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1、U1Adaptv immuntyee o antgen-peciic munereone. Thadaptiv immune roses orecomple a thente. The antgenfrstmuste pocessed nd recgnzed. Onc anantigen hasen rcoid,the adaptie imuneem crate an army of muncel pecifically desiged to attac that antigeImungloulns(抗体), aso nown sniodis, re glycoprotei olles pro

2、dued plasa cells(wit bood cel). They act as critil part o the immne spos bypeiallreognizingdbding to articlr ntiens, suc baceria or irses a aidingin irdetructionAntige,an sustanc th caueyur munetemo prode antibie agaist it. nanienmay b a oren ubstnefro the enronmnt, sch as heicals, acteia, viru, or

3、polen. Anantgnmay lso e ford iside th by, wihacteriatoxns or tsse cels.Anpiope(表位), also wn as ngenic deteinant(抗原决定簇), is thepart o an antigen thtis ecognizby the immne syste, pifcally antibodies, B cels,oT cll. F exampe, hepipeis t peciic iceof the atgen hatanatibodybnds t.Hptens(半抗原)aresmall olul

4、s th elicit(引出) anmmneepone nly enattahed to a arg carriruch sa prote; thecrrirmayb one that alo desnot eliitanimmune respoe y itsel.Immuneompx, omemescaled an anigntibdomplx,is a mlelformed from e ntega biningfa antibdyto a soluleantien.The ou antigenndnibdy act asanitay oe, eftiely a ige fts ow t

5、a specfic ope.Intehost resistne(先天性宿主抵御力),ompr to adapve immnyEdotoxin toin ruced by ctan beria ad released pon dstucin f the bacteri cel.Etoin a xi reeased ba livng acteral ell i i surdings.Pathogeicitrefs o te lity f n orgaism to ue disease (ie, rtheost).Tis abilit repesentsa gentc coponet fthe pa

6、hoen nd th overt amg done tothe host is ppertyof he ht-pthoen intractio.Comsals(共栖) nd ppotunitcpathogens acktinherent ilityto cause dae.oxoid(类毒素) bcteril toxn (usally an exotxin) whos oict ha been inativatedorpressd eitherby cal (orain) or heat reament, hleerroperties, typicalyimmnogenicity, ae ai

7、ntained10mensalm(偏害共栖),associaton etwen orgas of wo ifferensecies in ich is inhibitd(克制) or destroyed and h otheris unffected.Cmenlism(偏利共栖), n logy,ia as ofrelationshipsbeween two oanismswhereon ranim enis fo the or without ffecin tCompmisedhost, atet wth acuied r cnenital(先天的)imunloic eiincy t ine

8、ased rik for infectious disase ictons.Coeratio, the actn or roces ofwrkingtgther to e sameend.Mutalis(互利共栖), theway wo oranismof diferent peiesexist areaonshi n hch achindividual benefitsrom th actiitof th her. iil inteactios wthina speis are own co-oeratin.Noml mirobiota(正常微生物群), microorgni tht rd

9、on the srfae adeep layer osi, i esalva and oal uosa(口腔黏液膜),in the cojunct(结膜),nd in the gatrointestinl(胃肠的) trcts of evyhmn bg.Oporunstihogen/mioorgansm(条件致病微生物)orgaism tht s capb o sdiseaseonlwen the host resistance is lowered, oexap, by ohr dseasesrdugsParsitm a for of liing n wch tognims that eph

10、ylognicaly diferent (nlate) co-itor lon pero f ti (ul foheitie o oe the ndividls)Predation is ilogial tertonhre a aor(anorganis tha i hutin) feds onis pre (the orans that is tke).Smios(from Grek oetrand vig) is loseand ten n-erm teracton btween twodifferen bolgicalpeies.UDomin(als supregum, superkin

11、gdom, emre,or eg) is te highest tnmi ank of ogni hethreomaisystemof xn designd by Carloese,anAmeicamicrobiols andboysicist.Genus aaonmi ank sed n ebological classifiato of lving an fsil organismsi bology. Inthe ierarchy ofboloial clasificaio, genu cmabove species an elo family I bnomialnmenclature(命

12、名), he ens name forms the fst par ofth inomial speies name c secies witin th geu.GC-coen(or guanine-ytosineontent) the percete of nitrgens bss on DA molecle tht eitherguaine rcyosine (from a posiiityof fu iffereones, also inclding aden and hymine)Plasc classficaton(多相分类) a onensus pahto atrial ystemats viamor han onephse.Aspciesis oftn fned s te large g organisms wereto indidu



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