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1、2022年考博英语-武汉理工大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题Most people feel stress at some time on their lives. Some people like this pressure and work better because of it. Other people are not comfortable with any stress at all; they soon become unhappy if they feel stress. Sometimes stress can lead people to do

2、things they wouldnt usually do, such as overeat, smoke, drink, or use drugs. Stress, however, is a very normal part of life.It is important to understand that stress doesnt come from an event itself; that is from the things that are happening in our lives. It comes from the meaning we give to what h

3、as happened. For example, a crying baby may be stressful to one person, but it may not bother another person at all; a traffic jam may be stressful to one person while another person may be able to stay calm. We can experience stress any time we feel we dont control. It can come from a feeling that

4、we cant do anything about a situation. Basically, it is the bodys way of showing anxiety or worry. Stress is not just caused by our mental or emotional condition. It is also influenced by how tired we are, whether we have a balanced diet with enough vitamins and minerals, whether we get enough physi

5、cal exercises, and whether we are relaxed.The point at which stress becomes a problem changes from day to day, even for the same person, in some situation, if we are rested and feel good about ourselves, a little stress will not be a problem. In another situation, if we are tired or feel unsure abou

6、t our abilities, even a small amount of stress can cause problems. For example, we might begin to worry about things that havent happened yet instead of working on things that are happening now. Or we might not feel able to find solutions to everyday problems.If we feel stressed, there are several t

7、hings that we can do. First, we need to learn how to relax and breathe slowly and smoothly. We can also take some time out of our worried, busy schedule to notice the small things in life. Smell the air, look at the flowers, notice the small designs in the leaves on a treethese activities can do muc

8、h to quiet us and to give ourselves a small break in a busy schedule.We need to take care of our bodies. Being tired makes it easier for us to get sick and to develop physical problems related to stress. We need to get enough rest, eat well, and do some regular exercise. Scientists have found that f

9、or our minds to think clearly, our bodies need to have certain vitamins and minerals; some of the most important vitamins are the B-complex vitamins. Doing regular exercise is also a physical way to let go of angry feelings or feelings of helplessness.Finally, we need to find what is causing the str

10、ess in our lives. Once we have found it, we need to begin to change that part of our lives. If we believe that we can control stress we can begin to control our lives. Then we can start to use stress in a positive way.1. The passage is mainly concerned with _.2. All of the following statements are c

11、orrect EXCEPT that _.3. Which of the following is NOT among the solutions to stress provided by the passage?4. Which of the following is correct according to the passage?5. The passage talks about many aspects of stress EXCEPT _.问题1选项A.stressB.physical exerciseC.dietsD.anxiety问题2选项A.whether we like

12、it or not, stress is a normal part in our livesB.something stressful to one person may be nothing at all to anotherC.stress is something that we can hardly control because it appears almost everywhere in our livesD.whether stress causes problems or not mainly depends on we feel about ourselves问题3选项A

13、.We need to take care of our bodies.B.We need to discuss it with a psychological doctor.C.We need to find what is causing the stress in our lives.D.We need to learn how to relax and breathe slowly and smoothly.问题4选项A.Stress is always a good thing.B.Stress is horrible to most people.C.Whether stress

14、brings about peoples happiness depends on the attitudes of people.D.Smoking and drinking are caused by stress.问题5选项A.how to use stress in a positive wayB.the way stress is formedC.how to relieve stressD.how to help people who take drugs as a victim of stress【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:B第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.【试题答案】A

15、【试题解析】细节事实题。通读全文。A选项“压力”,文章围绕着压力展开来讨论,压力在我们日常生活中无处不在,A选项正确。B选项“体育运动”,文章提到体育锻炼是缓解压力的好办法,但并不是文章主要内容,B选项可排除。C选项“饮食”,文章部分内容提到了饮食,压力会使人造成不良的饮食习惯,C选项可排除。D选项“焦虑”,文章提到压力会使人焦虑,焦虑并不是文章主要内容,可排除D选项。因此A选项正确。2.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。D选项“压力是否会引起问题主要取决于我们对自己的感觉”,可以定位到文章第二段最后一句It is also influenced by how tired we are,

16、whether we have a balanced diet with enough vitamins and minerals, whether we get enough physical exercises, and whether we are relaxed.(它还受到我们的疲劳程度,是否有均衡的饮食,是否有足够的维生素和矿物质,是否有足够的体育锻炼,是否放松等因素的影响),压力不仅仅是由我们的精神或情绪状况引起的,还受到各种因素的影响,因此不仅仅是由于我们自身的感觉,D选项说法不正确。A选项“不管我们喜不喜欢,压力是我们生活中很正常的一部分”,文章第一段第一句Most people feel



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