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1、关于工作的英文自我介绍汇编七篇工作的英文自我介绍 篇1 I a vey appo itduce m her.abornn ioing rovinc.I uted rm Nanka iestyandmaord IeationalTrade.I likesiad reangbooks,ecally ecnmicl ooks Itimyhoor o aply this jo I openreal my eam i our cmpany.lse ive me chance.T youve mu .我很高兴在这里做自我介绍,我是辽宁省出生的,毕业于南开大学,主修国际贸易。我喜欢音乐和读书,尤其是经济类的

2、.书。申请这项工作是我的荣幸。我希望我能在我们公司实现我的梦想,请给我一次机会,谢谢。. 工作的英文自我介绍 篇2 Peas llow m to itrdemseinaminte nam is Mmi,grduaed from omal Uniesit prtmet Englis ajo m steay, atial, diigent,harwokig urng teshoI actieparciatd in ariouaties.n fothee onseutie year Iked a ammerthe English soctiniur coo. M sness Englihwritg

3、isgod, and I avea iefgshteacngxpereceIn lss,I nuraestudentce theiropnionnd to aproaco thewa f learg nlish,becustink tht laning a kindf sonaized ros. veryoe shuld become acital hiker imy class, I want obe a gooteer in e reense I a not the trditiona teac. Ibeleve in mycssoEngishchg efrI hpe I a doomen

4、g tochanthe pretsitan ofEnlisteaching.Fially,Iope ht mrsonalxersin Eis tcher pot willcntribut tothe ase ofuation. 工作的英文自我介绍 篇3 xx: ias errd to ub mr.hang,a parer whyobiing ffce, who nfod ehtesghioffice oyrcomany is actly sekigto hiequlity npdlfor yur ditorprogram.ave moretanyeaso acuigeeiene, icling

5、inring s n dirst yar wth h beijng ffieofccc. iwill be reeiving my a this ayfrotsiua unvrst. am fden tht mation ractial work eece ad soid educaionl epiene haprredmor making animmdiate cotribion to your ompany iunderstand teevofprfesonlism andcomunctio reqird o g-rm ss ithe fild. mckgond an profsioal

6、appa to busness ill ovide yuroffice ih a higlyotveaditoruponcmpeion of ou developmen proa. l beitheshangira th week oa 16. ase callet 1600690toarng a covet tim henwe aymeet tofrthess y bakground in rlation to eds. ilk forw to ei oth. incrly, xx 工作的英文自我介绍 篇4 I am _.Iaorn i _. raute fr senior high hol

7、 an majorin nglih. I trted aningEglishsicI a 1 yars old y parent avea lot mricnnds. Tats Ih no problcmmuictng h ricnorothers y seakg Englih. I spetme, ietooningelatingoEglsh suc as seig lih sg, wtchi Eh movies or TV ograms, o even ing t ativitesheld y e nlis clubsor inite. ustogobroad or a ot erm En

8、gh stdy. r ta time, I lred ltfdallife nl . ell,everyone,amvery aldtgi speechto youyae is, cme fro ,y avote obbis radngbooss,aybdy who hethe sa hoby c ariens with i hope e ill a goodtme he andinoythetim with you al takyou! 工作的英文自我介绍篇5 i mthegraduatefrom xx niersity sudets ig in cmuniatin,me callex. n

9、 th ou yer inte iesty,laidasl profssional trfounati, has tood arning ablity,eamrk spiri, practcalsle.srios tudyand omunitonpesinakwedge tery,readg alt frlevatboksan omuiation, dthethr has ade th enlishfourll, e mputer eel ctifcatei payatentonto the cmbinaio oftheory wit prcice, be is mnytmes during

10、wtad m aao articiptecial praci, hasbenus n imes andxxadioa elevsionstatins pctice,tpatia in sme news purhasin& caauigwork,ble to lrn in thscool o jls eoi kwege fexilyto spic or, fliar taic newediting oess,baic materedditig mache opeatnmethd fort eader andolleaue cnsn afirmte. slly asotautiselflash,

11、uthorwaesowar n e pge of hebasc operan, failiarwithff,ws offce amaton sare. hava wa frienly, lveve heeul,has the enersingsiri ndeteaspiit, strwrn blitpersoa nrsis xtensie,likall kinds o sportacivite,such a bl nis, asketbal,badminton,t. ke reading, moi,mus,ral, phography, deat becomeaprossna phogapher, leeadnl idsofewspaprad agzns,moratntiont the olede of h nwsmedia.



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