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1、50个大学校训翻译、北京大学(创立于9年):爱国进步民主科学Pkingnivesity(fonedin1898):atriotsm,Avanment,emocryand Sciece2、清华大学(始建于19)自强不息德载物:sinhuUnvesit(founddaarlas111):scipneandSocilCommitent3、中国人民大学(Renmin Univesity of Cia):实事求是SkTuth om Fats.、复旦大学(Fuda Uiity):博学而笃志,切问而近思 Richn Knowedge an Tencious ofPurpose;Inuirngwit arne

2、sness and Refecing withSel-ratie.5、浙江大学(Zejiang nivrsity):求实创新:Seek t ad B Creaive. 6、同济大学(Tongj niveriy):严谨求实,团结创新:Discile、rcticality、Untand reatity. 7、重庆大学(Chngqg Ursity):耐劳苦 尚俭朴 勤学业 爱国家:dunc、Trit、Din、Patiois.8、南京大学(Naningnirsty):诚朴雄伟,励学敦行:BeHoestan Inelligt、tudy Hardan Act Sinerel.9、武汉大学(WuhnUnvr

3、sity):自强弘毅,求是拓新:Ipve Yoursel、Cay forward Samina, eek ruthand Develp Innoatin另一译:Ge Betirred、evelo Pereerace、Apre aterTrthand BlzNewTrls.10、山东大学(Sadog nivesiy):气有浩然,学无止境:Noble pirt;Bunlesin Kwldge.11、 四川大学(Sichuan nvsy):海纳百川,有容乃大:The Sa ncomases Hreds of Rie; iingnsto ccptAll Is Vituu12、中山大学(un Yte U

4、iversty):博学审问慎思明辨笃行:Std Exensvel、 Enure Acately 、Reflec Cael, Dicrimiate lly、 and Practie Earnetly 、上海外国语大学(hangai Intrtinal Suds nversiy:格高志远 学贯中外:tgrity、Vsi andAcadmic Ecelc 14、北京师范大学(Bejing NrmlUnivrsity):学为人师,行为世范earnto Bea EcellntTeher; t san Exemplaryrson. 、中央民族大学(Mnzu nivrsityf Cina):团结求实,文明创

5、新:Sek ruthtrh Uny an Innvate Ourivilizaton 16、中国传媒大学(Commiaton iesty of Chna):立德敬业,博学竞先:Bud p heharacr fo te areer; ompete in eanin. 7、北京外国语大学(Beijig rein Stdies Unverity):兼容并蓄,博学笃行:Learn withan OpenMi o Serve aGrat Caus.18、中国科技大学(Uiverit fSien an Tecnolgyo Chi):红专并进,理实交融:Socialist-mine and Profesio

6、nll Proficint:; Associng Tr wih Fat. 1、南开大学(Nna niversity):允公允能,日新月异:Dediton to Publ Inerests;Aqisition f AII-rounCapablity; and sraton for Progres wt ach Da.20、中南财经政法大学:博文明理 厚德济世ZhongnUnersiyof coomic adaw :Learne,Ratio, rtuus and Dvote.2、中国海洋大学:海纳百川 至人至德)、Vast oceanembraces strto tstid;ormseevd pr

7、omiseo a and wide ()、Vst cean embraces streamsoitid; Nrm reeved pomise l d ide.22、中国政法大学:厚德明法,格物致公ha Univesity o Political cen and Law :eping intrity dla in ndad stdyin fo the peopleeloin oraleducation, asterng the law, loig for trh an servin the plic23、中国地质大学:艰苦朴素,求真务实ChinaUniveriy of eoscinces:Wor

8、kHrd,;Kp Modet;FlexiblUnitand pusue progress.24、华中科技大学:团结、求实、创新、进取Huaong Universty of Scenc nd Technolgy: nty; eaiy; rictnes ad Initation.2、华中师大:求实创新立德树人uahonnoral niverty :Seek truh; ainovations;enhe morality;osr talents26、西南交大:勤奋自信遵纪文明Cultivte Taets Rejuvnat hhese NinandStriv Ucesgly7、东南大学:止于至善Sou

9、theas Univrsity: Strie for Perfetion.8、上海大学:自强不息 tenthn eristentlyhagha nverst: t mak unreiting effort, and to urue invatinandth tuth.29、南航大学:智周万物,道济天下Nanjnuiversiy ofaeoaic adatnatic:Acquire knledge;svethe pepe(吴鼎民)团结、俭朴、唯实、创新(老校训)coopero; ecnmca; acica andrtive、国防科技大学:奉献求实Nationa niversityof ense

10、Tchnology: DedicatonandPratiaity31、哈尔滨工业大学:规格严格,功夫到家Hrbn Insituef Technlgy:tric StandardandfficientEfort.3、天津大学:实事求是injn nivert: Seekruthfom Facs 33、暨南大学:忠信笃敬JinaUnversity: Loalty,Credbil, Serity,a e 34、厦门大学:自强不息止于至善Xiame nivrty: PursueEclle,Strive or Prfcion35。、吉林大学:求实创新励志图强ilinUniversiy:Seek tuh,

11、e inniv a endeavor to wokfor the best.36、云南大学:立一等品格 求一等学识 成一等事业Ynnan nversty:Perfection in Morl Integrity;Exelece inScolary Attinen;dGreatnes n aee Pusuits.37、青岛大学:博学笃志 明德求真 守正出奇Lare; Prsevering; tous;Trth-seen;Nor-aiding; Invative.8、对外经贸大学:博学诚信 求索 笃行University ofntrnionl usess n Ecoomic:belened; tr

12、uthu;probg ad ersvern.39、曲阜师范大学:学而不厌,诲人不倦。Quf normal unvey :larn insatialy;and instruct other ndefatgal4、香港大学:明德格物UniversiofHongKo: isd n Virtu.、台湾大学敦品励学爱国爱人Naioal ai anUnivsit: Cltivateour Vrte;Advace Yor Intelect;LoeYou Cutr an People.42、台湾东吴大学:养天地正气,法古今完人Socho UniersityEnglish otto: to A Full-gr ManCines mot (as transated): Norih the pirt f Unvrsl rut; Emulte t Pefect e otheAe.4、安徽理工大学:团结 奋进 博学 奉献Ahu Uiesit: o Scince a Tecnology :uity d progres, sictess n sta


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