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1、(1)Concrete and reinforced concrete are used as building materials in every country. In many, including Canada and the United States, reinforced concrete is a dominant structural material in engineered construction. (1)混凝土和钢筋混凝土在每个国家都被用作建筑材料。在许多国家,包括加拿大和美国,钢筋混凝土是一种主要的工程结构材料。(2)The universal nature o

2、f reinforced concrete construction stems from the wide availability of reinforcing bars and the constituents of concrete, gravel, sand, and cement, the relatively simple skills required in concrete construction. (2) 钢筋混凝土建筑的广泛存在是由于钢筋和制造混凝土的材料,包括石子,沙,水泥等,可以通过多种途径方便的得到,同时兴建混凝土建筑时所需要的技术也相对简单。(3)Concret

3、e and reinforced concrete are used in bridges, building of all sorts, underground structures, water tanks, television towers, offshore oil exploration and production structures, dams, and even in ships. (3)混凝土和钢筋混凝土被应用于桥梁,各种形式的建筑,地下结构,蓄水池,电视塔,海上石油平台,以及工业建筑,大坝,甚至船舶等。(4)Reinforce concrete structures c

4、onsist of a series of individual members that interact to support the loads placed on the structure. The floor of concrete buildings is often built of concrete joist-slab construction.(4)钢筋混凝土结构由一系列单独构件组成,这些构件通过相互作用共同抵抗施加在结构上的荷载。混凝土建筑的楼层通常采用肋梁楼盖的形式。(5)A series of parallel ribs or joists support the

5、load from the top slab. The reactions supporting the joists apply load to the beams, which in turn are supported by the columns. (5)一系列的平行梁肋或次梁抵抗其上楼板传来的荷载,次梁的反力作为荷载施加在主粱上,主粱则支承在柱上。(6)The slab transfers load laterally to the joists, and serves as the top flange of the joists, which act as T-shaped be

6、ams that transmit the load to the beams running at right angles to the joists. (6)楼板将荷载垂直传递给次梁,并且作为上翼缘和次梁一起形成T形截面梁,将荷载传递给与次梁正交的主粱。(7)Some floors of have a slab-and-beam design in which the slab spans between beams, which in turn apply loads to the columns. (7)一些楼层被设计成梁板结构,即楼板直接支承在相邻的主粱上,主粱再将荷载传递到柱上。

7、 (8)Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension. As a result, cracks develop whenever loads, or restrained shrinkage or temperature changes, give rise to tensile stresses in excess of the tensile strength of the concrete.(8)混凝土的抗压能力很强但抗拉能力很弱。因此,当荷载、受约束的收缩或温度变化所引起的拉应力超过其抗拉强度时,混凝土中的裂缝就会开展。(9

8、)The construction of a reinforced concrete member involves building a form or mould in the shape of the member being built. The form must be strong enough to support the weight and hydrostatic pressure of the wet concrete.(9)钢筋混凝土构件的制作需要一个与构件形状相同的模子,其必须具有足够的强度以抵抗湿混凝土的重量和流动压力。(10)The reinforcement is

9、 placed in this form and held in place during the concreting operation. After the concrete has hardened, the forms are removed.(10)在混凝土浇注的过程中,钢筋被放置在模子中的固定位置。在混凝土硬化之后,模板才能被移除。(11)一个结构到底是采用混凝土,钢材,砌体,还是木材进行建造,取决于材料是否容易获得和其他一些经济上的考虑。通常,最先考虑的因素是结构的总造价。(12)结构的总造价是材料费用,人工费,以及建造过程持续时间的函数。(13)通常,结构的总造价受到施工时间

10、长短的影响,这是因为承包商和业主必须为施工过程提供资金,而且这些资金一直要到建筑物可以使用后才能得到收益。(14)兴建钢筋混凝土结构所需要的材料可以很容易的通过多种渠道获得,在施工过程中需要时可以随时制作,与此相反,兴建钢结构时所需要的材料必须向钢材加工厂预定并为此提前支付部分款项。(15)设计者对设计和制作所采取的任何标准化的措施都可以减少建筑的总造价。例如,可以在不同的楼层布置相同尺寸的柱以节省模板的费用,而不同楼层柱荷载的不同则可以通过改变柱混凝土强度等级或配筋率来考虑。(16)The occupants of a building may be disturbed if their b

11、uilding oscillates in the wind or the floors vibrate an people walk by. Due to the greater stiffness and mass of a concrete structure, vibrations are seldom a problem.(17)在混凝土结构的施工过程中,新浇混凝土的重量由模板来承担,这些模板通常支承在下层楼板上。另外,建筑材料经常堆放在楼板或屋面上。(18)砂子,石子,水泥以及搅拌混凝土的设备可以很方便地通过多种方式获得,并且钢筋比型钢更容易运送到工地。因此,一些偏远的地区经常使用

12、钢筋混凝土。(19)混凝土的抗拉强度比其抗压强度低得多,因此混凝土会开裂。在结构中,这个问题通过使用钢筋来解决。(20)与类似的钢结构相比,混凝土结构需要使用更多的材料,重量也更大。因此,大跨度的结构通常使用钢材来建造。(21)The limit states for reinforced concrete structures can be divided into five basic groups: durability, fire resistance, ultimate limit states, serviceability limit states, and special li

13、mit states.(21)混凝土结构的极限状态包括五个内容:耐久性,耐火性,承载力极限状态,正常使用极限状态,以及特殊极限状态。(22)Durability means that the structure should withstand environmental exposure without excessive deterioration of the concrete or corrosion of the reinforcement. Fire resistance means the structure must have the resistance required b

14、y the applicable provincial building code.(22)耐久性是指结构能够暴露在环境中而不会发生混凝土材料性能的急剧退化或钢筋的锈蚀。耐火性是指结构必须具有本地区建筑规范所要求的抗火能力。(23)The ultimate limit states involve a structural collapse of part or all of the structure. Such a limit state should have a very low probability of occurrence since it may lead to loss o

15、f life and major financial losses. (23)承载力极限状态指结构局部倒塌或整体倒塌。因为这种极限状态会造成生命和大量财产的损失,其发生的可能性必须被降到很低。(24)The ultimate limit states include loss of equilibrium of a part or all of the structure, rupture of critical parts of the structure, progressive collapse, formation of a plastic mechanism, and instabi

16、lity.(24)承载力极限状态包括结构局部或整体失去平衡,结构关键部位的破坏,渐进式的倒塌,塑性机构形成,以及失稳。(25)Serviceability limit states involve disruption of the functional use of the structure but not collapse. Since there is less danger of loss of life, a higher probability of occurrence can generally be tolerated.(25)正常使用界限状态是指结构使用功能受到影响但并不发生倒塌。因为对生命安全的威胁比较小,其发生可以具有稍高的可能性。(26)Serviceability limit states include excessive deflections for normal service,


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