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1、社会工作奖、优秀学生干部、学校优秀毕业证书留学申请名词专用翻译! 证书翻译件格式要求:中英文放在一张A4纸上,即:上半页为英文翻译,下半页为证书的复印件。以下为各类证书的英文翻译模板,大家对应下载后可以修改各自证书中相关的个人信息及获奖情况,字的大小可以调整一下,落款日期一定要与证书上的颁发日期一致。(温馨提示:各类奖学金证书翻译件办理费用均为8元一份,请按需挑选后办理。)一、优秀毕毕业证书书1. 浙江江省优秀秀毕业证证书CERTIIFICCATEE OFF HOONORRMr. 姓姓名,You hhavee beeen awaardeed tthe tittle of Graaduaate

2、witth HHonoor oout of thee grraduuatees oof ZZhejjianng PProvvincciall Innstiituttionns oof HHighher Leaarniing.The EEduccatiionaal OOffiiceof Zhhejiiangg ProovinnceJune 20, 199992学校优优秀毕业业证书11CERTIIFICCATEE OFF HOONORR TThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMr. 姓名, a graaduaate of 19992, havvingg sttudiied

3、 in Cheemiccal Enggineeeriing Depparttmennt wwithh a speeciaalitty oof PPolyymerr Chhemiicall Ennginneerringg, hhas beeen aawarrdedd thhe ttitlle oof GGradduatte wwithh Hoonorr inn reecoggnittionn off hiis ooutsstanndinng pperfformmancce dduriing hiss ennrolllmeent in thee unnderrgraaduaate proograa

4、m.Lu YoongxxianngPresiidennt oof ZZhejjianng UniiverrsittyJune 26, 19992学校优秀秀毕业证证书2CERTIIFICCATEE OFF HOONORR TThiss iss too ceertiify thaat MMr. 姓名, a graaduaate of 20003, hass beeen awaardeed tthe tittle of Graaduaate witth HHonoor iin rrecoogniitioon oof hhis outtstaandiing perrforrmannce durring

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6、hiis ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hhim as an enccourrageemennt.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyDec. 19998注:原杭大大、医大大、农大大各类奖奖学金证证书翻译译要加上上四校合合并说明明,如下下:CERTIIFICCATEE OFF SCCHOLLARSSHIPPMs. 姓姓名woon tthe Seccondd Prrizee off Exxcelllennt UUndeergrraduuatee Scchollarsshipp inn thhe aacaddemiic yyear

7、r off 19989-19990. Thiis ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hher as an enccourrageemennt.Hangzzhouu UniiverrsittyOct. 19990Remarrks: Thhis is to cerrtiffy tthatt thhe ffourr unniveersiitiees, Zheejiaang Uniiverrsitty, Hanngzhhou Uniiverrsitty, Zheejiaang Agrricuultuurall Unniveersiity andd Z

8、heejiaang Meddicaal Uniiverrsitty, werre mmergged intto oone: Zheejiaang Uniiverrsitty oon SSepttembber 15, 19998.2. X等等奖学金金(例:三等奖奖学金)CERTIIFICCATEE OFF SCCHOLLARSSHIPPThis is to cerrtiffy tthatt Mrr. 姓姓名haas ggot thee thhirdd-grradee scchollarsshipp inn thhe aacaddemiic yyearr off 19986-19887. Thii

9、s ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hhim as an enccourrageemennt.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyOctobber 198874. 三好好学生荣荣誉证书书CERTIIFICCATEE OFF COOMMEENDAATIOONMr. 姓姓名woon tthe tittle of Exccelllentt Alll-rrounnd SStuddentt inn thhe aacaddemiic yyearr off 19993-19994. Thiis ccerttifiicatte oof ccom

10、mmenddatiion is herrebyy awwardded to himm ass ann enncouuraggemeent.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyNov. 199945. 优秀秀学生干干部荣誉誉证书Certiificcatee foor tthe Exccelllentt Caadree off SttudeentssThis is to cerrtiffy tthatt Mrr. 姓姓名 iis aadmiitteed tthe Exccelllentt Caadree off Sttudeentss inn thhe aacaddemiic yyea

11、rr off 19988-19889. Thiis ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hhim as an enccourrageemennt.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyDec., 199896. 成绩绩优秀单单项奖CERTIIFICCATEE OFF SCCHOLLARSSHIPPThis is to cerrtiffy tthatt Mrr. 姓姓名haas ggot thee sppeciialiizedd scchollarsshipp off Exxcelllennt AAchiieveemennts forr

12、 thhe 119977-19998 acaademmic yeaar. Thiis ccerttifiicatte iis hhereeby awaardeed tto hhim as an enccourrageemennt.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyDec. 199987. 新生生优秀单单项奖CERTIIFICCATEE OFF SCCHOLLARSSHIPPThis is to cerrtiffy tthatt Mss. 姓姓名haas ggot thee sppeciialiizedd scchollarsshipp off Exxcelllennt FFres

13、sherr foor tthe 19888-119899 accadeemicc yeear. Thhis cerrtifficaate is herrebyy awwardded to herr ass ann enncouuraggemeent.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyOct. 198888. 社会会工作单单项奖CERTIIFICCATEE OFF SCCHOLLARSSHIPPThis is to cerrtiffy tthatt Mrr. 姓姓名 hhas gott thhe sspecciallizeed sschoolarrshiip oof CCollle

14、cttivee Duutiees ffor thee 19993-19994 aacaddemiic yyearr. TThiss ceertiificcatee iss heerebby aawarrdedd too hiim aas aan eencoouraagemmentt.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyNov. 199949. 社会会实践单单项奖CERTIIFICCATEE OFF SCCHOLLARSSHIPPThis is to cerrtiffy tthatt Mss. 姓姓名haas ggot thee sppeciialiizedd scchollarsshipp off Soociaal PPraccticce ffor thee 19994-19995 aacaddemiic yyearr. TThiss ceertiificcatee iss heerebby aawarrdedd too heer aas aan eencoouraagemmentt.Zhejiiangg UniiverrsittyDec. 1999510. 教教学实践践单项奖奖CERTIIFICCATEE OFF SCCHOLLARSSHIPPThis is to cerrtiffy tthatt



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