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1、2023年天津职称英语考试考前冲刺卷(9)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Reading 2.Reading 3.Reading 4.Reading 5.Reading 6.Reading 7.Reading 8.Reading 9.Reading 10. 阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。 Before any period of exercise it is well worth spending two or three minu

2、tes warming up with a series of simple stretching exercises. This not only helps your joints(关节) to move easily but also prepares all your muscle groups for more energetic activity. It is rather like a cat stretching itself before it springs into action. Here are four movements to do in an easy and

3、unhurried way, gently stretching each action without forcing it. Repeat each movement ten times, breathing normally throughout. . Standing with your feet apart, push both arms out straight in front of you, fingertips touching. Raise them above your head, then down to the sides pushing each arm backw

4、ards at the same time. . Standing with your feet apart, and hands on hips(臀部). Tip your head back and look straight up to the ceiling. Roll your head round slowly to face the right, then the floor, then the left, and finally up at the ceiling again. Repeat in the other direction. . Standing with you

5、r feet apart and hands on your sides, lean first to the right and then to the left, sliding the hand down the side of the leg. . Standing feet apart and arms out straight in front, with your eyes fixed on your right hands, swing your right arm round to the right, keeping it straight, as far as it wi

6、ll go. Return it to the front and repeat with the left arm.Before exercise. Youd better do something to warm up first. AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Not mentioned 11.B第二篇/B Moods, say the experts, are emotions that tend to become fixed, influencing ones outlook for hours, days or even weeks. Thats great if

7、your mood is a pleasant one, but a problem if you are sad, anxious, angry or simply lonely. Perhaps the best way to deal with such moods is to talk them out; sometimes, though, there is no one to listen. Modern pharmacology(药理学)offers an abundance of tranquilizers(安眠药), anti-depressants and anti-anx

8、iety drugs. What many people dont realize, however, is that scientists have discovered the effectiveness of several non-drug approaches to make you loose from an unwanted mood. These can be just as useful as drugs, and have the added benefit of being non-poisonous. So next time you feel out of sorts

9、, dont head for the drug-store, try the following approach. Of all the mood-altering self-help techniques, aerobic(增氧健身的)exercise seems to be the most efficient cure for a had mood. If you could keep the exercise, youd be in high spirits, says Kathryn Lance, author of Running for Health and Beauty.

10、Researchers have explained biochemical and various other changes that make exercise compare favorably to drugs as a mood-raiser. Physical exertion such as housework, however, does little. The key is aerobic exercise-running, cycling, walking, swimming or other repetitive and sustained activities tha

11、t boost the heart rate, increase circulation and improve the bodys utilization of oxygen. Do them for at least 20 minutes a session, three to five times a week.What is the main subject of the passage AHow to beat a bad mood.BHow to do physical exercises.CHow to talk bad moods out.DHow to be involved

12、 in aerobic exercise. 12.B第三篇/B Priscilla Ouchidas energy-efficient house turned out to be a horrible dream. When she and her engineer husband married a few years ago, they built a 100,000, three-bedroom home in California. Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks, the house was equipped with small doubl

13、e-parted (双层玻璃) windows and several other energy-saving features. Problems began as soon as the couple moved in, however. Priscillas eyes burned. Her throat was constantly dry. She suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep. It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness. Experts

14、finally traced the cause of her illness. The level of formaldehyde(甲醛)gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers. The source of the gas Her new kitchen cabinets and wall-to-wall carpeting. The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution, which is not

15、given sufficient attention partly because of the nations drive to save energy. The problem itself isnt new. The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came along. Says Moschandreas, a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies in Maryland. Energy con- servation has tended to accentuate the situation in some cases. The problem appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes rather than old ones. Back in the days when energy was che



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