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1、Unit 1 18Genetically Modified FoodsFeed the World?II. Vocabulary 1. alternative 2. modification 3. devastating 4. rigorous 5. collaborate6. recoup 7. incentive 8. restriction 9. subjected to 10. array of11. attribute to 12. being exposedto 13. incorporate into 14. fortified with 15. suffers fromIII.

2、 Translation (1) vocal green lobbies 主张环保的游说集团arable land 耕地面积 vitamin A deficiency 缺乏维生素Anutritionally improved crops 增进营养成分的农作物 restore the balance 避免这一损失staple crops主要粮食作物neutralize aluminum toxicity中和铝的毒性overall crop productivity农业总产量transport infrastructures运输基础设施target rich markets把富裕国家的市场作为目标

3、(2) 转基因食品来源于转基因生物体。转基因生物体自身发生了特定变化,基因工程技术使得其DNA发生这种变化成为可能。这些技术比突变(突变育种)精确的多,因为突变只使某个生物体暴露于辐射或化学物质从而创造一种非特异性而稳定的变化。人类改变食物机体的其他技术还包括选择性育种(植物育种和养殖动物),和体细胞无性系变异。转基因食品于90年代初首次推出市场。通常情况下,转基因食品为转基因植物产品:大豆,玉米,油菜,棉花子油。但动物产品也已得到开发。2006年研究人员通过一种名为线虫的基因,在一头猪身上有争议的研发出- 3脂肪酸。研究人员还开发了一种转基因品种的猪,它能够更高效地吸收植物磷,因此其粪便的磷

4、含量也减少高达60%。批评家反对转基因食品的若干理由,包括理论或想象的安全问题,生态问题,经济问题,上述问题的提出是由于转基因生物体受知识产权法支配。2.Translate the following Chinese into English. (1) 挑起争论to spark a debate 转基因食品genetically modified foods 解决问题 to resolve issues食物链the food chain 供大于求The supply exceeds the needs 世界人均耕地the worlds cultivable land per person大幅度

5、提高to increase significantly 罪魁祸首 to play the largest role 从整体上看 taken as a whole 尖端研究the leading-edge research(2) Finding it difficult to adapt to the climate there(3) to have no access to the health service(4) an important role in prospering and developing(5) a depression in yield and a reduction i

6、n quality(6) could have made a good salary(7) We cannot estimate the value of modern science and technology too much.(8) The insurance company will recoup the farmers for the loss caused by the flood.(9) During the SARS outbreak, the lack of hygiene in poor countries had devastating consequences to

7、all people of the world.(10) This University Library is one of the largest Libraries in China, with a stack of over 2.3 million volumes. It supports the Universitys research and teaching across a full range of subjects, and provides information about the Librarys collections and services in each sub

8、ject area.(11) The recession has hit middle-income and poor families hardest, widening the economic gap between the richest and poorest Americans as job layoffs ravaged household budgets.(12) Chinas government declared two strains of genetically modified rice safe to produce and consume, taking a ma

9、jor step toward endorsing the use of biotechnology in the staple food crop of billions of people in Asia. China is the worlds top producer and consumer of rice, so its use of modified varieties has the potential to alter the grains global supply patterns. Chinas officials have been less constrained

10、by public pressure over the sometimes-controversial use of biotechnology in food than officials in other countries. The government has long supported research into agricultural biotechnology as part of a drive to ensure the nation remains self-sufficient in staple crops. IV. Cloze1. species 2. predi

11、ctable 3. unrelated 4. different 5. into 6. produce 7. seeing 8. also 9. obvious 10. inserted 11. nobody 12. approved 13. apparently 14. humans 15. risksUnit 2The Biology of Skin Color: Black and WhiteII. Vocabulary 1. dismayed 2. formulated 3. dissipate 4. evaporation 5. forage for6. dispersing 7.

12、hampered 8. correlated with 9. defect 10. inhibits11. overdose 12. disproved 13. block out 14. reserves 15. complementIII. Translation1. (1) went through the literature on the subject 查阅这一专题的文献a recent issue of the Journal of Human Evolution 最近一期的人类进化杂志exposure to the sun 强烈阳光are particularly vulner

13、able to overheating 特别易受过热温度的伤害to absorb or disperse ultraviolet light 吸收或散射紫外线childrens neural-tube defects 婴儿的神经管缺陷overdosing on vitamin D 过量摄取维生素Dhard data correlating skin color to light levels 与肤色与光线水平有关联的过硬数据。ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射alert people to the importance of vitamin D 使人们注意他们饮食中富含维生

14、素D的重要性 (2) 20世纪80年代以前,研究人员只能对究竟有多少紫外线辐射到达地球表面做出估计。但在1978年,美国航空航天局(NASA)发射了“臭氧总量测绘分光计”。3年前,杰布隆斯基和卓别林得到了该分光计所测的全球紫外线测量数据。他们把这些数据与已经发表的来自50多个国家的有关当地人口肤色的数据进行了比较。令他们欣慰的是,它们之间有着明确无误的相关性:紫外线越弱,皮肤就越白皙。杰布隆斯基进而表明,生活在纬度50度以上的人缺乏维生素D的风险最高。“这曾是人类定居历史上最后的障碍之一,” 杰布隆斯基说。“只是在人类学会了捕鱼,因而能获得富含维生素D的食物后,他们才能够定居在这些地区。”2.(1) 中暑 heatstroke 浅色的皮肤 light skin 早在20世纪60年代 As far back as the 1960s 阻挡紫外线 block the light 明确无误的相关性 an unmistakable correlation 缺乏维生素D vitamin D defic


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