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1、 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Part A Lets try Lets talk 第一课时教学设计 林州市城郊乡王家庙学校 王晓静教学内容:人教版英语 (三年级起点)五年级下册 Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Part A Lets try Lets talk 第一课时教学目标:认知目标1.能准确听,说,认读“mine, yours, his, hers”等名词性物主代词。2.能准确听,说,朗读“Whose is it ? Its”等询问和回答物品归属的交际用语。能力目标:能够灵活运用重点句型进行日常交流。情感目标:教育学生善于用英语表达、热爱生活。教学重点

2、:能掌握“mine, yours, his, hers” 等名词性物主代词。教学难点:能在现实生活中使用“Whose is it ? Its”等交际用语描述物品的归属。教法和学法:对话法,小组交流法,示范法课时:第一课时教学过程: 【导入】Warm-up T:hello,boys and girs ,good morning, Are you happy? Ss: Yes.T: I am happy, too. Look at these pictures, what can you see? Who can tell me? S1: I can see a primary school. I

3、 can see a teacher. T: Lets guess Whose school is it? T:Oh,yes,this is my school,this school is mine.引出并且板书 my schoolmine 【讲授】presentation 1、学习yours his hers (利用猜想提醒学习)学生猜想,教师进行板书your ruler- yours his doghis her dog-hers 2、练习mine yours his hers(全班读、男女生读、配手势读、造句读)Chant: My school,my school,the school

4、 is mine.Your ruler,your ruler,the ruler is yours.His dog ,his dog,the dog is his.Her dog,her dog,the dog is hers.每四人为一个小组,用上mine yours his hers造句。(one bye one,good,good,you are very good!)3、教师展示Lets try 的图片,学生听对话选出正确答案。4、教师出示Lets talk 的图片。(根据自学提示进行小组学习) 我会认真朗读对话, 边读边画出答案: (1) Are these pictures the

5、irs(Zhang peng等)? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent.(2) Whose picture of Beijing is it?(3) Whose picture of Shanghai is it? (自学2分钟,两人一小组交流2分钟)小展时,我会在各组间巡视,帮助学困生解决问题,提高其自信。 我要认真听录音跟读对话,留心语音、语调,然后大声朗读,并在小组内进行角色扮演。 (跟读录音5分钟,自己大声朗读2分钟,三人一小组交流,角色扮演2分钟) 老师讲解重点词和句的汉语意思,代词和名词的单复数问题,也要提醒学生,养成认真,细心的良好的学习习惯。

6、whose _ _ mine _ _ ours _ _ Are these all ours? _ _ _ Thatpicture of Beijing is beautiful. _ _ Whose book is it? Its ZhangPengs. _ Whose storybooks are these? They are mine._ role play学生分组上台展示,留心语音、语调。奋进组说的非常好,让我们为他们点赞!【练习】Practice拿出学习用具,以小组为单位练习对话。,is this yours ?No, it isnt.Whose is it?Let me see.

7、 Its s. Its.Whose are these?They are 【作业】Consolidation and extensionDraw some pictures, prepare for our art show after class.板书设计:Unit 5 Whose dog is it?Part A Lets try Lets talk my schoolmine your ruler- yours his doghisher dog-hersA:Whose is it ? B:Its教学反思:1、 本课时侧重于对某物属于何人的提问及回答的口语训练,对于学生而言是比较新的内容,我进行了较多的情景对话的训练,并通过讲解完整的知识点帮助学生更好地了解新句型、新内容,从而更好地应用在实际情景交际中。2、 本课时涉及不少物主代词的语法点,我先简单介绍,一来方便会话练习,二来可以为下一课时做准备。


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