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1、新课标PEP小学英语六年级下册期末试题(附答案) 听力局部(40)一 选择所听到的单词5分 1 A food B foot 2 A goose B good 3 A watch B wash 4 A bigger B thinner 5 A take B took二 听录音,圈出与录音内容不同的单词5分 1 I felt sick . I had a bad cold. 2 where did you go last winter holiday? 3 I am helpful . I helped my mother with the cleaning. 4when was your las

2、t holiday? 5 the elephant is heavier than the bear.三 听问句选答句。5分 1 A They are white and red. B Its white and red . 2 A I have a headache. B I feel sad today. 3 A we have tofu and fish . B we like tofu and fish. 4A I like cleaning and the floor. B I can sweep the floor. 5 A I visited my grandparents. B

3、 I visit my grandparents.四 听短文判断5分1. Mr Smith work in a supermarkert2. A boy got lost and asked Mr Smith for help3. They found the boys mother at last4. The boy came to the supermarket with his mother5 The boy saw his father五 听答句找问句。把编号写在括号里5分 Who is taller ,mike or john ? ( ) What is your favourite

4、 sports? Where did you go last week? Who is your English teacher ? How do you go to school?六 听对话填空。5分 Zoom: hi, zip are you? Zip: Not good. Zoom: ( ) the matter? Zip :I have a ( ) Zoom : Did you ( )any medicine? Zip : No ,but I am( )than you . I will be ok.七听短文填空5分 We( )a trip to Hangzhou last weeke

5、nd . It is beautiful. We( ) to west lake and ( )a boat there , we were very .the west lake is than the Nan Bei lake in my city . there were many people .we took a walk a round the lake . We ( )a wonderful time.八 听音写出单词。5分 1 sing -_ _ 2 jump _ jumped 3big _ the biggest 4 tall _ _ 5_ _ _ 笔试局部 (60分)一找出

6、不是同类的词。(5分) 1 A jacket B coat C sweater D ship 2 A taxi B slippers C car D bus 3 A potato B apple C grape D strawberry 4 A science B music C study D English 5 A windy Brainy C warm D sun二 选出发音不同的一项。5分 1 A baby B apple C hand 2 A it B picnic C ride 3 A coat B count C know 4 A fear B pear C hair 5 A t

7、hin B that C this三 选择填空。5分 1 Is this _book? Yes , it is.A an B a C the 2 what _ you _on Sundays? I _my homework. A do do do B did do did C does do does 3 what _she _yesterday? She _presents. A did, do, bought B did, doing , is buying C does , do , buys 4 _does your father work ? he works in a school

8、.A What B Which C Where 5 How are you today?A Im five . B I feel well. C I can jump.四.用单词的正确形式填空。(5分) 1 Zhang Peng is _strong than me, and Im _(heavy) than him. 2 He ofen _(get) up at six oclock .But now he _(sleep) 3 We _(go) to the library tomorrow. 4 Chen Jie likes _(swim) and _(play) the piano.

9、5 My uncle _ (go) fishing last Saturday .五 写出动词的过去式5分 Learn _play_ take_ buy_ do_六补全对话。(5分)John:Hi, Chen Jie. Nice to see you again.Chen: Nice to meet you, too.John: Where did you go on your holiday/Chen:_海南John: How did you go thereChen:_乘火车John:_你干了什么?Chen: I rowed a boat and _.照相John: Did you eat

10、 good food?Chen:_.(是的,我是的。)七连词成句。5分1.aunt Xinjiang food My went ate and good to_2). Bookstore many to and We the bought books went _3) .look you today sad so _4). you me 4cm are taller than _-5) headache I a have. _八句型转换:按要求改写以下各句。5句 1). He likes playing football.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ playing football. 2

11、).His mother went to Japan by air.对话局部提问 _ _ his mother _to Japan? 3).Whats wrong with you?写出同义句Whats _ _ with you? 4). I have a book .改为否认句I_ a book. 5). He works in a school.(对画线局部提问)九 阅读。5分 Mike is seven and begins to go to school this week. Its Sunday . his mother ,Mrs smith, doesnt go to work.

12、Mike wants to go to the zoo. He gets up at six thirty and asks his mother to take him there. After breakfast ,they go to the bus stop. They are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. They want to take a No. 3 bus. “Look, mum! cries the boy,A No.3 bus is coming! “No,dear, says Mrs Smith, “It isnt No.3bus, Its No.21. “you ar



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