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1、小学一年级英语说课稿 小学一年级英语说课稿1教材分析:本课是小学英语PEP第一册第四单元第二课时,主要内容是:Lets learn, lets do.根据这一主要内容,我确定了本课的目标如下所示,重点为单词:monkey, duck, panda, cat, rabbit, dog 和句子:Act like a monkey.依据内容我采用了听、说、学和做的四步教学方法,利用先进的教学设备增强教学的趣味性和新颖性,通过在玩中学,学中玩愉快教学思路,将快乐贯穿于课堂教学中。教案:Teaching aims and demands:1.Knowledge :Students can learn t

2、he words about animals as followings:dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit.2.Ability :Students can understand and do the actions: Act like a cat / duck / panda / monkey / rabbit / dog .3. Feeling: can love the animals and protect the animals.Main Points:Students can learn the six words: dog duck cat monk

3、ey panda rabbit .Difficult Points:1.Students can point and say out the six animals .2.Students can pronounce “ panda rabbit act like correctly .Teaching aids:Tape ,tape-recorder, six animal pictures, cards, six toy animals, six kinds of exercise papers.cards .Teaching Methods: The Principle of the s

4、ituation; Total Physical Response.Teaching Periods: OneV: Teaching steps:教学过程1. Warm-up (热身)Organize teaching组织教学. Sing a song.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you ,too.T: Today well study the new lesson. At first, well sing a song together, ok?Ss: Ok.T: Lets sing.设计意图:课前唱一首歌,可以活跃课堂气氛,同时让学生有良好的情

5、绪准备进入新课的学习之中。2.Into new lesson导入新课:The teacher says: This is Zoom. Today is Zoom s birthday. Some animals are going to take part in his party. Listen and look, please.设计意图:以Zoom办生日宴会,其他小动物要去参加宴会为由,自然引出本课的学习重点,即一些小动物,并为学生营造一个宽松、民主、和谐的学习氛围。3. Presentation新课展现 :show a forest on the cream. Listen who is

6、 coming? Learn the words设计意图:通过课件,为学生创设一个森林中动物去赴宴的前景,一个个小动物出现,把学生带入一个生动的画面中,激发学生的学习兴趣,为lets learn中单词的学习和动画的出现做了铺垫。小学一年级英语说课稿2:My body】教学目的:1. 认识五官及其作用,能用英语正确的表达。2. 在祈使句中运用物主代词your,能用英语正确发出和接受命令。教学重难点:1. Learn new words :a nose a mouth a finger ears eyes2. Talking about ones body and using plural nou

7、ns.3. Learn to give orders.教学情感:认识五官及其作用, 从而强调正确的读书写字的姿势,强化保护眼睛的重要性和如何保护眼睛。分析:一年级学生是活泼好动、爱唱、爱跳的,他们学习的动力*于有趣的教学内容和富有吸引力的活动形式,英语课的“动态”教学,目的就是要让学生在无任何心理压力的状态下轻松愉快地学习,并且乐在其中。所以,准备My body这一课时,我从一年级学生的实际情况出发,遵守三个“动态”教学的原则,即趣味性原则、活动性原则、变化性原则,来设计教学。教学方法和过程:Teaching procedure.Warm-up and greeting.T: Good mor

8、ning, boys and girls. Look! Therere so many teachers. We say hello to them .Ss: “Good morning, teachers!”T: I like singing, do you like singing? OK, lets sing Head and shoulders, knees and toes目的:这课前两分钟,利用活动性原则跟学生们唱着Head and shoulders,knees and toes带领学生唱唱、跳跳、说说,这样做不仅引起了学习动机,还消除了孩子们拘束和紧张,使课堂气氛活跃,从而煅炼

9、他们的反应能力,为后面活跃课堂气氛奠定了良好的基础。.Presentation1.Learn new words and do actions.Show a picture of a pupil in the class. Ask the pupils whats on her face. In this way I can introduce the new words. Then use Kokos face to present the new words.T: Whats missing on Kokos face?S1: Mouth.T: Yes, youre right. Come

10、 here and stick it on the Kokos face.2.Say the name of each part of my face and let pupils point to their body.Then ask a pupil to give orders and the others follow him/her.目的:让学生看同学和卡通人物Koko的脸,引导学生发现问题,老师提问:“今天Koko的脸跟平常见到它本人一样吗?”让学生观察产生质疑,而后过渡到新课的单词及your的学习和指五官的游戏。在动静的交替变换中,有意识记忆得到了提高。这是变化性原则的体现。3.

11、What can you do with your eyes/ nose/ mouth/ ears? Chant together.4.How to protect your eyes?目的:认识五官及其作用, 从而强调正确的读书写字的姿势,强化保护眼睛的重要性和如何保护眼睛。. Practice1. Watch CD-ROM and read after it.2. Ask a pupil to be a teacher. Read after him/her.3.Guessing game. Whats missing in the picture?目的:利用认识Koko的五官的活动,安排

12、学生观察人和动物图片,发展学生的扩散性思维,使新旧知识结合共同延续,将知识的学习进一步完善。4.Ask pupils to design a face for each group. Then talk about it.目的:让孩子设计其他组的五官形象,再用英语说说,学生由被动变为主动,使他们始终处在一种的学习状态。这是趣味性原则的体现。.Sum-upToday we have learnt the name of the part of the face. Lets read new words and the sentences together. Every day you see w

13、ith your eyes, you must protect your eyesight.目的:通过小结巩固和回顾这节课所学的知识,使学生知道读书写字的姿势要正确,才能保护眼睛。.HomeworkAfter class you listen and read Part A Unit 7. Then you survey animals What are they different?目的:作业是巩固本节课所学的知识,再让学生走进自然了解奥秘。小学一年级英语说课稿3Happy Birthday】一、说教材本课是冀教版小学一年级英语第一册第十四课Happy Birthday,.本课主要是运用所学

14、句型Happy Birthday祝福生日快乐。复习句型:How old are you ?并在说说唱唱中掌握生日歌。二、说教法使用多媒体创设了过生日的热闹场景,借助“任务型”教学采用了情景教学法、直观教学演示法、交际法、愉快教学法等多样化的教学手段将听、说、玩、演、唱溶于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和愿望。三、说学法学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,语言点的练习密切联系生活实际,达到学以致用的目的,让学生在情境中学,游戏中学,活动中学,唱歌中学,交际中学,玩中学。四、本课教学目标: 语言知识目标:1.Words: 能正确说birthday。2.Drills: 能用以下句型进行交流Happy

15、birthday to you. -Thank you.复习句型:How old are you ? (练习有关年龄的问答)。 语言技能目标:根据图片和情境说单词和句子。在一定场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演。 情感态度目标:通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、做游戏、敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心,在小组合作学习中感受学英语的乐趣,在给好朋友、亲人过生日的过程中感受友情、亲情的温暖。五、重难点重点: 1.Learn the words. birthday2.Using the sentences to ask and answer.难点: 1. Words: birthday的 正确发音。2.Using the sentences to ask and answer.六、课前准备1 教师准备数字


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