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1、2022年成人高考-英语考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题How much of the land surface on Earth is covered by rainforests?问题1选项A.More than 50% .B.Nearly 12% .C.Less than 5.3%.D.Around 22. 5% .【答案】C【解析】事实细节题。根据最后一段第二句可知,几千年前,热带雨林在地球表面的覆盖率为12%,但如今这一比例已经下降到不足5.3%。故本题选C。2. 单选题24_问题1选项A.onB.fromC.withD.to【答案】B【解析】【考试指导】词义辨析题。我

2、得到的唯一帮助就是从附近的小诊所买的一些抗过敏药。on在上;from来自;with用;to到去。故选B。3. 单选题30._问题1选项A.acceptedB.saidC.doneD.thought【答案】C【解析】词义辨析题。理查德问我是否也曾做过类似的事。accept接受;say说;do做;think想。故本题选C。4. 单选题“Troublemaker”J was what was given to my friend Peter by his teachers. They also said that he had no future and no hope! But now I sug

3、gest that anyone who said that should say “sorry” to him. Peter finished Grade Nine,and then he went to study at a technical college. He became a leader of a group of bad boys. After graduation he had nothing to do,so he just hung around by the market with his friends.It looked like nothing could ch

4、ange his life. It was not until the day that his father died. He left the boys and went to help his mother who sold food by the roadside.He really pitied his mum and wanted to do something to support her. He loved reading cartoon(漫画)books and had been collecting them for years,so he decided that he

5、should sell them. Soonhe realized that his books were very popular. So he made up his mind to set up his own business. He went around buying cartoon books from other people. He bought them for 25% and then sold them for half price.These days, he doesn, t have to go around looking for cartoon books b

6、ecause there are always people coming to his shop to sell their old ones. He now has a monthly income of about 55,000 baht (泰铢).He was a “troublemaker” to his teachers but he is a hero to me. If you are judged by your teachers as aubad student ,1 suggest you ignore what they say. Just do your best i

7、n everything.Dont give up so easily. Believe me,one day you could be successful,tooWhy does the author think some people should say “sorry” to Peter?问题1选项A.They considered him hopelessB.They refused to help himC.They made him give up his friendsD.They looked down on his parents【答案】A【解析】【考试指导】推理判断题。由

8、第一段前两句可知,老师称皮特为“捣蛋鬼”,有人说皮特没有希望和未来。由此不难推断,作者认为一些人应该向皮特说“抱歉”的原因是他们认为皮特没希望。故A正确。5. 单选题He says he has the T-shirt, _Ive never seed him wear it.问题1选项A.afterB.sinceC.althoughD.if【答案】C【解析】本小题考查连词辨析。【考试指导】句意:他说他有这件T恤,尽管我从没见他穿过。after在之后;since自从;although尽管;if如果。结合句意可知,C正确。6. 单选题What does purchased in the last

9、 parngraph probably mean?问题1选项A.Closed.B.Bought.C.Damaged.D.Repaired.【答案】B【解析】【考试指导】词义猜测题。由最后一段可知,一些比较有钱的公司为了给他们的老板提供一个舒适的环境,通常会买这种公寓式酒店套房。由此推断出,purchase意为“购买”。closed 关闭;bought买;damaged损害;repaired修理。故B正确。7. 单选题Our manager is not in right now. Can I _a message?问题1选项A.leaveB.takeC.giveD.write【答案】B【解析】

10、本题考查固定搭配。句意:我们经理现在不在。您需要我传话吗?take a message为固定搭配,意为“传话,捎口信”。故本题选B。8. 单选题33_问题1选项A.hatedB.employedC.disappointedD.visited【答案】D【解析】【考试指导】词义辨析题。直到今天,我仍然不知道那年夏天我得了什么病,我珂看的许多医生也都不知道。hate讨厌;employ雇用;disappoint使失逢;visit看,参观。此外,visita doctor意为“看医生”。故D正确。9. 单选题What did Peter do after his father died?问题1选项A.H

11、e learnt to draw picturesB.He worked at a marketC.He continued his college studiesD.He started his own business.【答案】D【解析】【考试指导】事实细节题。由第三段最后两句可知,皮特在他父亲死后离开了那些孩子,给在路边摆摊卖食物的母亲帮忙;由第四段第四句可知,他开创了自己的举业。故D正确。10. 单选题A When I was at school, our teacher told the class “ You are what you eat. ”My friends and I

12、would laugh and call each other “hamburger”(汉堡)and “biscuits”. Our teacher was trying to show us the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy. This was 30 years ago when there were big movements to make British people healthier. We started to eat boiled potatoes instead of French fries an

13、d drink fat-free milk instead of whole milk. At first I felt my potatoes had no taste at all. But after a while I started to prefer healthier food because I felt stronger and I didn t get sick so often.So we agree that you become what you eat. Do you know what your friends eat just by looking at the

14、m ? When you know the effects of different types of food, you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become.Food has been so important to our healt.Everyone has their own advice to give, which they have read about or have been told by older people.However, some of these pieces of advic

15、e seem to disagree with each other. For example, some say “Eating chocolate makes you fat,” while others say“Chocolate contains the important minerals (矿物质)like iron and magnesium (镁).”In fact, what we need to find out is what type of chocolate to eat and how much of it to eat.What did the teacher mean by “You



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