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1、会议开幕式和大会学术报告6月29日上午、901会议室时间用时主持人序报告人标 题9:005万 力开幕式万 力介绍主要来宾9:0515吴淦国校长致欢迎辞9:2015董海良中国地球科学促进会(IPACES)致辞9:3525会 间 休 息、 合 影 留 念10:0030刘少峰董海良1杨文采中国大陆大地构造物理学概况10:30302Zhou HuaWeiMonitoring induced earthquakes in the Yangtze Three-Gorges region11:00303刘少峰Migration of Cretaceous Depocenters in Response to

2、 Dynamic Subsidence above the Farallon Plate11:30304Zhong ShijieMigration of Tharsis volcanism on Mars caused by differential rotation of the lithosphere12:0060午餐 和 休息“岩石、构造与地球物理会场”议程一 6月29日下午、 817会议室时间用时主持人序报告人标 题13:0025薛春纪Aiming Lin1赵志丹Ultrapotassic rocks in southern Tibet and mantle xenolith13:25

3、252Yang ShenStructure and dynamics of the southeast Tibetan plateau revealed by full-wave tomography and moment tensor inversions based on three-dimensional reference models 13:50253朱弟成The 132 Ma ComeiBunbury large igneous province: Remnants identified in present-day SE Tibet and SW Australia14:1525

4、4Xiaodong SongMonitoring media changes associated with big earthquakes14:40255李红谊Surface Wave Tomography from Ambient Noise in the Eastern Edge of the Tibetan Plateau15:05256Mian LiuA geodynamic study of stress and seismic moment evolution in eastern Tibet: implications for the great 2008 Wenchuan e

5、arthquake15:30 会间休息10分钟15:4025刘少峰Yang Shen7Aiming Lin,Deformational characteristics of co-seismic surface rupture produced by the 2008 M7.9 Wenchuan earthquake16:05258Li,U-Pb zircon age constraints on the temporal evolution of the Permian large igneous province in Tarim basin, Northwest China16:3025

6、9迟国祥Overpressured fluid systems in the Lanping Basin, western Yunnan: characteristics, genesis, and relationship to large-scale mineralization16:552510Baosheng LiCompositions of the Earths Mantle and Core: Insights from Elasticity Measurements on Earth Materials at High Pressure and Temperature17:20

7、2511Haijun HuangAre the light elements present in Earths Outer Core Homogeneous?17:452512Yingwei FeiCarbon in the core: An experimental study of melting relations in the Fe-C system at high pressure18:10逸夫楼前上车回西郊宾馆 晚餐“岩石、构造与地球物理会场”议程二 6月30日上午、 817会议室时间用时主持人序报告人标 题8:3025王瑜Mian Liu13Youxue ZhangDissol

8、ution and growth of particles in liquid8:552514刘曦长石在高温高压条件下的物理化学行为9:202515Jianguo DuBehavior of some minerals at high pressure and temperature9:452516邓力维Effect of Carbon and Sulfur on Iron Melting at High Pressure: Implications for Composition and Evolution of the Planetary Terrestrial Cores10:10 会间

9、休息10分钟10:2025薛春纪Youxue Zhang17Mian LiuAn Integrated Seismological and Geodynamic Test of Vertically Coherent Deformation in Tibet10:452518王瑜Intracontinental superimposed tectonicsA case study on the west Hills of Beijing, eastern China11:102519Aibing LiUpper mantle structure of the central Tien Shan

10、 from seismic constraints11:352520Yao WuThe Fate of Subducted Continental Crust: an Experimental Perspective12:00 逸夫楼817会议室 午餐和休息“岩石、构造与地球物理会场”议程三 6月30日下午、 817会议室时间用时主持人序报告人标 题13:0025施光海Chusi Li21Xiaodong SongStructure of crust and upper mantle in Tibetan Plateau: Implications for the crustal channe

11、l flow model13:252522潘永信沉积物中的生物磁性矿物13:502523Hua-wei ZhouRecent progresses in seismic characterization of heterogeneous and fractured rocks14:152524Chuanlun ZhangMethane index: A tetraether archaeal lipid biomarker proxy for detecting the instability of marine gas hydrates14:40 会间休息10分钟14:5025王瑜Hua-w

12、ei Zhou25Yanhua ZhangNumerical modelling of coupled deformation, fluid flow and thermal transport processes during mineralization and its application to mineral exploration15:152526施光海缅甸翡翠矿的岩相学、地球化学与年代学15:402527Ping GuanMechanism of instantaneous coal outbursts16:052528Chusi LiThe origin of contrast

13、ing Ni contents between mantle olivines and olivine phenocrysts in Hawaiian shield basalts16:302529Weijia KuangEarly Martian Magnetism, Giant Impacts and Consequences to Martian Paleo-climate Change 16:55 会间休息、赴901会议室参加闭幕式“能源、水资源与环境会场”议程一 6月29日下午、 717会议室时间用时主持人序报告人标 题13:0025王广才Baolin Deng1Bill HuLab

14、oratory Analog and Numerical Study of Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in a Karst Aquifer with Conduit and Matrix Domains13:25252周训海岸带咸淡水界面的位置确定13:50253Yan Zheng,Arsenic: what, who, when, where and why14:15254郭华明Arsenic and REEs along a groundwater flow path in the Hetao basin, Inner Monglia14:40255Chunmiao ZhengModeling the Groundwater Flow and Evolution in the North China Plain15:05256邵景力天桥水源地地下水流场模拟15:30 会间休息10分钟15:4025邵景力Bill Hu7YouKuan Zhang南京城墙断裂形成机理及其水文地



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