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1、 Unit 2 Travelng arudte wold 综合能力演习 责编:郭素清 【巩固练习】. 单选。All us jy plaig comter gmes,_ ecantspend o mu e on it.u o C.nd so2Wat isChia aus _?Th eat Wall.Afor B.at Co D.n3.e sorys ntetig and allousae _ n itA.inteeting interest C.interet D.inersted4Shed lie _ ome othr cotries.to vit .visited Cvi Dvisiting

2、5.Li Ming _ to Tamen ar with his parts lastweek.A.goes B.went .wil go Dgoin6Istimefr class_ the stdt in,ae ACal B.Caling C.ae allWe havenholoday.Wy ot_ swimmin hi afternon?A.o Bto Cing .went8.Thegl _ long hair is ver beaufl.Ato B.o C.a .ith9._ is imprtantfor uso arn Engliwll.It B.fr Cas D.ith1.Jak l

3、ikespla_ basketball,bt e oest ikplaing _ guiar. A.a;a .h;the Cthe;/ D./;the11.om,y lamaes ae waitig frme,_ I mt no.A.or .t C.so D.though2Doyou ot scho vey day?No,we g o shool onl _ onday toFrday.A.om B.o bete D.n13.ee _apcure on the postard.Iseatifl.A.hs .s ae Dhave14.Beijing _ in t north oChiA.efr

4、es st Dlies15Leme_ you hw _ o ur scool.Atotll;t e B.tll; e Cto tell;arrive D.el;ariv【真题预测链接】1. Ja, is this yo mbrlla? 【 福州中考】o, snot _ in take one hisoning.A. me .myC min2. Look! Theraffc lthas turned red.We_ sop ca.【 广东中考】Acan B.cnt Cmst D.mustt3 What d uthin h omasner? 【 呼和浩特中考】er vie sond_I lik h

5、r songs.AseetBsweetlyCbadDbadlyI. 完形填空。LasSatday,Tony enttoseeBeny But idnt know 1 Bny lved. 2 the y, he soppd n frontof a el houe, and asked n odwomathe 3 t nny house.“Hsuse s n f from y huse,”saithe oman.“It behnd thetre. But you cat thre 4 .ouan go here y bus. Ill 5 ou orto get hee 6 oo.” “Wht 7

6、wihe?” Tn thougt,“ can seBenys use from henow. Its eh h 8 ”Then onyalked to eothr ide thetrees. H foundthe ol womanwas 9 .The waarive in ron of im, andh count see oat. Th huse ws heoher side the 1 .Awhat B.ere .hw.why2.B Bn .NrD.In 3Aplce B.hoe C.say4.A.wll B.now .easlyD.hur5A.pd B.take CbringD.cry6

7、.in B.o.y D.wit7.A.atter .trubleC.wro D.right8.A.hous B.riversC.esD.oats9.Aig od Cron D.fne0.roa ee.tsD.riverIII. 阅读理解。 Petr ws nine yeasol. One day his ried Tom sid t him, “Imn ohve abrthda py at om n Sunday. Peer, can you ome?” eer aked his oer, and he said,“s,you can o” foe Ptr wenttoepartonSundy

8、aftron, his mother ad to him, “oumustbolie. akforfoo.ait il somone gives it t ou.” “Al right, mum.”Peter aneed. Tnhent t Tms house.Therewee alotof cldren t the pary.They plaedfor an ho, n ten os motherae tem someood, butsh foot t ePte an. e ai for a moment, and then he eldhi ple up and sai lodl, “os

9、 aone wan nic clen pae?”根据短文内容判断正误,对的的选择A,错误的选择B。. Tom a a biray rt on Sunday.2. eter mthr ked Pterto bpole a teparty.3 Therewrefewchildren the prty.4. osohe fgo o givePeteny food5.Peter waed ov te icate to someon that neede Bast food raurants e popularwith may kinds of peope ao the wod, bu they a e

10、specilly popla with cden.One aois that ma fasfoo restarants now ieuomers(顾客) oy with every chls mal Mos fast fd restaurantsmakea risof tys,usual bix, forcutmersoolle. he clltors are not ony children, ad man aduls(成人)sonjocolletng the tys. Sm peopecollect the to overmaear.e oys rnge frm dolls and softoys likteddy bar, to mode car, trucks and leroi oys suc sTamagocs. om ofholder tllctions arwoh alot o moey today her are oseverl west hr olleto ab nd sell h toys,



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