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1、2022年高二上学期期末测试英语试卷含答案一、完形填空 21. He _ on our conversation with the news _ we would have a listening test next week.A. burst; which B .burst in; that C. Burst forth; which D. burst up; that22. _a moment and I will go to your rescue. A. Go on B. Hold on C. Move on D. Carry on23. Professor Williams keep

2、s telling his students that the future _ to the well-educated. A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged24. _ the secret of nature, the young scientist has little time for entertainment. A. Devoted to bring out B. Devoted himself to bringing out C. Devoted to bringing out D. Devo

3、ting to bring out25. It is all agreed that a good education does not _ a good job. A. guarantee B. result C. depend D. swear26. After the interview, the manager said his pany was not going to _ any more staff for the moment.A. take off B. take down C. take up D. take on27. It is said that dogs will

4、keep you _ as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. A. safety B. pany C. house D. friend28. Almost no body can stand _ fun of before a crowd of people. A. to be made B. to make C. being made D. making 29. The manager said that they had an _ plan if the plan they had submitted was not accepte

5、d.A. changeable B. alternative C. absolute D. apparent 30. Id _ my house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.A. hold on to B. e up to C. give in to D. look up to 31. There is no point _ in regretting. We cant change yesterday, but we do have the power to make today a wo

6、nderful day. A. use B. advantage C. point D. value 32. Our teachers often tell us, “ The harder you study, the more questions you will think of _ .” A. asking B. to ask C. being asked D. to be asked 33. If he _ that he _ to work there then, everything would be OK now. A. insisted; be sent B. insiste

7、d; was sent C. had insisted; be sent D. had insisted; was sent34. Could the party have been fairly enjoyable _ for his unexpected ing? A. it had not been B. if it was not C. had it not been D. if it should not been35. _ today, he would get there by Saturday. A. If he leaves B. Was he leaving C. Woul

8、d he leave D. Were he to leave二.、完形填空 请认真阅读下面短文,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Always Return your phone CallsAngela knew that Charlotte, her best friend, was having a rough time. Charlotte was moody and depressed. She didnt want to talk to anyone 36 Angela. She often argued with her mom and h

9、ad37 quarrels with her sister. 38 , Charlottes desperate poetry worried Angela. No one was 39 particularly good speaking terms with Charlotte that summer. For most of her friends, Charlotte had bee too 40 .They had no interest in 41_with someone who was in so much pain. Their 42 to be a friend were

10、met with angry accusations (指责). Angela was the only one who could 43 her. Although she would have liked to be 44 , Angela spent most of her time inside with her troubled friend. Then a day came 45 Angela had to move. She was going just across town, but Charlotte would no longer be her neighbor, and

11、 they would be spending far 46 time together. The first day in her new neighborhood, out playing with her new neighbours, Angela 47 how Charlotte was doing. When she got home, her mother told her that Charlotte had 48 Angela went to the phone to return the call. No answer. She left a(n) 49 on Charlo

12、ttes machine. Hi Charlotte, its Angela. Call me back ! About half an hour 50Charlotte called. Angela, I have to tell you something. When you called, I was in the basement. I had a gun to my head. I was about to kill myself, but then I heard your voice on the machine 51 . Angela fell into her chair.

13、When I heard your voice, I 52someone loves me, and I am so 53 that it is you. Im going to get help, because I love you, too. Charlotte hung up the phone. Angela went right over to 54 , and they sat on the door step and 55 .36. A. in terms of B. regardless of C. apart from D. including37. A. violent

14、B. uneasy C. active D. anxious38. A. At all B. Most of all C. In all D. After all39. A. out B. with C. on D. under40. A. troublesome B. dangerous C. lonely D. difficult41. A. hanging out B. catching up C. making up D. ing up42. A. attempts B. abilities C. plans D. requirements43. A. teach B. instruct C. reach


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