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1、Vocabulary and Structures1. The public _generous in their contributions to the earthquake victims. A. is B. are C. was D. has been 2.The committee _,and it has decided to dismiss him. A. were B. have met C. has met D. was met3.Cattle_in the field. A. Grazes B. have been C. was grazing D. are grazing

2、 4.Every means _tried but without much result. A. has been B. have been C. are D. is5.These deer_ small compared with other species of deer. A. are B. is C .do D. does6.The Canterbury Tales _written by Chaucer. A. has been B. were C. was D. had been7.The Philippines _to the south-east of China. A. l

3、ies B. lie C. lay D. lays8.The Smiths _their breakfast when the morning post came. A. had B. has been having C. are having D. were having 9.Measles_a kind of infections illness. A. is B. are C. were D. have been 10.Linguistics_very difficult to learn. A. is not B. are not C. were not D .wasnt11.He m

4、oved away from his parents, and missed them _enjoy the exciting life in New York. A. too much to B. enough to C. very much to D. much so as to 12.Mr.Lee is far too wise a man not _that. A. seeing B. being seen C. see D. to see13.He ran all the way up to the station _that the train had left fifteen m

5、inutes before. A. only to find B. such as to find C. so as to find D .in order to find14.She didnt want to go to the party. So she _an excuse. A. made up B. made up of C. made up for D. made 15.There is more land in Australia than the government knows_. A. what to do with B. how to do C. to do with

6、it D. to do it16.Progress so far has been very good .We are _,confident that the work will be completed on time. A. however B. therefore C. instead D. on the other hand17.Instead of _the teacher to offer them help, the student tried to work it out themselves. A. wait for B. to wait for C. waiting fo

7、r D. being waiting for 18.I bought some new shoes which are very _to a pair I had before. A. similar B. different C. same D. like19.Tim waited a moment to _himself that he was not being followed. A. make sure B. assure C. guarantee D. promise20.They find it hard _their spoken English. A. improving B

8、. having improved C. improve D. to improve 21.One truck involved in the accident was carrying a heavy _of coal. A. road B. stuff C .total D .load22.You have to _the nursing home before putting your mother in it. A. check out B. turn out C. work out D. carry out23.The hotel wants to _its business by

9、adding a swimming pool. A. expand B. extend C. expend D. attend24.Each girl and boy _good reason to be proud of the work done by their parents. A. having B. have C. has D. is25.As a child you always assume that your parents are there to_ your needs. A. turn to B. extend to C. log on D. attend to 26.

10、Were discussed the unusual form of the book, now, what about the_? A. context B. content C. budget D. category27.Most of holiday flights depart and arrive_. A. on schedule B. out of schedule C. in schedule D. to schedule28.Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem ,we ne

11、ed to adopt different _to it. A. request B. package C. approach D. style29.How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains a_. A. story B. misery C. memory D. mystery30.A team of advertisers is hard at work trying to _a slogan for the product. A. write out B. come up wit

12、h C. lead to D. bring about31.People spend time _from sale to sale ,hoping to find something valuable. A. going B. to go C. goes D. go 32.I_several old friends when I went back to my hometown. A. ran down B. ran over C. ran across D. ran away33.Do you still have the _version of this document? A. var

13、ious B. original C remnant D. fabulous34.North Sea Oil _a high proportion of our export earnings. A. explains away B. makes for C. trades for D. accounts for35.Im trying to _my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week. A. arrange B. adjust C. adapt D. exchange36.The equipment could be

14、used for a_ of educational purposes. A. many B. different C. variety D. variance37.You can use the computer to_ the newspaper articles alphabetically or by date. A. deliver B .budget C .schedule D. sort38.I dont know what Id have done without Lizzie when I was ill-she was an absolute_. A. pleasure B treasure C leisure D. pressure39.I dont like to_ a r


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