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1、教案背景:1 .学生情况:七年级学生2 .学科:英语3 .课时:一课时4 .课前准备:教师方面:(1)认真分析教材,根据学生的水平设计好当堂检测题。(2)认真备课,设计好课堂内的各个环节和活动。本节课的教学内容是关于问路的 话题,为学生创设情景导入新课。(3)整合教学资源,精心设计PPT学生方面:(1)预习课文,完成书中自学部分。(2)使用工具书,自己翻译理解课文2b,并找出重要的知识点。教学课题:unit 8教材分析:(注:含本课时在本单元的教学定位分析)本单元的教学内容是要求学生能够听、说、读、写 ,并能正确运用 post office , hotel ,bank , near, acro

2、ss from , in front of , behind, next to ,betweenand .等词语。能听说并认读Is there a bank nearhere?Where is the bank?等句子。本课阅读文结合学生的实际,在语境中用句子,在句子中用词语,通过在具体语境中的集中练习和 运用,强化和巩固上节课所学核心语言。通过操练让学生更加牢固地掌握核心词语和句子。以多媒 体教学为辅助手段,进一步巩固练习本课重点语言,并引导学生了解字母组合在单词中的发音,逐 步掌握常见字母组合的发音规律。教学方法:任务型教学法、自主互助讨论竞争法。教学目标分析知识与能力目标:掌握问路以及向

3、别人指路的一些短语,句型,并在此基础上学会语言表达。方法与过程:通过听、朗读、自主互助讨论和竞争展示达成目标。情感目标:了解如何运用英语语言向别人问路及描述事物所在的位置的能力。培养孩子们为他人服务的意识。教学重点、难点分析教学重点:掌握本课的单词及短语,并根据不同情景会用多种表达方式问路和给别人指路。教学难点:问路和指路的表达方式以及方位介词的使用。教学过程设计Stepl :课前检查(pre -check) 5分钟T: OK, take out a piece of paper, let s have a dictation. Every B1 from group1 to group 8

4、comes to the blackboard.要求:1。书写工整,字迹清晰,独立完成。2。组内互批,组长记录本组测试成绩。设计意图:做到温故而知新。Step 2 :课前演讲(Make a speech)2 分钟T:Let someone make a speech .要求:演讲同学声音响亮,体态自然大方,并根据演讲内容预设一个问题;在座同学认 真倾听,并作出回答。设计意图:培养学生的语言表达能力和听说能力。Step 3 :情景导入,解读学习目标(Lead-in ) 2分钟T: We have already learned the new words and useful phrases o

5、f this unit inthe last period.Today let s continue learning Section A(1a- 2d).Now let s look at the learning goals together.要求:必须了解学习目标,做到全力以赴。设计意图:明确学习目标,让学生能够有的放矢,为本节课高效学习奠定基础。Step 4:自主学习(Selfstudy ) 5 分钟T: Now please open your books and turn to page 43.First, look at 1a.What canyou see in the pic

6、ture? Well, as we can see many places in the picture. Let s say them together. Second, let s look at 2a on page 44, match the sentences with the pictures .1、S(listen) Check the answers together. Are you clear? Well, next listen and 1ll in the blanks with the words in the box. please pay attention to

7、 the pronunciation and intonation.2. This time we ll do the listening practice. Please listen carefully and circ le the places you hear in 1a. Are you ready?要求:认真倾听,抓住关键点设计意图:培养学生的听能力以及能够及时反馈学生学习的情况。3.Show(自主学习展示):T: Have No. 3 students translate these six sentences into Chinese in order to emphasiz

8、e some prepositions of place.要求:声音洪亮,语言标准.设计意图:培养学生的语言表达能力以及能够及时反馈学生学习的情况。Step 5:Cooperation and investigation:(互助合作探究)5 分钟1, First, read the conversation by yourselves .And then try to translate it into Chinese. If you find it difficult , you can ask your group members for help.2、Next, I ll ask one

9、 pair to read and another pair to translate.3、 Read it again and find out the important language points .And then discuss the key contents of the text in groups.step 6.Show and comment( 展示点评):T: Now Let No.2 students from group 8 to group 15 write them down on the blackboard.S:(Talking about the key

10、 contents.)要求:知识点要系统,并且字迹清晰,书写工整;语言精练,表达自然清楚,点评到位。每个组的讲解,相当于老师讲了几遍,加强学生记忆。师点拨讲解知识点:1 .There be 句型2 .问路的表达方式:1) .Where is the bank?2) . Is there a bank near/around here ?3) . How can I get to the bank ?4) .Could you please tell/show me how to get to the bank ?5) .Could you please tell/show me the way

11、 to the bank ?6) . (Could you please tell me) which is the way to the bank?4、Let the students come to the front to act it out.设计意图:训练学生的小组合作意识,增强探究能力.Step 7:crazy memory(疯狂记忆)5 分钟Recite the key points of this lesson .设计意图:加强记忆,高效课堂Step 8:check in class :( 巩固反刍 当堂检测)要求:小组成员全员参加,快速准确地作答。设计意图:做到当堂训练,学以

12、致用。Step 9:Summary and homework:( 小结和作业)学科长对本节课所学重点进行归纳总结,并对班级小组及个人本节课表现情况进 行评价.要求:语言精练,做到总结精准。回家有针对性地做到巩固练习:make up a dialogueaccording to 2a.设计意图:让学生能够再次明确我们学了什么,并重申了重难点,及时巩固本节课所学。板书设计Section A (1a-2d)Sentences1. Is there a hospital near here?Yes, there is.2. The pay phone is across from the library.3. The pay phone is between the post office and the library.4. It s not too far from here.5. I can walk with you. Withpreposition-展小-整节课的特色是充分发挥学生的主体作用,学生主动探究学习,重视“预习 反馈”的学习过程,体现了学生是学习的主人。


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