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1、 【关键词】产业转移 城镇化 产业集聚 新增固定资产【英文关键词】Industrial transfer urbanization industrial agglomeration new fixed assets产业转移论文:产业转移的城镇化效应及政策研究【中文摘要】工业化和城镇化是当今世界经济发展的两大主题,也是社会进步的重要标志。安徽省作为最接近长三角地区的省份,长期以来将承接东部地区产业转移作为工业化的重要动力。大量文献已证实工业化与城镇化之间存在着互为促进,相伴发展的关系,但是产业转移对城镇化的作用机制及效应并不十分明确。在全面贯彻落实科学发展观的条件下,重新对产业转移及城镇化理论进



4、zation and urbanization are the two main themes of the worlds economic development and the important symbol of social progress. Anhui Province, as the closest province to the Yangtze River Delta region, for a long time use the eastern region industry transfer as an important driving force of industr

5、ialization. A large number of literature has confirmed that there is a relationship that they can promote each other between industrialization and urbanization, but the mechanism that how transfer of industry effecting urbanization is not very clear. Under the conditions of fully implement the scien

6、tific concept of development, it is very important to re-sort out the theory of industrial transfer and urbanization and researth the mechanism that how transfer of industry effecting urbanization.Five Cities of Anhui Province along the Yangtze River as an important part of Wanjiang Urban Belt use t

7、he force of industrial transfer as one of the important path of the local industrial development for a long time. Through the research of the regions industrial transfer and urbanization status and found that the transfer of industry can promote the development of urbanization significantly. However

8、, due to the difference of historical development factors and start time and intensity, the effect of urbanization are defferent. Each city should make different industrial transfer policy to promote the development of urbanization according to their own situation,.Following the step of theory resea

9、rch, empirical analysis, policy evaluation and the recommended to study the subject. First of all, use of the theory of industrial transfer and urbanization to research the form and content of industrial transfer and urbanization, analyse the mechanism how transfer of industry effecting urbanization

10、 and home and abroad urbanization in the process of industrial transfer, then research the effect that Anhui industrial transfer exerting on urbanization. Secondly, selected Tongling City as the Symbol and then use new fixed assets and the urbanization rate on behalf of Tongling City development lev

11、el, select a certain number yearsdata, then use the unit root to test the stationarity of the sequence data, and analyze whether long-term cointegration relationship between variables. After determine the co-integration relationship exists, use of the Granger causality test causal relationship betwe

12、en new fixed assets and the urbanization rate, provide a realistic basis to following research.Finally, study the effect of industrial transfer and urbanization policies of Anhui Province, pointing out that should establish a regional coordinatingbodies, undertake industrial transfer accordance to t

13、heir own situation and establish a unified labor market to promote the development of urbanization.【目录】产业转移的城镇化效应及政策研究摘要4-5Abstract5-6第一章 绪论9-13第一节 选题的背景及意义9-11第二节 研究思路和主要内容论文安排11-12一、本文研究思路11二、本文内容安排11-12第三节 研究方案和可能的创新之处12-13一、研究方案12二、可能的创新之处12-13第二章 文献综述及经验借鉴13-29第一节 产业转移与城镇化理论基础及关系的评述13-23一、产业转移的

14、内涵13-17二、城镇化的内涵17-20三、产业转移与城镇化关系论述20-23第二节 产业转移对城镇化发展的作用机制23-26一、城镇化动力机制分析23-24二、产业转移对城镇化进程的作用机制24-26第三节 国内外经验简介26-29一、日本产业转移中的城镇化发展26-27二、台湾产业转移过程中的城镇化发展27-29第三章 安徽沿江五市产业转移及城镇化现状29-43第一节 国内产业转移政策及发展历程研究29-30第二节 安徽沿江五市研究目标的选取30-33第三节 皖江五市承接产业转移及城镇化现状33-43一、皖江五市概况33-37二、沿江五市承接产业转移概况37-39三、沿江五市城镇化概况39

15、-41四、沿江五市承接产业转移对城镇化作用的经验分析41-43第四章 安徽沿江五市产业转移对城镇化率的计量分析43-48第一节 数据说明43-44第二节 单位根检验44-45第三节 协整分析45-46第四节 格兰杰(Granger)因果检验46-48第五章 基于城镇化角度的产业转移政策评价及建议48-52第一节 皖江城市产业转移政策的城镇化效应分析48-49第二节 基于城镇化效应的产业转移政策建议49-52一、发挥比较优势,区别承接产业转移49-50二、建立区域协调机制50三、建立城乡一体化劳动力市场,留住产业移民50-52结语52-54参考文献54-57致谢57-58攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文58



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