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1、一节初中英语课堂教学的实录、教后自评一、课堂实录及自评Unit 1 What should I do ? ( Section A)Step 1. Pre-task:Free TalkTopic: What will Haikou be like in 10 years ? T: In Unit 1,we have learned to make preditions. Who can tell us ? What will Haikou be like in 10 years ?S1:There will be more trees,more factories,more people and

2、 fewer cars,and people will be richer and healthierT: Whats your opinion ?S2: I think Haikou will be more beautiful , but there will be more cars,more factories and people ,so there will be more pollution.T: Do you agree with her ideas ? S3: Yes, I agree.Because people will be richer , they will buy

3、 more cars.Many tourists will come to Haikou ,the city will be bigger and crowdedSo there will be more pollution.T: OK. Some of you think there will be more pollution in Haikou in 10 years.Do you like pollution ?Ss:No, we dont.T: What should we do ?Can you give me some advice ? (Help students to ans

4、wer )S4: Maybe you should plant more trees and flowers.S5:You shouldnt throw the rubbish on the ground.S6: You could call on people to protect the environment .S7:You shouldnt cut down the trees.S8: (Different students different advice .)【设计意图】利用一个贴近生活的话题,复习旧知识,利用复习,导入话题提建议。把谈论问题和提建议两个目标语言作了分解,降低难度。

5、为导入新课作铺垫。【点评】只有通过师生、生生间大量的语言交流,才能培养学生用英语交际的能力。课堂上的Free Talk是培养学生听说能力的有效方式。通过谈话自然地引入本课的主题 What should I do ? Step 2. while-task:1T: Now, in this unit ,we are going to talk about problems,and learn how to give advice. I have a problem now, I need your help. Do you know what it is? Ss: No, we dont. T:

6、Do you want to know? Please ask me. S9: Whats wrong ?S10: Whats the matter? T: What else ? S11: Whats wrong with you ? S12: Is there anything wrong with you ? T: I want to buy an MP4,but I dont have enough money. What should I do ? S13: You should borrow one. S14: You could find a part-time job. S15

7、: You could ask some money from your parents. (a lot of advice )T: Great ! All of you did good jobs .Thanks for your advice.【设计意图】设置情景,引入谈论的新问题,呈现所需要的语言知识。【点评】此环节旨在通过听老师讲和看画面初步了解新知识。2. Task cycle Task1. 词汇、目标语学习 T: You know in our daily lives or your study. There are many problems. Lets look at thes

8、e pictures. What problems do they have ? What should they do ? (利用CAI分别展示书中四幅图片,介绍本课重点词汇out of style, argue, play, loud, keep out ) T: Look at Picture1. Whats she doing ? Ss: She is looking at the mirror . T: Is she happy ? Ss: No, she isnt . T: Whats wrong with her ? Can you guess? S16 :Maybe she w

9、ants some new clothes. S17: Maybe she thinks her clothes are too old. T: Yes, quite right. She thinks her clothes are not popular or fashionable.They are out of style. T: Whats wrong with her ? (询问个别学困生,以检查他们对新单词的理解和运用。) S18:Her clothes are out of style. T: What should she do ? S19: She should buy s

10、ome new clothes. S20:She shouldnt care,because she is only a student. (students give some advice .) ( 然后用同样的方法介绍 argue, play, loud, keep out 等词)【设计意图】利用所学的目标语言,结合课文真实情景,在讲中练,练中运用,为学生创设词不离句,句不离情景的英语情境。【点评】授课教师对新单词的教学不是仅停留在单词上,而是将单词融入句中,让学生整句理解。针对不同的单词采用不同的检测方法既能检测优秀学生的学习情况,又能帮助学困生再次学习,体现了分层教学的理念;既帮助了

11、学生理解词义和句意,同时又渗透了学习方法。 Task2. 模仿运用 T: Look! Here are some problems.Perhaps some are serious, some are not serious.Whats your opinion ? Please write them in the appropriate box.Then give a report. (利用CAI展示课本1a中的问题。) SeriousNot serious S21-23: I thinkare serious,but are not serious. T: Now listen and c

12、ircle the problems you hear in activity 1a. Then check the answers.【设计意图】通过口语和听力练习活动来训练学生对语言目标的理解。【点评】此环节教师设计的活动,让学生将刚学过的词汇和句型进行模仿运用,既帮助学生掌握了关键词语和信息,为之后是灵活运用作好了准备。 Task3.Lets help each other. T: Probably in your lives,you have different problems .Some are a little serious.Lets help you .OK ? T: Do y

13、ou have any problems ?S24: Yes, I do.T : Whats the matter with you ?S25: Im often late for class .T: Maybe you should get up earlier from now on, and do everything quickly .S26: I think so . Thank you .T: Whats the matter with him ?(老师指着S26问S27)S27: Hes often late for class.T: What should he do ?S27

14、:He should get up earlier from now .T:Now do it like this,and work in group of three.(自由结合三人小组开始合作。)T:Please act it out .(学生热情高,合作效果好。)【设计意图】通过师生对话,为三人小组活动做示范,引导学生用今日所学的目标语言解决生活中的实际问题,提高学生的合作能力。【点评】此环节旨在建立篇章与学生的知识、兴趣和经历之间的联系,进一步帮助学生巩固和运用所学内容,教师结合学生生活中遇到的真实问题,激活了学生的思维,展示了学生的个性,培养了学生运用语言的能力。Task 4. Di

15、scussion T: OK, just now,we talked about your lives,but I know ,in your study,you still have some problems.For example, some of you think English is difficult. But I know all of you want to learn English well. What should you do ? Please work in groups. Try to find some ideas and advice. Maybe its good for your study. Then give a report .See which group has more ideas,


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