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1、最新教学资料人教版英语新目标九Unit10试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择(15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. Why do you look sad? Everyone will go to the party me.A. exceptB. withC. besides D. against( )2. Whats your ? I think we should get a tent first. A. job B. suggestionC. dreamD. trade( )3. When I am back from work, I

2、prefer to lie in the sofa and listen to some soft music. Thats a good way to help you get . A. excited B. nervous C. relaxed D. worried( )4. To attend a concert, you are to shut off your mobile phone. Thanks for telling me about it.A. allowed B. expected C. accepted D. invited( )5. Can you guess who

3、 is Tom Green from the photos? He is in the picture . I know he greets new friends by bowing. ( )6. How was your trip to Hainan this summer? Well, there was a typhoon (台风). you can imagine, we had to stay in the hotel for two days. A. As B. Since C. ThoughD. If ( )7. Did you rent (租) a car when you

4、were in Hong Kong? Yes. But I there because the traffic moves on the left. A. didnt use to drive B. didnt use to driving C. wasnt used to driving D. wasnt used to drive ( )8. Airbus 380 is the largest plane in the world. So it is. An Airbus 380 needs a 3,600-meter-long airstrip (跑道) to . A. get off

5、B. take off C. take on D. get on( )9. It is good of you to go out of your way us at the station. Its my pleasure. A. metB. meeting C. meetD. to meet( )10. I just feel impolite of James to make noise while eating. Youre right. He should be taught to eat with mouth closed. A. that B. him C. this D. it

6、( )11. I seldom keep on my computer for more than an hour. Is that so? But you seem to be comfortable games on your iPad for hours. A. working; playing B. working; play C. to work; playing D. to work; play( )12. The Brazilian football star, Neymar, didnt play well in the 2014 World Cup. But he tried

7、 his best. , it was his first World Cup. A. In all B. At all C. After all D. Above all( )13. Nobody except Jim and Lucy that island. Thats true. Only they can be the guides. A. has been to B. has gone to C. have been to D. have gone to( )14. In Western countries, it is impolite to ask a lady . Yeah.

8、 It sounds like a rude question.A. what her job is B. what her age is C. if she enjoys her holiday D. what she thinks of a movie( )15. I am sorry for being late for the party, James. We have just started.A. What a pity! B. How come? C. Youre welcome. D. Its no big deal.二. 完形填空 (10分) 阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处

9、的最佳选项。Issumboshi was so small that he could not do any useful work on the family farm. His grandfather became 16 of feeding such a useless man and sent him away to the city.“Learn to become a warrior (武士),” he told his grandson. “Then perhaps you will grow into a man of normal 17 .”Issumboshis journ

10、ey was long and dangerous.However, because he was so brave and clever, 18 he reached the city safely.To his surprise, the streets were 19 . The people of the city were hiding in their houses 20 a giant (巨人).Then brave Issumboshi went out to 21 the giant.The giant tried to pick him up and eat him, bu

11、t Issumboshi was so small and quick that the giant could not 22 him.Issumboshi hit again and again at the giant with his sword (剑). Soon, the giant fell to the ground and 23 .“Oh, what a great warrior he is!” the people of the city shouted as they came out of their houses. “What a great 24 this youn

12、g man is!”Hearing this, Issumboshi felt so proud that he stood up straight.“Hm,” he told himself. “I am already taller than I was. 25 clever my grand-father was to send me to the city! Being brave makes people strong!”( )16. A. fullB. tiredC. carefulD. proud( )17. A. ageB. heightC. ideaD. feeling( )

13、18. A. in fact B. by the way C. in the beginningD. in the end( )19. A. busyB. crowdedC. emptyD. noisy( )20. A. fromB. ofC. likeD. for( )21. A. tellB. askC. helpD. meet( )22. A. stopB. catchC. hearD. show( )23. A. diedB. fled C. sleptD. woke( )24. A. playerB. singerC. heroD. inventor( )25. A. HowB. What C. WhileD. When三. 阅读理解(30分)阅读下列材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AFun DayTo celebrate the Year of the Goat Organized by Lam Tin Youth Center and Kwun Tong High SchoolDate: February 18, 2015Time: 10 am5 pmPlace: Kwun Tong PlaygroundFee: $20 (buy three to get one free)P



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