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1、七年级英语上册Start Un it 1 Good morni ng!1、 Good morning! 早上好! Good afternoon! 下午好! Good evening!晚上好!其回答都是其本身。2、Nice to meet you ! 回答是:Nice to meet you ! 或 Nice to meet you ,too!3、How do you do?答语仍然是: How do you do?4、 How are you?答语是:Fine./Im fine./Im OK.Thanks.And you?5、动词be的一般现在时态:我(I )用 am,你(you)用 are

2、, is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it )。单数名词用is ,复数名词全部都用are。变否定,很简单,在 be后把not力口。变一般疑问句,把 be提句首,句末问号莫丢弃。变特殊疑问句,特殊疑问词加上一般疑问句。Start Unit 2 Whats this in En glish?1、 this “这,这个”指示代词,用来指代距离较近的单个的人或物。反义是that,用来指代距离比较远的单个的人或物。this的复数是these;that的复数是those 。含有this/that 把this/that提句首,其肯定回答是:Yes,it is. 否定回答是:No,it isnt.含有the

3、se/those 把these/those 提句首,其肯定回答是:Yes,they are.否定回答是:No,they arent.2、in+语言 声音 方式,“用 语言(声音、方式)”例如:in English “用英语”3、a+辅音音素开头的单词或字母(读音)an+元音音素开头的单词或字母(读音)4、Whats this in English?5、Whatre these in English?回答是:Its a/a n+可数名词单数。回答是:They are+可数名词复数或不可数名词。Start Unit 3 What color is it?1、不定冠词a,an的用法:1 )表示数量“

4、一” ;2)笼统地指某人或某物但不具体说明;3)泛指一类事物;4 )表示首次提到的人或物(常用于介绍用语中)。2、定冠词the的用法:1)特指某(些)人或者事物或双方都知道的人或事物;2) 上文提到过的人或物;3)世界上第一无二的事物前,或某一范围内唯一的某事物前。4 )某些由普通名词构成的专有名词前。5) 一些习惯用语和乐器前。3、What color is it?回答是:Its+ 颜色的形容词。4、What color are they? 回答是:They are+ 颜色的形容词。Unit 1 My name Gina.重点词汇:0-9重点短语:1. teleph one nu mber2

5、. ph one nu mber3. first n ame 4. 姓氏重点语法:5. family n ame 6. 中学7. 在中国8. 他的电话号码9. What s =10. I m=11. namW s =1、英文名 Tony Brown 中 Tony 为 first name (名),Brown 为 last name或 family name (姓)。2、 人称代词3、物主代词记忆口诀:一个变(my变成mine),两个不变(his, its),其它的都加“ s” 。句式:1. What +be 动词 +your(his/her) name? What s your name?Wh

6、at s his n an?eWhat s her n ame?2.自我介绍时常用语:My name s Jenny. I m Gina.3. 表达第一次和某人见面的高兴之情:Nice to meet you!4. 询问别人的电话号码:What s your teleph one number?5. 询问别人的姓氏常用语:What s her family rme?Unit 2 This is my sister.词汇:称呼类词汇:姐;妹兄;弟姑母;伯母;婶母表(堂)兄弟(姐妹)妈妈祖母;外祖母叔;伯;舅;姨夫女儿爸爸祖父;外祖父儿子重点短语:thanks fortalk aboutwrite

7、 a letter (to)look atfamily treein the first picture a photo of my family 重点语法:1 指示代词:this这(个),that那(个),these这些,those那些2、名词的复数形式A、一般情况下加-s,如book books ;B、以 e结尾的词力卩-s,女口 case cases ;C、以 s、x、sh、ch 等结尾的词加-es,如 watch watches ;D、 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,要改y为i,再加-es,如family families ;E、以“f”或“fe”结尾的词,改“ f”或“fe”为“ v”,再

8、加-es ;F、部分以 o 结尾的词力卩-es,女口 tomato tomatoes ; potato potatoes ;G、 少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,如man men ; woman women .3. 本单元出现的缩写:that s = that ishe s = he is4. thanks for 为而感谢 Thanks for the photo of your family.句式:1. This/that is+ sb s This is his sister. That is my brother. These/Those+ ar+ sb s - -These are h

9、is brother.2. be 动词 + 代词 + Is this your sister? Is she your sister?3. Here +be + Here is my family photo.Unit 3 Is this your pencil?词汇:字典书文具盒 钢笔 尺子铅笔 橡皮擦 书包2. 指示代词:this这个 that那个重点短语:in English 打扰了play baseballcomputer game重点语法:1、指示代词(this, that);lost and found a set of keyscall Alle n at 4561534 cal

10、l sb.2、形容词性物主代词的用call 4561534 身份证注意:物主代词的使用方法:后有名词时用形容词性的,后无名词时用名词性的,即:有名则形,无名则名。3、以be动词“ is ,are”开头的一般疑问句般疑问句 是以be动词、情态动词和 Do/Does开头的,用 Yes或No回答的疑问句。注意事项:1肯定和否定回答中必须用人称代词主格,即只能用l,we,you,he,she,it,they等,不能出现其它词,特别注意不能用this,that,these,those等指示代词。2、肯定和否定回答要保持三个单词,因此当 am,is,are出现在句尾时,一定不能缩写。如:不能用Yes,lm

11、;Yes,hes;Yes,theyre. 3、am not 不能缩写,如:No,lm not 不能用 No.l amn 5、肯定和否定回答不能出现前后矛盾。如:不能说 Yes,he isnt; No,l do; Yes,she does nt.句式:1.询问某物品是否属于某人的问句及答语Is this/that your pencil?Yes, it is. It s my pencil./No, it isns pencil. t. It s2. 询问某物用英语怎么说What s this in En glish?3. How do you spell sth.? How do you sp

12、ell it?4. What s +s询问某物是什么一What s this? It s a watch.5. Call at sb. at +电话号码.Call Alan at 495-3539.练习:1) What s this? It s V.A. a B.an C.the D.2) Good night.A. Good eve nin g. B.See you. C.All right.3) a lot .A. Tha nk B.Tha nks C.Tha nks you D.Tha nks for4) How is your father? He is.A good B. nice

13、C.OK5) What s his(one) name? I don t know. But I know his last name.6) Is thiseraser? No.lt -s. A. his his B. his hers C. her hers7) Is that her pencil? Yes,is.n A. it B. that C.She8) you spell it? Yes.P-E-N pen. A. How B.Can C.9) Please call our school4516324. A. with B. C.at D.onUnit 4 Where my sc

14、hoolbag?词汇:1.本单元出现的家具类词汇:桌子 书橱,书柜 椅子 书桌 床 沙发 房间 时钟 重点短语:在桌子上在他的文具盒里watch TV where s =在桌子底下 在沙发上 在我的书包里 在书柜里在他的头上在我们的房间里重点语法:1、介词on (在上),in (在里),under (在下)的用法2、以特殊疑冋词where开头的特殊疑冋句及回答。句式:1.询问地点Where + is +单数物品? 答语It is+表位置的介词短语Where + are +复数物品?答语They are +表位置的介词短语.Where s my backpack It s under the table.Where are your bookQ They2. 询问某物是否在某地的句型及答语Is the baseball on the sofa No,Are they on the bed? No,3. 倒装句Here + be动词+主语re on the chair.it isn t. It s under the chair. they re not.Here is my pen.Here are


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