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3、用数字图像处理技术,来解决木材表面缺陷的分割和识别等问题,是行之有效的途径。关键词:数字图像处理技术;图像分割;特征提取;支持向量机AbstractWith the development of wood industry, the manufacture of wood products is increasing significantly. The demand of a consistent high-quality surface wood product introduces automatic inspection that cannot be easily satisfied

4、by traditional manual inspection. Based on the theory of computer vision, a research on defect distinguish of the wood surface is made in the paper.Image preprocess, feature extraction and pattern recognition of wood surface defect images are also studied by means of digital image processing techniq

5、ue and pattern recognition technology based on SVM. Image processing algorithms are studied and improved to orientate and recognize wood surface defect.Image preprocess is the first step for detection, which is vital to the correct extraction of the defection feature. In the fact of a traditional fi

6、ltering algorithm can substantially damage the edges and details of the image and blur the images edges and details, a weighted and directional smoothing algorithm is proposed in this paper. Merging several image segmentation method , a improved method of image fusion of multi-resolution analysis ba

7、sed on biorthogonal wavelet transform and a edge detection algorithm based on the fusion technology of wavelet transform and morphological edge detection are proposed in the paper. Thus segmentation result is optimized and laying the root for feature extraction of follow up.The defects are described

8、 from two aspects based on image characteristic, the texture features and color featuresfour color moment parameters to identify the wood defects. According to the distribution of these parameters, the parameters which have small standard deviation are selected as the input eigenvector of the classi

9、fiers. And the features are extracted by the principal components analysis which can reduce the texture dimensions and eliminate the relevance between feature modes and highlight their difference to satisfy the input request of the recognition level. Using Support Vector Machines classifier to ident

10、ify the defects, the correct rates of pattern recognition achieve better level. The experiment results show it is an effective way to solve the segmentation and identification of wood surface defects by texture features and color features of wood surface defect images according to the digital image

11、processing technology,.Keyword:digital image processing technique;image segmentation;feature extraction;SVM / 目录第一章绪论- 1 -1.1 课题的研究背景和意义- 1 -1.1.1 课题的研究背景- 1 -1.1.2 课题的研究意义- 1 -1.2 木材表面缺陷检测的研究现状及发展趋势- 2 -1.2.1 木材缺陷的常用检测方法- 2 -1.2.2 国外研究现状- 3 -1.2.3 木材检测技术的发展与展望- 4 -1.3 木材表面缺陷特征及存在形式- 5 -1.3.1 木材缺陷种类

12、- 5 -1.3.2 木材缺陷对木材质量的影响- 8 -1.4 课题的主要研究容和创新- 8 -第二章木材表面缺陷图像的增强预处理- 11 -2.1 图像增强概述- 11 -2.2 木材缺陷图像灰度变换- 12 -2.2.1 木材缺陷图像灰度化处理- 12 -2.2.2木材缺陷图像灰度变换- 13 -2.3 木材缺陷图像平滑- 16 -2.3.1 邻域平滑- 16 -2.3.2 中值滤波- 16 -2.3.3加权有向平滑滤波- 17 -2.4 图像锐化- 21 -2.4.1微分算子- 22 -2.4.2 Sobel算子- 23 -2.4.3拉普拉斯算子- 24 -2.5 本章小结- 25 -第

13、三章图像分割- 27 -3.1 基于区域的图像分割- 27 -3.1.1 并行区域分割技术- 27 -3.1.2 串行区域分割技术- 29 -3.2基于边缘的图像分割- 30 -3.2.1 梯度算子- 31 -3.2.2 Canny边缘检测算子- 32 -3.2.3 几种边缘检测算子的比较- 33 -3.3 结合特定理论工具的分割技术- 33 -3.3.1 基于人工神经网络的分割技术- 34 -3.3.2 基于小波分析和变换的分割技术- 34 -3.3.3 基于数学形态学的分割技术- 37 -3.4 本章小结- 40 -第四章特征提取- 41 -4.1 纹理特征提取- 41 -4.1.1灰度共

14、生矩阵- 41 -4.1.2 Haralick特征- 43 -4.2 色彩特征提取- 45 -4.2.1颜色直方图- 46 -4.2.2 颜色矩- 47 -4.3 主成分分析- 47 -4.3.1主成分分析的原理- 48 -4.3.2 主成分分析的基本步骤- 49 -4.4 基于主成分分析的算法实现- 50 -4.4.1 基于主成分分析的降维算法- 50 -4.4.2 基于主成分分析的降维结果- 51 -4.5 本章小结- 52 -第五章支持向量机的分类器设计- 54 -5.1分类器简介- 54 -5.2 SVM算法原理- 54 -5.3 核函数的选择- 57 -5.4 基于SVM的识别结果-

15、 57 -5.4.1 基于纹理特征的木材缺陷图像识别- 58 -5.4.2 基于主成分分析法的综合纹理特征和颜色特征的木材缺陷图像识别- 59 -5.4.3 三类木材缺陷识别结果- 60 -5.5 本章小结- 61 -第六章总结与展望- 63 -6.1 总结- 63 -6.2 展望- 63 -参考文献- 65 -第一章 绪论1.1 课题的研究背景和意义1.1.1课题的研究背景我国是一个木材资源非常匮乏的国家,我国现有森林面积1.33亿hm2,森林蓄积101.3m3,仅次于俄罗斯、巴西、加拿大、美国,居世界第五位。按人均占有量计算,我国人均森林面积0.11hm2,只有世界水平的1/6。人均森林蓄积量为8.6m3,仅及世界平均水平的1/8。年人均消费木材只有0.22m3,而世界平均为0.65m3。经过多年的过度砍伐,我国天然林木资源已严重枯竭10。20XX我国的木材需求缺口达到1.09亿m3,据有关专家预测到20XX,我国木材供需缺口达3800万m3,到2015年,我国的木材需求量约为4.8亿m3,到2020年木材总消费量将达到6.78亿m3,供需矛盾日趋紧。目前,我国木材年平均产量为


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