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1、元认知策略在大学英语网络自主学习中的使用研究 摘要为适应我国高等教育发展的新形势,深化大学英语教学改革, 教育部 于2004年初颁发了大学英语课程教学要求,要求各高校充分利用多媒 体和网络技术进行教学改革,培养学生的英语自主学习能力,从而提高学 生的英语综合运用能力。本文回顾了相关文献和理论成果,探讨了学习者自主、学习策略、网 络学习、元认知策略、听力理解及其与元认知策略之闻的密切联系拳佟者 认为,掌握元认知策略对学生在网络上进行有效的英语自主学习至关重要, 然而目前学生对元认知策略的意识和使用不尽人意,从而导致英语自主学 习的效果不够理想奋基于英语自主学习环境对学生掌握元认知策略的要求与学生

2、元认知 策略使用不足之间的矛盾,本文对广西大学2007级450名非英语专业新生 进行了闻卷调查和分析研究,另外还挑选了6名非英语专业新生作个案研 究。问卷及个案研究的内容以元认知理论为中心,涉及学生学习英语的动 机,对自主学习的态度看法,以及在自主学习过程中对元认知策略的使用 情况。具体的研究问题如下:l、新生在自主学习过程中对元认知策略的使用情况如何? 2、在自主学习过程中新生的元认知策略使用存在什么问题?3、教师如何帮助新生克服这些问题并培养他们有意识地在自主学习过程中使用元认知策略? 作者通过对实验结果进行分析得出以下结论:受试者在自主学习过程中的元认知策略使用上存在许多不足;元认知策略

3、对促进学习者自主至关 重要;教师应在自主学习过程中为学生提供更多的指导与帮助。根据分析 结果,作者建议教师通过元认知和认知策略的培训以加强新生的元认知意 识以及策略使用,帮助新生解决在网络自主学习中遇到的实际问题,提高 他们在网络环境下的适应性;其次,教师应该帮助学生定义自己的学习风 格和学习动机,使他们能够根据自身的特点选择学习策略;最后,教师可以通过布置额外的课堂任务和要求学生对学习过程进行记录来加强他们的一元认知策略使用。关键词:元认知策略自主学习网络学习听力理解ON THE ApPLlCATIoN OF METACoGNITIVE STRTEG重ES IN WEBBASED SELFA

4、CCESS LEARNING OF CoLLEGE ENGLISHABSTRACTTo adapt to氆e new situation characterized by the development of higher education of our country,the Ministry of Education issued College English Curriculum Requirements(For Trial Implementation)in 2004 to further deepen college English teaching reform,accordi

5、ng to which colleges and universities are required to take full advantage of multimedia and computer technology toreform teaching methods,and cultivate studentsautonomous learning abilitiesSO as to improve their comprehensive ability of EnglishThe thesis begins with a review of literat滋e and previou

6、s studies oflearner autonomy,learning strategies,metacognitivestrategies,listening comprehension,the relation of listening comprehension and matecognitive strategies,where the inter-relationships of these terms are exploredThe author holds that metacognitive strategies are of vital importance to stu

7、dents in effective self-access learningHowever,studentsawareness and application of such strategies are not conscious enough or satisfactory,and the effects of theirself-access learning are not satisfactory as a resultBased on the conflict between metacognitive strategies as requirements of self-acc

8、ess learning and deficiencies of studentsuse of such strategies,the author conducted a survey to 450 of nonEnglish majors of Grade 2007 in Guangxi University,and interviews to another 6 non-English majors of the same gradeBoth the questionnaire and the interviews are around the COre of metacognitive

9、 strategies,conceming studentsmotives towards English study,their attitudes and beliefs towards selfaccess leaming and actual practice ofmetacognitive strategies in self-access learningResearch questions include: 1How do freshmen consciously or unconsciously apply metacognitivestrategies?2What are t

10、he problems existing in freshmenS applying metacognitivestrategies in their self-access learning process?1113What can teachers do to help freshmen overcome these problems and cultivate their consciousness of using metacognitive strategies in self-access learning?Through data analysis,the author draw

11、s the conclusion that there are many problems existing in subjectsapplication of metacognitive strategies; metacognitive strategies are important in promoting learner autonomy;teachers should provide more help and guidance in self-access learningBased on the conclusion,the author suggests that teach

12、ers should give instruction of metacognitive strategies combined with cognitive strategies to enhance students awareness and use of metacognitive strategies,help them overcome difficulties in self-access learning and make them adaptable to the webbased environment; teachers should also arouse learne

13、rsawareness of themselves by helping them with identifying their learning styles and motivational issues SO that learners call choose proper strategies to use accordingly;finally,teachers should give students extra tasks and ask them to make record of their learning to improvetheir metacognitive str

14、ategy application。KEY WORDS:metacognitive strategies;self-access learning;elearning; listening comprehension广西大学学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明学位论文原创性声明本人声明:所呈交的学位论文是在导师指导下完成的,研究工作所取得的成果和相 关知识产权属广西大学所有。除已注明部分外,论文中不包含其它人已经发表过的研究 成果,也不包含本人为获得其它学位而使用过的内容。对本文的研究工作提供过重要帮 助的个人和集体,均已在论文中明确说明并致谢。论文作者签名:嫂产雨P毒2喇年占月,罗日学位论文使用

15、授权说明 本人完全了解广西大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定,即: 本人保证不以其它单位为第一署名单位发表或使用本论文的研究内容; 按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务; 学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文; 在不以赢利为目的的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。请选择发布时间:囱实时发布口解密后发布(保密论文需注明,并在解密后遵守此规定)论文作者签名:欧p雨悸导师签名羞潦0潲年6 J鼋,7目广西大掌硕士掌位论文 大掌英语自主掌习中的ji翻人知策略研究Chapter I IntroductionTo adapt to the new situation characterized by the development of higher education of our country,the Ministry of Education issued College English Curriculum Requirements(For乃肼Implementatio


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