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1、毕业设计(论文)(2011届)题 目 御城花园小区给排水管网设计 御城花园小区给排水管网设计摘 要:本设计的对象是常州市御城花园小区,是一座综合性的小区,配套有中小学、幼儿园及体育场所,属常州宏骏房地产开发的开发用地,其中住宅用地26.9703ha,公建用地6.4278ha,道路用地7.1095ha,公共绿地8.1808ha。本设计包括给水管网、污水管网和雨水管网设计,根据小区的具体地形及相关的设计规范设计出合理、经济的小区给排水管网,以满足小区日常的生活需求。给水管网根据现场的实际地形情况呈树状敷设,力求以最短的距离安全输送到各家各户;污水管网分南北两个区就近排入各自的市政管线,南侧排入延政

2、路的市政管线,北侧则排入长虹东路的市政管线,这样可以大大的减小污水管道的埋深;雨水管网则根据地形就近排入水体,以减轻市政管网的排水压力。管网定线完毕后,进行相关的设计计算,污水管最大管径为450mm,雨水管最大管径为1200mm;水力计算是其中最重要的一环,通过水力计算可知给排水管网设计的合理性及经济性,从而不断地进行优化,设计出最理想、最合理、最经济的管网。关键词:给水管网;污水管网;雨水管网;管网定线;水力计算Integrated design of water supply and drainage network in Yu Cheng Garden DistrictAbstract:

3、 The design of the object is Yu Cheng Garden District, it is a comprehensive community with Primary and Secondary, Nursery and Sports venues. It belongs the development of land of Hong Jun Property Development Limited company. And the plan land is 48.6884 ha, and the housing land is 26.9703 ha, and

4、the public construction land is 6.4278 ha, and the road use land is 7.1095 ha, and the public green land is 8.1808 ha. This design includes Water supply network, Sewer network and Storm water network, and according the specific terrain area and the related design rules to design a reasonable and eco

5、nomical community water supply and drainage network to meet the residential needs of everyday life. The water supply network assumes the tree placing according to the scene actual terrain conditions, and makes every effort to transport safely by the shortest distance to various each household; the s

6、ewage pipe network in two districts near the north or south into the respective municipal pipelines, the south into the municipal pipeline of Yan Zheng Road, the north into the municipal pipeline of Chang Hong Dong Road, And this can greatly reduce the depth of the sewer pipes; the storm sewer syste

7、m is discharged into the nearest body of water according to the terrain, and to alleviate the pressure of drainage of municipal pipeline. After the pipe network siting finished, and then design and calculation of the related, the total residential water supply is /s, and the maximum diameter of the

8、sewer is 450mm, and the maximum diameter of the storm sewer is 1200mm, and the hydraulic calculation is one of the most important part, and it can show that the reasonable and economy of the design of water supply and drainage network, and then continuously optimize to design a best , the most reaso

9、nable and the most economical pipe network.Key words: Water supply network; Sewer network; Storm water network; Pipeline alignment; Hydraulic calculation目次摘要I目次III术语表IV1 前言12 设计说明22.1 设计原始资料2 管线综合规划设计22.2.1 管线综合规划设计的内容22.2.2 管道综合布置与敷设22.3 给水管网规划32.3.1 给水管网的组成32.3.2 给水方式选择的原则32.3.3 给水管网的布置与敷设32.4 排水管

10、网规划52.4.1 排水管网系统布置52.4.2 污水管网规划62.4.3 雨水管网规划83 设计计算103.1 给水管网103.1.1 最高日用水量计算103.1.2 管网定线113.1.3 管网水力计算113.1.4 消防流量校核213.1.5 平面图及纵剖面图绘制223.2 排水管网223.2.1 污水管网233.2.2 雨水管网394 总结46参 考 文 献47致 谢48附录附图1 给水管网平面布置图附图2 污水管网平面布置图附图3 雨水管网平面布置图附图4 设计说明图附图5 污水管纵剖面图附图6 雨水管纵剖面图术 语 表1 排水设施(wastewater facilities)排水工

11、程中的管道、构筑物和设备等的统称。2 合流制(combined system)用同一管渠系统收集和输送城市污水和雨水的排水方式。3 分流制(separate system)用不同管渠系统分别收集和输送城市污水和雨水的排水方式。4 生活污水(domestic wastewater,sewage)居民生活活动所产生的污水。主要是厕所、洗涤和洗澡产生的污水。5 综合生活污水(comprehensive sewage)由居民生活污水和公共建筑污水组成。6 工业废水(industrial wastewater)工业生产过程中产生的废水。7 入渗地下水(infiltrated ground water)通

12、过管渠和附属构筑物破损处进入排水管渠的地下水。8 总变化系数(peak variation factor)最高日最高时污水量与平均日平均时污水量的比值。9 径流系数(runoff coefficient)一定汇水面积内地面径流水量与降雨量的比值。10 暴雨强度(rainfall intensity)在某一历时内的平均降雨量,即单位时间内的降雨深度,工程上常用单位时间单位面积内的降雨量体积表示。11 重现期(recurrence interval)在一定长的统计期间内,等于或大于某暴雨强度的降雨出现一次的平均间隔时间。12 降雨历时(duration of rainfall)降雨过程中的任意连续

13、时段。13 汇水面积(catch area)雨水管渠汇集降雨的面积。14 地面集水时间(inlet time, concentration time)雨水从相应汇水面积的最远点地面径流到雨水管渠入口的时间,简称集水时间。15 截流倍数(interception ratio)合流制排水系统在降雨时背截流的雨水量与设计旱流污水量的比值。16 给水系统(water supply system)由取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施所组成的总体。17 用水量(water consumption)用户所消耗的水量。18 居民生活用水(demand in households)居民日常生活所需用的水,包括饮用

14、、洗涤、冲厕、洗澡等。19 综合生活用水(demand for domestic and public use)居民日常生活用水以及公共建筑和设施用水的总称。20 日变化系数(daily variation coefficient)最高日供水量与平均日供水量的比值。21 时变化系数(hourly variation coefficient)最高日最高时供水量与该日平均时供水量的比值。22 枝状管网(branch system)配水管网的一种布置形式,干管和支管分明,形成树枝状。23 环状管网(cyclic network of pipes)把小区的枝状管网供水的干管连成环状或把小区的枝状管网供

15、水干管、支管连成环状的管网。24 最小服务水头(minimum service head)配水管网在用户接管点处应维持的最小水头。25 水头损失(head loss)水通过管(渠)、设备、构筑物等引起的能耗。26 设计流量(L/s);27 设计综合生活污水量(L/s);28 设计工业废水量(L/s);29 雨水设计流量(L/s);30 暴雨强度公式中的有关参数;31 设计重现期;32 降雨历时;33 地面集水时间;34 管渠内雨水流行时间;35 折减系数;36 设计暴雨强度;37 径流系数;38 汇水面积(m2);39 泵站设计流量(L/s);40 流速吗(m/s);41 水流有效断面面积(m2);42 水流深度(m)。1 前言随着我国城市经济的高速


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