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1、 7B 复习讲义一Unit1 Dream homes词汇:dream,favourite,capital,chat, rain, busy, share, friendly, grow, call, different, own, no短语:would like,look out,cant wait to do sth. ,at least语法:方位介词,基数词,序数词重点词汇解析1. dream形容词:理想的,梦想中的The beautiful garden is a dream place for children to play.名词:梦想,梦My dream is to become

2、a singer when I grow up.动词:做梦Do you often dream?dream of 梦想,渴望dream to do sth。梦想做某事dream about 梦见,设想,考虑2. look系动词look +形容词,如:look beautiful不及物动词 相关短语: look for 寻找 look at 看 look on 观看 look like 看起来像 look up 向上看,查询 look after照顾 look into朝。看 look back on。回顾。look forward to 。期盼look around 环顾四周 look dow

3、n on 瞧不起 look up and down 上下打量 look out 小心3. busy形容词:忙碌的The traffic is very busy at this time every day.Be busy with sth.忙于某事Be busy in doing sth。 忙于做某事名词形式:business 商业,生意,贸易We got a lot of support from the local businesses.4. share及物动词:分享,合用Good friends can share the joys and sorrows。好朋友能同甘共苦。Share

4、 sth. with sb.The doctors are busy with their work。Mrs. Green is busy cooking in the kitchen.5. call动词:称呼Call me Mary,please。A dog called Eddie.1. 方位介词(Prepositions of place)1) 常用的方位介词(词组) 成反义词:above-below, over-under, inside-outside, in front of-behind 有关联的:above-over-on, below-under, beside-next t

5、o, at-in, between-among 其他:opposite2) 使用时的注意点A. 方位介词在句子中的位置 The book is under the desk. (be动词的后面) He is standing between the two trees.(实义动词的后面) Do you know the man in front of the classroom?(放在名词后面修饰它) He lives in an old house in the center of the city.(作为整句话的状语)B. above和below,over和under 这两组反义词的前者都

6、表示“在上方”,后者都表示“在下方”。 There are some bridges over the river. Whats under the bed? An old shoe. The shelf is above the top bunk bed. She lives two floors below Linda.C. above, over和on 这三个词都表示“在上面”,on是指和物体有接触,over是指在正上方,没有接触面,above也是没有接触面,正上方或斜上方,但现在可代替over,如: The wooden house is over / above the river.

7、 The bag is on the table. There is a plane flying above our heads.D. at和in 这两个词常用在arrive后面,at后加小地点,in后加大地点,如: He arrived at the airport at 4 p.m. We will arrive in Beijing tomorrow morning.E. between和among between是指在两者之间,常用词组betweenand,而among是在三者或三者以上之间,如: I sit between Lily and Lucy. Mr. Li likes s

8、taying among his students.(注:英语中的复数名词,没有特别指出是两个,都默认为三者或三者以上)F. opposite:在对面 如:Our school is opposite a park.2. 基数词(Cardinal numbers)表示数目的数词是基数词。1) 基数词的构成A. 两位数:十位数与个位数之间加连字符。如:23 twenty-threeB. 三位数:百位数与最后两位数加and(美语省略and)。如:201 two hundred and one 642 six hundred and forty-twoC. 四位数:thousand之后加逗号,后面依

9、照以上原则。如:1,351 one thousand, three hundred and fifty-oneD. 表示万以上的数目,将数字由右向左每三位加一个逗号,使一个数字分成几个小节,称为thousand节,million节等,然后按节处理,如: 68,343 sixty-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-three 13, 526, 300 thirteen million, five hundred twenty-six thousand, three hundred英语中没有直接的单词来表示“万”和“亿”,如: 一万 10,000 te

10、n thousand 两万 20,000 twenty thousand 十万 100,000 one hundred thousand 三十万 300,000 three hundred thousand 一千万 10,000,000 ten million 两千万 20,000,000 twenty million一亿 100,000,000 one hundred million表示十亿,美国用one billion,英国用one thousand million2)基数词的运用A. 表示确切数目时,hundred,thousand和million只能用单数,不能变复数;但表示不确定的数

11、目时,要用复数形式。如:five hundred 五百 three thousand 三千hundreds of 成百上千的 thousands of 成千上万的millions of 数百万的 B. 表示时间:7:30 seven thirtyC. 表示年代:in the 1980s(读作nineteen eighties)在二十世纪八十年代 2005(读作two thousand and five)D. 表示不确定的年龄:in his twenties 在他二十几岁时 3. 序数词(Ordinal numbers) 表示人或物的顺序的数词是序数词。1) 序数词的构成 一二三,特殊记, (f

12、irst,second,third) 加th从四起; (从四开始所有的序数词都是以th结尾的。) 八少t,九少e; (eight去t加th变成eighth,nine去e加上th变成 ninth) 逢五与十二,f替ve ; (five,twelve中ve变为f再加th,就成为fifth,twelfth) 二十到九十,y变ie; (2090等十位整数的基数词都是以y结尾的, 变成序数词时要变y为ie,再加th。例如:twentieth,thirtieth等。) 若是几十几,前基后序要牢记。(这些词的序数词写法是:十位数保持基数词不变,个位数改成序数词,如:twenty-first, ninety-

13、fifth.) 百位数的序数词:百位数用基数词后面十位数或个位数的序数词,如: 第二百二十 two hundred and twentieth 第二百零三 two hundred and third序数词的缩写形式由阿拉伯数字加序数词的最后两个字母构成,如: two hundred and twentieth - 220th two hundred and third - 203rd第九 ninth 十九 nineteen 第十九 nineteenth 九十 ninety 第九十 ninetieth 第四 fourth 十四 fourteen 第十四 fourteenth 四十 forty 第

14、四十 fortieth2)序数词的用法A. 表示日期,如:March 18th, 1978 或 18th March, 1978B. 表示编号或顺序,如:the sixth lesson = Lesson SixC. 前面一般加定冠词the,如:He is the first student to get to the school every day. 如果序数词前面有形容词性物主代词,可以不加the,如:It was his fifth bowl of rice for lunch.D. 有时还可以作副词用,如:I finished the homework first in my class today.牛津初中英语7B Unit1知识点归纳重点短语1.live in a palace 住在宫殿里2.next to / beside a restaurant 在饭馆隔壁3.the biggest one 最大的一个4.wo



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