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1、厦门海洋职业技术学院高职招考英语模拟试题(附答案)一、单项填空(共25小题,每题1分;满分25分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相似的选项。例:have Agave Bsave Chat Dmade 答案是C。1maybe Abeyond BpreciousCsecret Devening 2husband Aresult Bhistory Cinsist Drespect 3purpose Aofficial Bmodel Cremove Dmotor 4occurAsuccess BaccidentCaccording Daccept 5fierce Atir

2、ed Bmerely Cstare Dpure B) 从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。例: We_ last night, but we went to the concert instead. Amust have studiedBmight study Cshoud have studiedDwould study 答案是C。6-Does she study her subjects well? -No, she studies _ well. Aall Bneither Cnone D them 7With _she needed _, she left

3、the marketplace. Asomething; to buyBanything; having boughtCeverything; buyingDeverything; bought 8How do you find_ to learn English? AitBthisCthatD不填 9Somebody rang my doorbell, but I dont know _.Awhat did itBwhat was itCwho it didDwho it was 10Biology is _.Ascience of lifeBthe science of life Cthe

4、 science of the lifeDscience of the life 11 He listened so carefully that not a single word _.Abe missedB did he miss Che never missedDdid he never miss 12The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and _every word the manager said. Atook outBtook downCturned outDturned down 13 If you_ it, I will

5、 lend the book to you. AreadBwill readChave readDwant reading 14 Houses in the country are _than those in the city. Amore less expensiveBas expensive Cmore cheaperD much less expensive 15-I wonder if I can pass the examination. -_.AAll rightBGreatCSureDYes, I think so 16 Id like to take my picture_

6、stands the high tower. AwhereBwhichCthatDthere 17 The colours of that coat and hat dont _.AmatchBsuitCfitDcome 18-Has he been to Australia, too? -_I know, he hasnt. AIf BAsC So far as D What 19I _you a valuable present for your birthday, but I was short of money at that time. Awould like to giveBlik

7、ed to give Cwould have liked to giveDliked to have given 20The old man _two days after he had been sent to hospital. AdiedBwould dieChad diedDhas died 21 Move along and make _for me. AspaceBseatCpositionDroom 22 He was not praised. _, he was scolded. AOtherwiseBThereforeCInsteadDAs a result 23It_ th

8、at pleasant music keeps people from becoming tired at their work.AfindsBhas foundCwas foundDhas been found 24-Have you had any letters from him? -No, I havent, but my wife_ him regularly. A has heard fromBhas been hearing from Chad heard fromD had been hearing from 25I was made to write a letter in

9、English, but I dont know _.A what to write aboutB how to begin with C how to write aboutD what to begin 二、完形填空(共25小题,每题1分;满分25分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2650各题所给的四个选项中,选出一种最佳答案。Doctor Watson, the bird-caretaker(看守鸟的人), was walking along the path in the San Francisco Zoo. Suddenly he came face 26 face with a

10、 large tiger. He stood very still. The 27 and the animal looked at each other.“I didnt 28 what I saw at first, ” Doc said. “But there he 29 ”Doc had no gun. He knew he 30 be killed. The tigers big yellow eyes 31 him, but the big animal did not move. With much care, Doc went round the big 32 . Then D

11、oc ran for the zoo kitchen. “The big tigers out! The big tigers out! ” cried Doc as he 33 the kitchen door. 34 the men took guns, a zoo-keeper stepped out to take a look. And there 35 the tiger only a few feet away. The big animal was looking 36 at him. The keeper could see it would not be 37 to jum

12、p back. So he 38 took a hose(洒水用的软管) that was 39 him. Then he turned 40 the water. The tiger stepped 41 .At that time a bell sounded. This 42 all the keepers that an animal was out. Men from all over the zoo 43 . The tiger was surprised by the 44 . He turned and started back for the tiger house. Doc

13、 followed 45 .At the tiger cage, he 46 the animal. Doc pushed a garden rake(钉齿耙) at the tiger. It 47 have been easy for the cat to come at Doc. But the animal seemed to tire of the 48 . He turned and went 49 through the open door into the cage. Doc came up with care. He closed door. The tiger was back 50 he belonged. “Im going back to the bird-cages, ”said Doc. “Im not afraid when they get out. ”26Awith Bto Cby Din 27Aman Btiger Ckeeper Dwatcher 28Aknow Bthink Cexpect Dbelieve 29Ais Bwas Ccomes Dgoes 30Amight



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