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1、Unit 2 Lets play sports Welcome to the unit导学案一、翻译词组。1. 喜欢散步 2. 走向我的碗 3.一天很多次 4. 他们最爱的体育运动 5.喜欢踢足球 6.擅长打排球 7.擅长游泳 8.每周 9.放学后 10怎么样 课 堂 反 馈一、单项选择( ) 1. Her name is Millie. She likes _. A. reading B. read C. reads D. to reading( ) 2.My cousin dancing, but I A. enjoy; doesnt B. enjoy; does C. enjoys; d

2、ont D. enjoy; dont( ) 3. Daniel doesnt basketball. A. loves B. love C. loving. D. love to( ) 4. Do you like ?No, I dont. A. play the basketball B. play volleyballC. to play volleyball D. to play the tennis( ) 5.Whats favourite sport? Ping-pong. A. you B. your C. me D. him二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. (let) me he

3、lp you.2. Millie _ (have) a pair of big black eyes.3. I want to (be) friends with you.4. Simon_ (play) football after school every day.5. Andy likes (watch) TV. He (watch) TV every evening.6. I (not have) breakfast at 7:00 a.m.7. you (do) your homework at home.?8. What about (play) sports on Sunday?

4、9. We often go (swim) every week.10. We all think he is (real) polite and helpful.课 前 导 学预习P20课文,翻译下列短语。1.爱好运动 2.我最爱的足球明星 3.二十二岁 4. 的一个新的成员 5. 黄河足球俱乐部 6.来自广东 7.住在北京 8.看起来强壮 课 堂 反 馈一、单项选择( ) 1. Liu Xiang comes Shanghai but now he in Beijing. A. from; lives B. in; live C. at; live D. from; live( ) 2.

5、Each member hopes to the next match. A. play at B. play in C. play by D. play of( ) 3. Jack likes books, but Bob enjoys TV. A. read; watch B. reading; watching C looking; watching D. reading; looking( ) 4. Ronaldo is football player. A. the favourite B. favourite C. her favourite D. her the favourit

6、e( ) 5. Daniel and Simon are good badminton . A. play B. player C. players D. playsb . His f food is sausage and tomatoes.课 前 导 学阅读P20课文,翻译下列短语。1. 我最喜欢的足球运动员 2.的一员 3.看起来强壮 4.踢足球很好 5.在他的空闲时间 6.使他快乐 7.在下一届世界杯中 8.成为现实 课 堂 反 馈一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词1. She likes listening to music. She is in Music (俱乐部).2. I (希望

7、)to travel to Japan with my family.3. My (梦想)is to be a good basketball player.4. I like drawing pictures in my (空闲的) time.5. Li Hua is a (成员)of Huanghe Football Team .二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I (be) a China girl. I singing very much.2. My father (play) football every day. He (be) good at it.3. I lunch at h

8、ome. But my brother it at school.(have)4. My grandparents (watch) TV every evening. But they ( not watch) it after 10:00.5. Our football team (be) the best in the city.6. David and Simon (be) e-friends .Simon (live) in Shanghai, but David (not live) there.7. I my cat and she me too. (love)三、根据中文提示完成下列句子1.谁是你最喜欢的篮球明星?Who is your ?2他是我们游泳俱乐部的一名新成员。He is of our Swimming Club.3.我在空闲时间玩电脑游戏。I play computer games .4.听音乐使我们快乐。Listening to music can .5.我希望你的梦想能成为现实。I hope that your .课 前 导 学预习课本P23 语法部分内容, 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1.work 2.read 3.clean



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