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1、小学英语外研版五年级下册Module8Unit 2 I made a kite教案1新设计小学英语外研版教材以学生为本,注重小学生的年龄特点和心理特征,从调动和激发其对英语的学习兴趣入手,通过大量贴近生活实际、富有时代气息的形式灵活多样的主题和内 容、朗朗上口富有韵律感的英语歌曲和歌谣以及生动有趣的卡通图片画面,让学生在听、说、 读、写活动中进一步培养学生初步阅读的能力。2学情分析本册书的教授对象是小学五年级的学生,他们已经有了一定的英语基础。他们对英语学习有一定的兴趣,并具备一定的英语知识,也具有了一定的自学能力和语言组织能力,但是在 灵活应用上还有欠缺;这一年龄阶段的孩子好胜心强,集体荣誉

2、感也强,因此在设计上采用了 任务型教学从听说入手,创设情景,设计游戏等激发学生学习兴趣;同时为了满足不同层次学 生的需求,内容设计面向全体学生,做到由易到难,让学生在愉快、民主、宽松的氛围中得到 不同程度的提升。在唱、演、玩中主动汲取知识,为以后的英语学习奠定扎实的基础。3教学目标一、知识与技能1. Students can master skill words: draw-drew, cut-cut,put-put,tie-tied, piece,paint,stick ,string.2. Students can use past tense to express how they ma

3、de a thing.二、过程与方法1. Students can express the things they need for making a thing.2. Students can express how they made a thing step by step.三、情感、态度与价值观1. Students enjoy a lot from learning English.2. Students try to think in different ways and be creative.4重点难点1.教学重点:掌握本课句型。2.教学难点:运用过去时句型在创设的情景中灵活自

4、如地进行交流。5辅助性教学游戏,音频,情景教学法,Pair-work 两人小组活动,Group-work 小组活动,多媒体辅 助教学。6教学过程1【导入】Step1:warmup1. Greeting2. Lets chantAsk students to chant and do actions together.(设计意图:此活动既活跃了课堂气氛拉近了师生间的距离,也为后面的教学铺垫。)2【讲授】Step2:Presentation1. New expression “a piece of”T: Boys and girls, I have so much colorful paper.

5、Look, a piece of pink paper . a piece of green paper.进行 a piece of 学习。T: I also put some paper in my bag. Can you guess what color they are? (引导学 生用 a piece of paper 回答。)S1:S2:(设计意图:由前面的 chant 自然过渡到“a piece of_ paper”的学习和操练巩固。) 2. Do the jigsaw puzzle and use “put it on .” to show the picture of a D

6、ragon.T: (根据前面的 “Guess”活动中的三张纸片引出 “dragon”)Look, its a jigsaw puzzle. Lets put them on the paper. OK?T: Put it on which one? Part A, part B or part C? Who wants to try?S1:S2:T: (指着拼好的图问:)“ Whats this?”Ss: Its a dragon.T: Yeah!Its a Chinese dragon. Yesterday I drew it. And I painted it.(进行 drew, pain

7、ted 单词教学)T: Daming also drew a Chinese dragon. He will take the Chinese dragon kite to America.T: How did Daming make the kite? Here, Daming wrote something about how he made the kite. So today, lets learn “How I made the kite”(设计意图:复习旧知,引出新知,揭示课题。)3. New Lesson.1). Listen to the tape and answer the

8、 question.T:How many steps are there?T:Now, lets listen.Ss:T: What did Daming need to make the kite? Lets listen again. (显示全文)Ss:(教师根据学生的回答进行相应单词的教学。)T: OK, Daming needed these things, lets read them.Ss:(设计意图:学生带着问题去听课文,可以让他们初步理解课文的内容,在此基础上也训练他 们提炼信息,输出信息的能力。在此基础上进一步展现学生自主学习,探究和解决问题的能 力。)2).Talk abo

9、ut the making stepsT: How did Daming make the kite? Now, please read by yourself and find out how he made the kite.Ss:T: First, What did he do? Who wants to try?S1:T: Second?S2:.(结合教师的肢体语言进行教学。)T: (教师指着黑板上拼好的风筝问)Whats this?Ss: Its a kite.T: Is it beautiful?Ss: Yes.T: Now, we know Daming made a beaut

10、iful kite. And then, what could Daming do? (教师利用大明放飞风筝形象的图片展示引出:“Then ,I could fly my kite.”T: Now, We know how Daming made the kite. Lets read the text after the tape. Ss:T: Ok, lets read again.Ss:T: Is this the first step?(引导学生对黑板上的课文内容进行正确排序。)(设计意图:学生在自由阅读后,说出制作风筝的步骤,并通过个别读、跟读、齐读、排序等 多种形式进行课文内容的巩

11、固。)3). Fill in the blanks about the textT: Daming was so happy! Now, Boys and girls lets fill in the blanks. Can you try?PPT 出示填空。让学生先独立完成再进行集体订正。(设计意图:通过对课文相关内容的填空的巩固练习,进一步加深和巩固学生对课文内容的学 习。)3【练习】Step3:Consolidation and practice1).What did Lingling do with a piece of paper? Show the pictures of the

12、paper-c ut.T: Now boys and girls, we know how Daming made the kite. How about Lingling? Lo ok, What did Lingling do ?T: Lets enjoy something that Lingling made. (教师出示 Lingling 的一些剪纸作品 让学生欣赏为 “paper-cut”教学铺垫。)2). Look at the pictures and talk about the steps.T: How did Lingling make a piece of paper

13、cut? Look at the pictures. There are 4 steps. Now you can discuss in your group according to these information. Ss:(学生小组讨论后再进行全班交流。)3) .Match and read.T:Now, Lets match the steps,Who can find the right answer ?Ss:(学生通过学习之后,能把图片和正确的句子对应连线,再进行全班交流。)(设计意图:通过小组讨论、抢答、自由交流等的方式,给学生营造一个快乐、宽松、民主、 和谐的学习氛围。在这样

14、的学习氛围中他们不仅收获了知识-用自己的语言描述制作一件 物品的步骤;他们也收获了来自于学习的快乐。)4).Enjoy some paper works。T: Look at the pictures about “paper-cut”.And these are book marks by myself. Lets the notice.(PPT 展示。)Ss:(学生齐读做手工注意事项,为接下来的课后作业做准备。)(设计意图:“paper-cut” 和“book mark”的呈现是课文内容的延伸。欣赏生活中的其他 纸制作品,为学生完成家庭作业铺垫;拓展学生的视野,启发孩子的创造思维;激发孩子

15、对生 活的热爱。)4【测试】Step4:Sum upT: In fact, In our daily life, We can do a lot of things with paper to make our life more beautiful.(设计意图:教师对整节课有一个总结,让学生再次巩固本课所学,课后延伸,激发孩子对生 活的热爱。)5【作业】Step5:homeworkYou can make something with paper.Write down how you made it in English.(设计意图:最后作业的布置是对这节课知识的延伸以及对情感目标的升华。)7【板书设计】I made a kite1. I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper . 2. I painted it.3. I cut the paper.4. I put sticks on it.


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