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1、初二英语试题及答案注:1卷面分3分。 一、听力测试(2分)(一)录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后选出每个句子的对的应答语。(0分)1. .I sed my au. BThak you. C.It ws reat.2.A.N, he dnt . Yes, he in. C.Yes,hedid3. AA wath. B aksows. CReading.4 A.M shoo niorm. Btschl. C On Mna.5 A t akes 25 minuts. B. How abu you? C.Iake atan(二)录音中有五组对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的

2、对的答案。. A. Ye, do. B.Yes, sh oes. .No,se desn.7AIn he lssroo. B.I the grden. .ntehallway8.A.Hewenttothebeac. B.Hevisitd heaunt. C. H wasatme.9Ahe take tin .She divesa cr. .She tkes sip.10. A.Y, sh did. . o, sheidnt. C. Wdot now(三)录音中有一段对话和五个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,选出能回答每个问题的对的答案。11 .He akes the suby. B.He akes

3、thebus. .H gets to sol on fot12. A. An hou. B.Two hors. C.Arodthy mnte.13. A.erides a ike. .She taks ta. C.he was.4.A. Aro wo our. Brond ie inuts. .bout wety-five minutes.15. AYs, heos. .No,shedoest. C We dot knw(四)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,判断下列各句正()误(F)。6. ef hadareat vacti.7. Jeff wetrosstheSAb ai.18.Thewea

4、hrwas coo inbg cties9. Jeff lved the ouse he moutainsve ch.20. The husin themountan wre biganuiet.二、单项填空(20分) 从每题A、B、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。.nteresng, bu _ difficult for me. A.litte . littl C. a fe D.ew2. Eveone_here lst Mona. Are Bis C. ae was23. id Juliestudy _ exams? A .for C. ae D. at4. It was a_ ay

5、yeterday. r B raning C. iny Dto rin25. There aealo man fst food restarns n _ pat ofour city. A.ote . ths C. aoher D. the tes26 You nee _ yor Eglish. I wll hlpy Aworry worrd .orry aout Dwriedut2. _des yo moterg tothe supart?B bu A.Whr . When C.Ho D.What28. Its time _cla. A.orhav hae to hve . tohaing9

6、. He hepdhis ther clean therooms and _ his oeoyestrdy afteron .do .ong .oe D id30. Is ht _iterstin boo?s, b it is _ ificlt. A.an,a lte B. a, a it .a, lte D.n, litle31Whe didy e the ilm?_.A.Two ors ago. .In an hour Cwohours D. I ur ago2.How but _ th spearke?A.to go t B.g .to go D oito . lie _ TV, but

7、 my father eos _ ewspapers. .wtcn, reading B. ing, C.to see, ee D. to wath,eadn 4. is_ sy is 7:0 pm. A.belt wllet . wtch D.ring35. thinthe TV sho s inteestin D y _ me?. like B. age . gree t D. agree with3.I ove Sports News.at aout you?_AIdd, too B.Ido,eiter .do, too D Ilo t37 ecm to Beijing!_.A. o a

8、 al B.That l igt C.Godb D. hankyou38 iashme is_ rom re, so she dot hae to t theus. A.five mintsalk Bwenty-klomter C.twohursby bus D.tw hour3He is verytired. H oentwant to do _. A.min B.nohig C.eveything Danytng. I fu t _ to work out his math poblm in one minute. A.easy B.eil .quickl . rdy三、完型填空(10分)

9、 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每题A、B、 、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。Hwdo you pen your vacation?ay Amrcns lik o havethi vacatons n 41 cutre. Onay an Amera 42 came oChin. hiswas her irsime Chia ad shewand to 43some rieds re.Sheme a Chineseby, Wg ong ag Tong asoly t a od, nd alays wane tractce 4 . So he ce up an aid “ 45 ”to her,

10、ad the he bgan his fis tlkwith a rson 46 anEnglihspekountr. “How ol re yo?”Wang Tg 47 hen. “Im 4 . lase dont sk alad abohe 49 ,” se nseed. Wang Tong wassuried. e din kno 50 Cn help ?. aothr . ele . ohe . any2.A.mn B. boy woman ch4 Amake B. eing C. o D. havin 4. A.spak Enlish B. ak Chinese C.seaigEnglh D. pea Chins4.A.OK BHello . orry D. o-e46. A.to at C. on D



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