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1、单元重难点题组训练题组训练一 aive,living,live与liely辨析 单项选择。( )1. Thnk goodnss!My pet dg isstill _aftehe acdnt. aie B. livin C lve .ly( ) 2 Worl Cp in France was e bgst_ otbal mach th rld A. ave B. live C. livly D. lvig( ) 3. Mary used o be a _ irl.Bshe eels verylnely now Ys.eause hs n ad has fwfrendshere A. liv B

2、. ling C. lively D.alve 用ale,lng,iv或livy填空。.Te _are moe imotantus tn tedea.5 Shis such _ girl hatall ofus lv her6. Wh i the retstwite _?7. It s th bgst _ oncetthatI haeen.题组训练二 b abtt与be gongt用法辨析. 单项选择。()1 Th film_ en te igh wtout A. w startig B. srted . as gointo sart D was bu art( ) I am _ ooro.

3、. aout to B. going to ravel C.gn travelli D. ao travei( ) 3. Yeseday ornin he _ g uthensomoe kncdat the oor. was abutto B.s gong o . wa D. ws o.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 我们正要离开,这时突然下起雨来了。 W _ _ _ i tated in.下个月他们要搬进新房子了。 Tey_ _ _t new houenextmo题组训练三tll/il的用法单项选择。( ) 1.(昆明中考)Teet-behindkid (留守儿童)cantse ei ar

4、ns_the aretscome ack home from wok. A ut . util C o . if( ) 2.(广元中考)ilou go shoping with me,ne YeBut I wnt _ nish hoork. A. wen B. unt C.ter( ) 3. (青岛中考)If youhve tuble rnoucingthesewords,you can reat temr an oeragai _youare omfotale wtthem A. uless B. if C.ui D. i. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。. (兰州中考)有时候,直到珍

5、贵的时刻成为回忆,你才会真正认识到它的价值所在。 Smetes,yu wont know te tr ale a moment _ i beme my. (宜昌中考)有些人直到失去健康才意识到健康的重要性。 Some peole wonrelie th iportne of tei helth _.题组训练四 marry的用法. 单项选择。( )1(眉山中考)How appy h granpants are! Y,they_forfifty yrs. A .havebn mrrie B.hae marrd . haet mried Dmarid( ) . (齐齐哈尔中考)Cathrin gtm

6、arri _ a poiceman tety yas ago. A. wth B. or C.to . ( )3. Lastmth ss haad Mr. Zhng _. A. wa married B. ot married b arrieith D. gotmariewit 按要求完成句子,每空一词。4. (兰州中考)M. Brwn and his wife ha benarried fo 20 yars.(改为同义句) M rownad is wf _ _ 0 yeas go.5.(白银中考)他把女儿嫁给了一位工程师。(汉译英) He _ his daughter _ anegieer. 单元重难点题组训练 一、.-3 BC二、.1 DB4.ereabot o lave when5.egoig o moe三、1-BBC.tl /until ntiltheyhave ost t unil the lose it四、.1-3 AB.got arrid5.maried;to



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