捐赠协议书(英文版) - 北航教育基金会 - 北京航空航天大学

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《捐赠协议书(英文版) - 北航教育基金会 - 北京航空航天大学》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《捐赠协议书(英文版) - 北航教育基金会 - 北京航空航天大学(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、捐赠协议书甲方(捐赠方):乙方(受赠方):北京航空航天大学教育基金会根据中华人民共和国公益事业捐赠法等法律法规,甲方自愿向乙方捐赠以下财产,用以支持北京航空航天大学教育事业的发展,并经协商达成如下协议:第一条 甲方自愿向乙方捐赠第 项财产1、现金: ( )(大写)2、动产:(名称、数量、质量、价值) 3、不动产:(该不动产所处的详细位置、状况及所有权证明) 第二条 捐赠财产用途:支持北京航空航天大学教育事业发展,主要资助学校开展有关 方面的工作。 (1)人才培养及学生活动、(2)教师队伍建设、(3)校园基础建设、(4)校园科技文化活动(5)教学科研及学科发展、(6)其他指定用途 或(7)非指定

2、用途。第三条 捐赠财产的交付时间、地点、方式及教育基金会账户:1、交付时间: 2、交付地点: 3、交付方式: 4、开户银行(人民币):中国工商银行股份有限公司北京东升路支行 户 名:北京航空航天大学教育基金会账 号:0200006209200123884开户银行(外 币):中国银行北京海淀支行户 名:北京航空航天大学教育基金会账 号:333756019862第四条 甲方在约定期限内将捐赠财产及其所有权凭证交付乙方,并协助乙方办理相关手续。乙方收到甲方捐赠财产后,出具合法有效的财务接收凭证。第五条 乙方依据本协议约定用途合理使用捐赠财产,不得擅自改变捐赠财产的用途。如果确需改变用途的,应当征得甲

3、方的同意,并签订有关变更使用协议。第六条 根据捐赠财产用途,乙方可与甲方协商选定捐赠项目的执行方,妥善管理和使用捐赠财产,并主动接受甲方监管。第七条 本协议经甲、乙方授权代表签章之日起生效,受中华人民共和国有关法律的管辖和保护。本协议在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决,或按下列第 种方式解决:1、提交 仲裁委员会仲裁;2、依法向 人民法院提起诉讼。第八条 本协议一式两份,甲、乙方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。甲方(盖章): 法定(授权)代表人: 电话签订时间:乙方(盖章):北京航空航天大学教育基金会 法定(授权)代表人: 电话签订时间:Donation AgreementParty A

4、 (Donor):Party B (Donee): Beihang University Education FoundationAccording to Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Donation for Public Welfare Undertakings, and other related laws and regulations, Party A voluntarily shall donate the assets to support the development of Beihang University educati

5、on enterprise. Both parties, through the mutual understanding, have consensus on the followings: Article I Party A voluntarily donate _ of the assets to Party B1. Cash: ( ) (Typed in All CAPTICALS)2. Chattel: (name, quantity, quality, value)3. Real estate: (Proof of the location of the real property

6、, the condition and the certificate of title in details)Article II Use of the donated assets: Support the development of Beihang education enterprise, mainly funding Beihang University to launch on _ aspects of the work.(1) Talent training and student activities. (2) Supporting excellent faculties a

7、nd scholars. (3) Campus infrastructure. (4) Scientific and cultural events on campus.(5) Academic teaching research and curriculum development. (6) Other specified use_.(7) non-specified purposes.Article Regarding the delivery time, place, pattern and bank account:1. Delivery time:_ 2. Place of deli

8、very:_3. Delivery Pattern:_4. Bank account:For currency in RMB: Bank name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, Beijing Dongsheng Road branchAccount title: Beihang University Education FoundationAccount number: 0200006209200123884For foreign currency: Bank name: Bank of China, Beijing Ha

9、idian BranchAccount title: Beihang University Education FoundationAccount number: 333756019862Article Within the agreed time frame, Party A transfer the donated assets or property title to Party B, and Party B assisting the relevant formalities. After receiving the donated property, Party B issued a

10、n official invoice in a valid legal form.Article Party B pursuant to this agreement make the rational use of the donated assets, are not allowed to change the specific use of the donated assets without the authorization. If there is any need to change the purpose, it should be with the consent of th

11、e Party A, and the signing of the supplemental agreement to change the original use.Article Based on the use of donated property, Party B may consult with the Party A to appoint the executives of performing the proper management on use of donated property, with the initiative to under the supervisio

12、n of Party A.Article VII This Agreement shall take effect from the date of signing by the representatives of both parties, subject to the jurisdiction and protection of the Peoples Republic of Chinas relevant laws. All disputes arising from the execution of the agreement shall be settled through mut

13、ual negotiation of both parties and ways to solve the following section:1. Submitting to_arbitration commission for arbitration;2. Lodging the lawsuit to_ peoples court according to the laws.Article VIII The original agreement shall be in two copies and they are the same effective. Both parties shall hold one copy each.Party A (Seal)Legal Representative (Authorization): Phone:Date:Party B (Seal)Legal Representative (Authorization): Phone:Date:捐赠项目


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