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1、=Word行业资料分享-可编辑版本-双击可删=L111-112 练习题一、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级3. good4.bad5.i nteresti ng6.beautiful7.difficult8.i ntellige nt二、根据句意填空I. How much does this televisi on?theexpe nsive model in the shop.3. The price of the bed is too high that we cartit.4. Mr.Si natra would like to buy the house on.theof that car

2、? I3O yua n.6. You canspe nd that much mon ey, youre not a.7. We put down aof thirty pounds on the TV. Then we will pay the other amount(全额).三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. I thi nk the(fast) way to travel is by pla ne.2. That is(in teresti ng)book Ive ever read.3. This model isnt (good) as that one.4. The other mo

3、del is(much) expe nsive, but ifeworth the mon ey.5. This book isnt so in teresti ng as that one.Its(less) in teresti ng.6. This case is(heavy) tha n that one.四、单项选择1. I don th ink I can runas you.A.fast B.faster C.as fast D.so faster2. Does he speak En glishhis classmates?A.as good as B.as well as C

4、.as better as D.best tha ngo quickly,?weD.shall we4. is the price of the suit?A.How B.What C.How much D.How many5. You can payon it before you pay all.6.1 thi nk those movies arebetter tha n that one.7. No hurry! We still havetime.A.little B.a little C.fewD.a few五、句型转换1. How much does it cost?(变为同义句

5、)What is theof it?2. Thattoo expensive for us. We caafford it. (合并句子)Thatsexpe nsive for usafford.3. This model is less expensive than that one(变为同义句)This model is notas that one.4. This is the least interesting book.(变为同义句)This book isthan any other one.六、根据汉语提示完成句子1.汤姆是我见到过的最不聪明的人。Tom is thepers on I have ever met.2. 这是店里最贵的型号。This is thein the shop.3. 你可以付30英镑的定金。You canaof thirty poun ds.4. 那支铅笔不如这支铅笔钝。That pen cil isntbluntthis one.5. 这个测验不如上个测验难。This test istha n the last one.源-于-网 -络-收 -集



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