, a master of the heroic couplet. 3) A great satirist 4). Influenced other writers of his age, early 18th c England-the Age of Pope Samuel Johnson (17091784) Comments on Johnson: 1). nex

8、t only to William Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson is perhaps the most quoted of English writers. 2). The latter part of 18th century is often called the “Age of Johnson”. II Periodical Literature “The Tatler” (1709) 1. three times a week, 271 numbers: 188 by Steele, 42 by Addison, 36 together by A and S

9、 2. essays, in conversational style to entertain and instruct the readers 3. the character “Isaac Bickerstaff” invented by SwiftThe Spectator Contributions of Addison and Steele: 1. They give a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th century. 2. In the hands of Addison and Steele, the

10、 English essay has completely established itself as a literary genre. Using it as a form of character sketching and story-telling, they pave the way to modern novels. Realistic novels 1) Influenced by materialistic philosophy.2)Follow the tradition of old novels, especially the picaresque novels. 3)

11、Reflected the social contradictions in the bourgeois society.4)Catered to the taste of the middle class readers. 5)The social life is the main theme. 6)The people from the middle or lower class are heroes or heroines. 7)Serious attitude to social problemscriticism on reality. 8)No revolutionary spir

12、it is included. 9)Structure is given more emphasis focused plot, strict arrangement of time and place. 10)Description on character and psychological movement.11)Daily language.Daniel Defoe(丹尼尔笛福)Pattern of his novelsThe hero or heroine began from a humble origin, with vicissitudes in their life.Mora

13、lizing on the part of the hero or heroine over his or her misdeeds.The struggle of the protagonists is in conflict with the society.The Puritan conscience is included. The blame is both on the hero or heroine and at the society.Significance of Defoes novelsDefoe is a great realist.The charm of his n

14、ovels is their intense sense of reality, which is embodied in succession of thoughts, feelings and incidents that are easily recognized to be credibly true to life.The readers can see the essence of the aristocratic-bourgeois society.Defoe gave his story the quality of factual truth from his observa

15、tion of nature and society, moreover, he is a novelist of strong imagination.IV Jonathan Swift (江奈生斯威夫特)Comment on Gullivers TravelsIt is a satire on the whole English society of the early 18th century.It exposes the ugly appearance of the British ruling classes.It criticizes the declining feudalism and the new capitalist relations. It attacks the aggressive wars and colonialism in the 18th century.It is a fantasy and a realistic work of fictionHis



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