九年级英语下册U6T1SC导学案 仁爱版

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1、九年级英语下册Unit6 Topic1 SectionC导学案【学习目标】1.熟悉本话题部分专有名词及相关电影。2.继续学习定语从句,并能熟练运用。3.能够读懂简单的英文娱乐新闻,能够用英文谈论自己喜欢的影视作 品和明星。【重难点】1.熟记本话题的重点单词和短语。2.继续学习定语从句,并能熟练运用。【学习指导】一、 对照下列汉语意思,写出对应的单词,并读背下来。1、冒险2、神秘的3、全体工作人员4、援救8、导演12、继续16、组织5、奖品9、大体的13、教练17、目标6、典礼10 、足迹14 、正式地18 、发展7、移动11、有才能的15 、而不是二、 阅读 1a,回答以下问题1. Times

2、 Post is most probably the name of a (book/website).2. The three pieces of news are all about (arts/entertainment). 三、看视频,跟读课文,模仿读音四、阅读 1a,完成 1bRead 1a and mark T or F.1. The news about the 82nd Academy Awards was reported on March 7.( )2. The director of the motion picture, The Hurt Locker, is a wo

3、man.( )3. The paintings and drawings on Picassos Works Show are shown in Spain. ( )4. The purpose of the show is to tell people that Pablo Picasso never getsold. ( )5. David Beckham wants his sons to take up sports because he thinks hecould be their coach. ( )五、再读 1a,完成 1c1.winner A. a conversation

4、in which you can talkto somebody to find out more about him2.present B. to show something to somebody formally3.general C. someone who wins4.interview D. describing only the main features rather thandetails六、精读课文 1a,找出重点短语,并熟记1.大体上,总的来说2.这是对毕加索职业生涯的简要回顾。3.通过展示这些作品,展会想告诉人们:毕加索永远活在人们心中。4.无论他们想做什么,都没关系

5、。 5、继承他的事业6、继续;占据;从事七、完成短文填空八、写作:和你的同学讨论你喜欢的电影种类【语法复习】一、 复习定语从句关系代词的用法 二、完成下列练习( ) 1.The number of people _ lost their lives inIndonesian earthquake reached as many as 6200.A. which B. who C. Whom( ) 2.-Have you been to the new Sports Center_ is just opened in town?-No, not yet.A. where B. who C. th

6、at( ) 3.This is a new museum _ was built last year.A. when B. who C. which( ) 4.Do you know the girl _ is singing on the stage?A. who B. what C. which6. The train _ has just left is for Shenzhen.7. I still remember the year _ we spent together.8. Jack is no longer the person_ I met five years ago.9.

7、 Who is the worker _ was late for work today?10. Some people _ are successful language learnersoften fail in other fields.【中考链接】词语运用happy,invite, do, point, ready, he, excite, stop, after, good Allan liked drinking. But he couldntcontrol _1_when he drankmuch. So he often made others _2_ . He always

8、felt sorry when his friend told him about it. Butbefore long he forgot it and went on drinking. His friends didnt know how to_3_ him.One day, Mr. Green was_4_ to a birthday party by one of his bestfriends. The man often helped him. Of course, he was _5_to go there. He went to the party on time, with

9、 some nice presents. He met some old fri ends there and was very _6_ . They had a good time there.That evening Allan drank much. He found it was difficult for him tostand and sat down, then watched others dancing. He saw a girl inbeautiful clothes dancing _7. She danced with one man _8_ another. Agirl felt tired and sat down next to him. _9_ to the girl in beautiful cloth es, he asked, “Whos the very ugly girl, madam?”“Shes my sister,” the girl said with a red face.“Oh, Im sorry,” said Allan. “I _10_ notice you look the same!”



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