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1、1. 接听电话:您好,华为客服中心!Hello,this Huawei Customer Service Center.1.1单通:对不起,您的电话已接通,但听不到您的声音,请重新拨打,再见! Sorry,your call is connected, but I ca t hear your voice, please dail again. Goodbye!2. 是否华为工程师:请问您的工号是? /您的工号是?Your employee ID,please.2.1无工号:抱歉,海外热线目前只受理有工号的工程师.您这个问题可以向当地地区部寻求 技术支持或登陆GCRMS系统提交问题。(重大事故

2、除外)Sorry, the overseas hotline only opened for the employee who has employee ID. Would you please contact the regional office for technical support or submit your request in Global Customer Request Management System.2.2有工号:(根据工号,检索用户)请问您是*地区部的*工程师吗?You are *, in * regional office.3. 处理问题:请问是什么产品的问题?

3、 /请问具体是华为的什么设备/型号?Can you tell me the specification of equipment?3.1正常班期间:请问是紧急问题吗?Is it a urgent problem?3.1.1是紧急问题(转步骤4)3.1.1不是紧急问题:抱歉,海外热线正常班期间只受理紧急问题,请您自行登陆GCRMS 系统提交问题,或向当地地区部寻求技术支持。Sorry, the overseas hotline only handle the urgent problem in working time. Would you please submit your request

4、in Global Customer Request Management System or contact the regional office for technical support.3.2值班时间:请问是重大事故吗?Is it a critical incident?3.2.1是重大事故(转步骤4)3.2.2不是重大事故:抱歉,海外热线值班期间只受理重大事故,请您自行登IWCRMS系统提交问题,或向当地地区部寻求技术支持。Sorry, the overseas hotline only handle the urgent problemin working time. Would

5、 you please submit your request in Global Customer Request Management System or contact the regional office for technical support.4. 新建问题单并转接电话:4.1局点单位是?Your site,please.4.2是技术咨询还是故障申告?(重大事故时可不必确认)Is it a technical report or problem report?4.3请记录您本次的问题单号*。Please write down your request number *.4.4请

6、稍等,帮您转接工程师。Wait a monment, please. I m transferring your call to the corresponding engineer.4.5您好,请问是*工程师吗?这里是海外热线,这边有一个*地区部/*代表处的*问题, 我现在可以把电话转过来吗?5. 其他用语:5.1抱歉,刚才没有听清楚,你能再重复一遍吗?Sorry, I beg your pardon.5.2抱歉,您的电话没有转接成功。Sorry, your call is failed to transfer.5.3抱歉,让你久等了。Sorry for keeping you waitin

7、g.5.4抱歉,没有联系上工程师,稍后再联系工程师尽快给您回电可以吗?请问您的联系电话 是*吗?(核对问题单上的电话号码)Sorry, the corresponding engineer are all busy,I ll contact the engineer to call you back as soon as possible. Your phone number is *5.5抱歉,*工程师不值班,帮您转值班工程师处理可以吗?Sorry, engineer * isri t on duty today, may I transfer to the engineer who is

8、on duty today?5.6请问有什么可以帮到您?What can I do for you?5.7如果此问题需跟踪处理,下次来电直接报这个单号,我们会为你联系原处理工程师。If the problem should be handled in the next time, you can tell us the request number, and we will contact the former engineer for you.5.8请问您怎么称呼? /请问您的全名是? /您的单位是? /您的联系电话是XXX /回 您哪个电话。May I have your name? /

9、Your full name,please. / Whats your organization?/ Your phone number is *? / Which phone number can contact you?5.9请问您的问题单号是/您大概是什么时候来电咨询的问题/您咨询的是什么型号的产 品问题?Your request number, please. / When did you inquire about the problem ? / Whats the specification of equipment?5.10请不要挂机,我需要和工程师联系/确认一下。Hold on

10、, please. I should contact/comfirm with the engineer.5.11请稍等,我帮您转个电话您咨询一下/我帮您转个电话他会帮您跟踪处理的。Wait a moment, please. Ill transfer it to a corresponding person for your consultation. / I transfer it to a corresponding person who will trace it for you.5.12您好,通话质量不太好听不清楚,麻烦您重新拨打或换部电话再打,谢谢!Hello, I cant he

11、ar your voice clearly, please dial again, thanks.5.13声音太小,听得不太清楚,麻烦您大点声音/抱歉刚才没有听清楚,您能再重复一遍吗 /麻烦您说慢一点好吗?Sorry your voice is too small, would you please speak loudly. / Sorry, I beg your pardon. / Would you please speak more slowly?5.14对不起,打断您一下,我是热线,稍后我帮您转相关工程师处理。Excuse me, this is the telephonist, I

12、 need transfer it to corresponding engineer to handle your problem.5.15很抱歉,您的电话没有转接成功/很抱歉,现在系统故障,无法帮您转接电话/抱歉,没有联系上工程师,稍后再联系工程师尽快给您回电可以吗?Sorry, your call is failed to transfer. / Sorry, the system is error, and your call can t be transferred. / Sorry, the corresponding engineer are all busy, I ll contact the engineer to call you back as soon as possible.5.16工程师现在下班了,帮您转值班工程师处理可以吗?The engineer is off duty now, may I contact the engineer who is on duty ?5.17我们的工作时间指的是北京时间上午8: 30-12: 00,下午13: 30-18: 00。Our working time is from 8:30 to 12:00 in the morning , and 13:30 to 18:00 in the afternoon.



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