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1、household two bags of flour, a bag of rice, 50 kg oil, brought a detachment of their concern and sympathy. , Each batch contact team members to their respective homes, sent 200 yuan per household relief funds, gave 15 SHC families donated clothing 34 traffic police. Working Group on every one, caref

2、ully conveys the Party Central Committee and the State Council concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers of the policy details . Set with simulation Highway, and continuous sharp mountain road, and tunnel, and rain (fog) days, and wet sliding road, and emergency situation disposal, exam projec

3、t of statewide motor vehicle driver exam field cannot landing; construction integrated 122 received at police system, and intelligent digital integrated communications platform, and intelligent video monitoring platform, and traffic signal control platform, and integrated query platform, and emergen

4、cy plans intelligent auxiliary decision system, integration of intelligent traffic command system cannot started; construction interactive, and experience type large traffic security publicity education base no special funds, Severely restricted the work of public security traffic management of leap

5、-forward development. Six management difficulty is further increased. With my States rapid economic development, urban and rural residents consumption levels increase year by year, number of motor vehicles was seen fast growth, drivers licenses to obtain and sharp growth in vehicle traffic, car work

6、 posed a serious test. The Ministry of public security promulgated 123, 124th, and the motor vehicle driver examination of work discipline, the strict implementation of the DMV nine prohibitions regulations the promulgation and implementation of the system, and his pards pipe business requires a lot

7、 of new changes on vehicle management of civilian police operations has put forward higher requirements for the quality. Current business process more cumbersome, if you need more Windows, programs, handling the complex, accepting materials can be dispensed with, inadequate levels of civilian police

8、 and window configuration, to a large extent, restrict vehicle management and applying for a drivers license for the management of masses more, wait longer, some people do not understand, resentments increase. Seven were traffic police overall quality needs to be improved. New era police traffic man

9、agement work, to police traffic police proposed has more high of requirements, rational, and peace, and civilization, and specification law enforcement behavior is promoted law enforcement standardized construction of footing points, is people of high expects, is building harmony police relationship

10、 of ties, individual police in for who law enforcement, for who service of law enforcement concept exists deviation, service consciousness, and evidence consciousness, and program consciousness and specification law enforcement consciousness also enough strong, law enforcement process in the not as,

11、 and mess as of phenomenon occurred, law enforcement not specification, and广东省普通高中生物学业水平考试试卷一、单项选择题I:本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。1建立细胞学说的科学家是施莱登和A施旺B沃森 C达尔文D克里克2原核细胞和真核细胞的根本区别是有无A细胞膜B核糖体 C核膜D细胞质3线粒体的主要功能是合成AATP B葡萄糖 CODADP4右图为某分子跨膜运输的示意图,由图可知,该分子的转运方式是 A自由扩散 B协助扩散 C被动运输 D主动运输5小丽没有吃早餐

12、,第四节课时因饥饿而晕倒,此时最好给她喝A纯净水B矿泉水 C葡萄糖水 D生理盐水6要洗去衣服上的猪油油渍,应选用A蛋白酶B脂肪酶C核酸酶D淀粉酶7小明尝试用糯米和酵母菌制作酒酿(酒精含量约10),最佳做法是A10,有氧发酵B50,有氧发酵 C10,无氧发酵D28,无氧发酵8臭氧层破坏会使地球上的紫外线辐射增强,导致人类的皮肤癌和白内障患病率上升,危害人体健康。引起臭氧层破坏的主要原因是ACO2的排放B氟利昂的排放 CSO2的排放DNO2的排放9为保护和改善生态环境,正确的做法是A大量利用野生资源B对坡耕地实行退耕还林C不断引进外来物种D进行围湖造田10不同类型的生态系统,其抵抗力稳定性不同。下

13、列生态系统中,抵抗力稳定性最强的是A北极苔原B温带草原 C高山草甸D热带雨林11生态系统中,组成生物体的C、H、O、N等元素在生物群落与无机环境之间循环利用。其中,碳元素从大气进入生物群落的主要途径是A动物的无氧呼吸B微生物的分解作用C动物的有氧呼吸D植物的光合作用12诗句“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”所描绘的景象,可视为群落的A物种组成B垂直结构 C种间关系 D次生演替13藏羚羊是我国特有的珍稀保护动物,要较准确地估算藏羚羊的种群密度,最适合的调查方法是A目测估计法B标志重捕法 C逐个计数法 D样方法14老鼠的胚胎发育过程中,指间是有蹼存在的,但生出的幼鼠指间无蹼,这些蹼消失的原因是A细胞分化B

14、细胞凋亡 C细胞分裂D细胞癌变15小张用斐林试剂检测某一运动饮料中的还原糖,必须用到的实验用具是A吸水纸B显微镜C酒精灯D双面刀片161个精原细胞经减数分裂最终形成A1个精细胞B2个精细胞C3个精细胞D4个精细胞17右图是某生物(体细胞的染色体数目=2n)的受精作用示意图。精细胞、卵细胞和受精卵中的染色体数目分别为A2n、2n和2nB2n、2n和n Cn、n和2n Dn、n和n18赫尔希和蔡斯的噬菌体侵染大肠杆菌实验,证明了A蛋白质是遗传物质BDNA是遗传物质C糖类是遗传物质DRNA是遗传物质19假如某一DNA双链分子中的胞嘧啶(C)的含量是20,则该DNA分子中鸟嘌呤(G)的含量是 A10B20 C30D4020高等生物中,基因的本质是 A有遗传效应的DNA片段B有遗传效应的氨基酸片段CDNA片段D氨基酸片段21在体外进行DNA复制的实验中,不需要AATP BDNA模板 C4种脱氧核糖核苷酸D4种核糖核苷酸22孟德尔为了验证他对性状分离现象的解释,做了右图所示的实验,此实验可称为A正交实验B反交实验C自交实验D测交实验23人类遗传病有多种诊断方法,通过患者对颜色的判断来进行


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