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1、七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案发布时间:-0-8编辑:东浩手机版 不久就要期末考试了,期末考试的复习同窗们做好了吗?目前jby网小编为人们带来七年级下册英语期末试卷及答案,但愿人们期末考出好成绩! 一、选择题(15*115)1.-Excus me. _camera ous? -Oh, es. Iam looking f itvrywhere. Tak o vermch. .aBn .th . 2.-Hw was yur ripoLnngang? -ondful. Onthe wy_Huag Muntai,e sa om huss dferent fro ous.AtobyC.t on3.-_y

2、ply the pia whn o wr fiveyears old? -NoBu now am od at t. A.Can B.Cud D.o4-It s said t a lot o citi took aton t o ple rom Chines yle rdcrossing(中国式过马路).-_wondrfu the news s! .How B.Hwan C.What a .Wat 5.-I ere_inteesin inodasnewspar? -NoButthere s om mpott s. A.soething B.nythin C.nthn D.everting 6.-

3、ha happned toyouyeterda? -A ootball_me en I was ontestreet. A. B.hitt C.ited D.his7.-Whatwll theater be lie torrow? -I wll be rany, o ou soukeep eindows_ .le B.clse .opn Doped8-Ca you _a ten yourself? -ory. ts altedficulfor me. A.pt on Bputup C.udwn D.tae off9. -Whereise sickoynow?-H s ill_.A.in pta

4、lB.inthe hospital athospal D.t he hsta 1.-o ws hurtin thefe? -_man cledJohn.A.A9-year-ld .A 7-ear-old 7 ers old A 79ar old 1.-What isNancys hoby? -he liks siing. ote ear her_i he next room. A.sng B.sinngC.to sing D.sins 12.-Yourcoat lok ice.Ho uhdid ou_it? -wohunred u.pay B.pato C.p for .pay 3.-Dctr

5、, _hudItaketh dicn? -wice a da. A.what tmeBhw often C.how lng Dhw son 14.-ho d you want to help? -Cilrn oor as, because mny f hem are_por_go o ho.nug; o o; to C.to; too D.t; at15-Iam poor at EglishI am nappyl da.-_. I ou or har, you wil ean t el. .o .o out C.Coe on D.G on 二、完形填空(15*1=1) Ddloshs jb .

6、When Chrsmase that ea, we had no money16_.On Christmas ve, Dad oke ut into tepak.Iad blnkt,so I 1_ Dad hre withe,bt hsid, “No, thak.”We 18_ t the sky. Thoe beutulr re one of te 19_prsens freople like us wh lid outi the wildns.Rich ity pople,hed ay, lid in 20_ flat, utthir air as dirty,so they 2_ not

7、 ven ehe ar. “ Pik ourfaorite tar.” Dad said that night. He22_ meI ouldhave iforkeepig. Hesaidit was y Christmas 3_. “Youa give me asta,”I said, “ 24_ ha te trs.”“Tasight,” Da said,“But you can suppse(假设) its your An whenu o tat, iti yours.”I lood at e stars, nd r t ou25_ ws the bst one. he, I foud

8、on. “I wnt that one” ad.Dad smed.“Thas Venu(金星),” he sai,“Vens wsya lanet Sh lokdbigge a rightr ecaus shewas 26_than the t. Por oes didnt ven mk er 7_ gh Se shoneony fro reflctd(反射)lht.” “I like it nway,”Isaid,“I loved Ves even28_ tht Chrstas.You oul ei inthe ay evening, and if you o uperly, yu coul

9、 still see t the morni, after all the ars ha disappeae(消失).” ds, “O, ts histm Iaccp(接受)you deision. Yu an h it if you an”Andhe av2_ Venu.We all laged abouthks wo think he Santa myth(圣诞传说)s ruead onl g a lotof cheapoys. “Man yea lter, when al the thgthey go are brokenalng orgott,” Dadsaid, “You wil h

10、ave yorsta 30_te end.” 16. A. afirst . at oc . at ll D. t ea 17 A. aske B.ask C. repl D. reid 8.A. looked u B. loked foC. lok out. lo fter 19 . stange.speial ad Dfamu A.beautil B. small C. o D.por 21. A. needed Bcold C. shld D.mst 22. . told B. tells Csid D. spoke 3. A. dinner B. cardC. arD. rent 2.

11、Everybdy B. Someoy C. nybody Dod2 A.hich B.why C.whn D. h 26. A. lower B. farhe.clsr D. higr 27. A sallB ba C strogly D.ow28. wn B. befre C. afte D. ul 9. . m B us C. we Dit . A befoe B ever C. lreayD. till 三、阅读理解(15*2 =30 ) ()s Kids Weka Big Mounai Si eo!From ecember 7 toJnuary Cilde canski for halfrice! is will also ceve:Free at! Coupon(礼券) or one fre ot choolate at he Pine Lodge Caf! re -ou k ornowboard lsson! s be 1 unger.Don forget ojoithe snowoard contet.



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