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1、 高一英语完形填空专项训练已使用 came lame(瘸的)i bth lgs my hihoo. I cnt stad 16 thesupprt f tw stcs. ny inywheehir can I “ 7 ”.I sl reme the first day a 1 . When Iparedat the door, 19 in theassmstare(凝视)at me n 20 M fae turne 21. I oldnt hel2 back. It a he 2 nd sypahy(同情)her eys tat 24 doingo. Int shyly towards an

2、unocupied (空的) eat.Beinglme, I dint dare to 25 in fon ofmy lassmtI was afraid tat mighte 2 at. I h ys wasery sa to e others waki 27 Oe ay, afwsudets ce up tome nd asked met o outside. Iwasrally8 . They nuaged me with a(n) 29 smile and 0 me inmy whelcair foce to place I s 31 to hm fo ging me chanet s

3、eethe 32 ourovelshoo witmy ownyes.fter tat e often rea,lyeand aledtgethr. M frins are alwas 33 o hlpme t made e 34 Iam disabled .Oceteyasked me, “Wha is th mst beutiftg n r so?”ithuteiaton I sa, “I i e 35 . ”16 A. with B. witout C.uder .on1.A. walk B. run . sit . stand18 A.school B. weecairC.he Dhos

4、pita1.A.he B he Ceveryone D.nobody2. . thughtnrest C.anger . spi21 A. red B. brown . whte D black2. . eterg B. hidng C. coing turin 23.A feingB. knns C sorow D. pain24 A. made B stoed C.ket D t2A wak B. study C. pace . spk2. A. lued B smle . stae . looed27. A. qicy B. lowy C happiy D. shly2.A. rav B

5、. sad C.hurt D etd29. A. host . fiendly C. luckly handom0. A. pushed B plcd C.rw D.plled31 A. atisfied so C lyal D. thakful32.A. sins B.ig C. buigs tudents3 A. ea . mart C.wise . nwiling4 A. forgt B. rembr C. iagine D. thnk35. A.eachers . schoolrd .clasmatesDfriedship完形填空-20BACD21-5 ADBBA -30ACBA1-

6、DAAShe as foryea-old girl withvey fine goln har when Ist me e.She wascaryn owl of ou was29at tt m n 1 rm theflu. er o adIhad been rnfor yes. 7 tht friendship rewinto car, fromcare no 1 and maiage.Marriage buht he ree of u toeher asa 19 . At firt I w afraido bea “stpfather”. Tereore,Itrie noto cme 20

7、 y uue dauhe and r 21 fatr. I cted in ht w in order to elked owevr, 2 sh ws rown,I foun t ireasigly har to 23 wih hr. n hr school require the paentto invidually wie open n 24 leter o our chilrn. Iwote lettrbut a itlegolden-haired girwo hd 5 e a bowlofp whn Ineded 26 eeklatr, all the parents togetwth

8、 children. The stdents wee loed o akea fw statents. Iw 2 to ea what daugher would ay.Finl m dghtr 29 maeher way up toteicrohoe.Sheaid oehing likeothe nd then 0 ,“At tisverymoment, I jut wnt say love ou, ather.”Imediatelpeople around me started 31 at e. For atenae girt s 32 in rot of so may peop, “Il

9、ove you,” too ge ea o couage.Since thenIhave 3 to nersand I dint need t haveay34 about bin stefather. cn still35 oes love withth salitte girl mso may yarsefoe caryng a bowlful of hatrnd ut t bekndess.I an als iends wihteg - my dear augte.16. A. hurtingB. atcinC. uffrngD. exiencin17A. ImmedeyB. Final

10、lyCEspeiallyD Gra18. . lkB. peasCextemenD lov9. in. gropC. falyD. hol20. . between.ongCfromD.or2. A. naualB.folloing. utrueD old2 . ferB.s. witDbefre2 . connectB.hareC.ounicateDague24. A. onesB.foalCpoerfuD. responsibe25. AtakenB shownC sed. rout26. A. curB areC. hepD. riend27. A. resnteB.vdC. atheeD. asd28. . gla. hopfuC. eriusD. nxius29A.deerminly.independntly patientlyDunexpeedly3. A.lasteB. declredC. ontinuD.rende1 A. hgig smilngC. kisnD. elebating32. A. quietlB. openlyC.brigtlyatrctvely3 A.usedB. steppedC dsieD. come3. A.courgeB. fear



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