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1、BEC SpeakingFocus TrainingTopic 1: Market research(1) 背景知识Market research is any organized effort to gather information about markets or customers. It is a very importa nt comp onent of bus in ess strategy (经营策略,商业策略,企业发展战略) .The term is com monly interchanged with marketing research (营销调研,销售调研).How

2、ever, expert practitioners (实践者,从业者)may wish to draw a distinction between them, in that marketing research is concerned specifically about marketi ng processes, while market research is concerned specifically with markets.Market research is a key factor to get advantage over competitors. Market res

3、earch provides important in formati on to ide ntify and an alyze the market n eed, market size and competitio n.Aims of market researchIde ntify bus in ess growth opport un itiesSupport the gen erati on and review of bus in ess strategyMon itor econo mic and political trendsEvaluate risk and opport

4、un itiesSupporting detailsMarket ing is the performa nee of bus in ess activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to con sumer or user. Market ing research is always the first step before the compa ny gets into the market. The fun dame ntal goal of market ing is the satisfac

5、ti on of con sumer n eeds. No orga ni zati on can survive for long without meeti ng con sumer n eeds. People will simply not purchase a product or service that they do not n eed. Thus, any organization, if it is to be successful, must proceed from the goal of customer satisfaction and adjust its pro

6、grams to deliver an off ering meeting consumers needs.(2)BEC 口语考试中题目体现Part 1: Interview(1)Do you thi nk market research is importa nt before laun chi ng a new product?Sample an swer for your reference:Yes, market research is certainly important before launching a new product in that it can provide i

7、mportant in formati on regard ing the customer sn eed and the pote ntial market size. All this in formati on will help the compa ny ide ntify bus in ess growth opport un ities and gen erate feasible bus in ess strategies so that it may get an adva ntage over competitors.(2)What is the most importa n

8、t factor in con duct ing market research?Sample answer for your reference:Well, the most importa nt factor in con duct ing market research is whether the adopted method is feasible and effective so as to gather the most useful and releva nt in formatio n about markets or customers. There are five ba

9、sic methods: surveys (问卷调查),focus groups (小组讨论),personal in terviews (面谈),observati on (观察), and field trials (现场试验).The type of data you need and how much money you re willing to spend will determ ine which tech niq ues you choose for your bus in ess.Part 2: Mini-PresentationWHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN

10、?(FOR HIGHER: The importance of market research in business operation Con duct ing market research ?Ascerta in market n eed? Evaluate market sizeAn swer cues:a. What the market needs determines what should be manufactured? Ascertain market need 主 b. Blind investment will inevitably result in company

11、 losses? Evaluate market size .Market size determ ines the scale of product ion? Forecast competitors movThe purpose of forecasting the competitors move is to choose anappropriate pricing strategy.Part 3 : Collaborative DiscussionMarket ResearchYour compa ny is pla nning to launch a new product. You

12、 have bee n asked to help pla n the product launch and con duct the market research.Discuss the situation together, and decide:? what should be the aims of your market research? what factors should be included in planning the market research?An swer cues:1. What should be the aims of your market res

13、earcha. Ide ntify the pote ntial sales volumeb. Support the gen erati on of prici ng strategiesc. Evaluate risk and opport un ities2. What factors should be in cluded in pla nning the market researcha. Ide ntify which of the 5 com mon methods of con duct ing market research are applicable in our cas

14、eb. Choose appropriate subjects (选择适当的受试者)c. Adopt proper statistical method(采用适当的统计方法)Follow-up questi ons:(1) What are the most com mon ly adopted methods in con duct ing market research?The most com monly adopted methods in clude surveys, focus groups, pers onal in terviews, observatio n, and fie

15、ld trials. The type of data you need and how much money you re willing to spend will determine which tech niq ues you choose for your bus in ess.(2) Does market research always precede the launch of a new product?Yes, market research always precedes the launch of a new product. Only by doing so, can

16、 it provide importa nt information regarding the customer s need and the potential market size. All this information will help the compa ny ide ntify bus in ess growth opport un ities and gen erate feasible bus in ess strategies so that it may get an adva ntage over competitors.(3) What are the factors to be con sidered whe n you con duct intern ati onal market research



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